The Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Global Market Report 2023

The Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Global Market Report 2023

Nanotechnology is no longer a novel, emerging field. Nanotech-based devices & processes and engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have been incorporated in products across all major markets. Nanomaterials are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives and are already heavily used in products such as sunscreens (titanium dioxide/zinc oxide nanoparticles), sporting goods (carbon nanotubes, graphene etc.), conductive battery additives (carbon nanotubes, graphene etc.), automotive composites (nanotubes, graphene, cellulose nanofibers etc.) and high-definition TVs (quantum dots). There use is only going to increase due to continued industry demand for nanomaterials for current and next generation batteries, biomedical imaging and flexible electronics.

They are also contributing to sustainability challenges as they offer properties that improve an application’s functionality, including corrosion protection, water and moisture protection, friction reduction, antifouling and antibacterial properties, self-cleaning, heat and radiation resistance and thermal management.

Nanomaterials sustainable characteristics include:
Greener alternative to solvent-based materials.
Made entirely from non-toxic materials.
Less energy-intensive and contain no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Support eco-friendly manufacturing.
Low carbon footprint.

Nanotechnology offers disruptive breakthroughs and innovations that can provide solutions to industrial, environmental and societal challenges in markets including energy, electronics, environmental protection, resource management and healthcare. Nanomaterials can be produced with outstanding magnetic, electrical, optical, mechanical, and catalytic properties that are substantially different from their bulk counterparts. These properties can be tuned as desired via precisely controlling the size, shape, synthesis conditions, and appropriate functionalization. At over 1140 pages, The Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Market Report 2023 is an in-depth analysis of the opportunities afforded by these remarkable materials and technologies.

Report contents include:
In-depth analysis of the global market for nanotechnology and engineered nanomaterials based products.
Nanotechnology's role in sustainability and sustainable development.
Comprehensive listings of applications and products.
Analysis of current market for nanotech/nanomaterials-enabled products and forecasts and market outlook to 2033, by metric tons and revenues.
Global demand for nanomaterials globally (e.g. Carbon nanomaterials, quantum dots, metal and metal oxide nanomaterials and other nanomaterials) in terms of volume (MT).
Demand for nanomaterial-based products in globally by market (e.g. electronics, automotive, batteries, consumer goods, medicine, coatings and other relevant markets) in terms of revenues.
Assessment of competitive landscape, commercial prospects, applications, demand by market and region, stage of commercialization, prices and producer profiles.
TRL assessment for Engineered nanomaterials and end user markets.
Analysis of global trends, including historical data from 2010, and projections to 2033.
Exploration of Engineered nanomaterials and nanotech-enabled products market structures and value chains.
Assessment of end user markets for nanotechnology and Engineered nanomaterials including market drivers and trends, applications, market opportunity, market challenges and application and product developer profiles. Markets covered include adhesives, aerospace and aviation, automotive, Energy conversion, storage and generation technologies, sustainable technologies, biomedicine and healthcare, coatings & paints, composites, conductive inks, construction & buildings, cosmetics & sunscreens, electronics, photonics, filtration and environmental remediation, food and agriculture, fuel cells and hydrogen storage, household care and sanitary, lighting, lubricants, marine, oil, gas and mining, packaging, rubber, security and defence, sensors, photovoltaics, batteries, textiles and apparel, 3D printing, catalysts, and thermoelectrics.
Unique assessment tools for the nanomaterials market, end user applications, economic impact, addressable markets and market challenges to provide the complete picture of where the real commercial opportunities in nanotechnology and nanomaterials are. Nanomaterials covered include metal & metal oxide nanoparticles carbon nanomaterials, nanocellulose, nanoclays, dendrimers, quantum dots, other 2D materials.
Main application and product opportunities in nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
Profiles of over 1,500 nanotechnology and engineered nanomaterials producers and product developers. Companies profiled include Actnano, Arkema, Cabot Corporation, Carbice Corp., Carbon Upcycling Technologies, C2CNT LLC, CHASM, CrayoNano AS, Daicel Corporation, Fukuda, GS Alliance Co. Ltd., GS Bavaria GmbH, Elmarco, Evove, Foshan Nanotech, LG Chemical, Nanoco Group, Nanofiber Quantum Technologies, Nanolayr, Nanosys, Nanotech Energy, Nemo Nanomaterials, Nfinite Nanotechnology, OCSiAl, Paragraf, Pixelligent Technologies, Promethean Particles, Radetec Diagnostics, Smart Nanotubes Technologies, SuperBranche and Zeon Corporation.

    • Aims and objectives of the study
    • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Table Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Examples.
    • Market definition
      • Properties of nanomaterials
    • Categorization of engineered nanomaterials
      • Table Categorization of nanomaterials.
    • Production, manufacturing and Demand for engineered nanomaterials
      • Synthesis & production
      • Production volumes
        • Table The Global market for engineered nanomaterials in 2022-consumption, market characteristics and growth prospects.
        • Table Global demand for engineered nanomaterials in metric tons (MT), 2010-2033.
    • Environmental emissions of nanomaterials
      • Emissions and exposures of nanomaterials
        • Table Emissions and exposure studies on nanomaterials.
        • Table Occupational exposure limits associated with nanomaterials.
      • Life cycle assessment
        • Table Life cycle assessment studies on nanomaterials.
      • Nanomaterials for Carbon Capture and Utilization
        • Table Nanomaterials utilized in carbon capture and utilization-advanatages & disadvantages.
        • Table CO2 capture performance of nanomaterials sorbents.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for aluminium oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of aluminium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for aluminium oxide nanoparticles (MT), 2010-2033.
        • Table Aluminium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT)
        • Table Aluminium oxide nanoparticles market consumption 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for aluminium oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for aluminium oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of aluminium oxide nanoparticles from producers & distributors.
      • Producers
        • Table Aluminium oxide nanoparticles producer profiles.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market summary for antimony tin oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of antimony tin oxide nanoparticles
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for antimony tin oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders, in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Antimony tin oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Antimony tin oxide nanoparticles market consumption 2031 (MT).
        • Table Demand for antimony tin oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for antimony tin oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of antimony tin oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Antimony tin oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview bismuth oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of aluminium oxide nanoparticles
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for bismuth oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Bismuth oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Bismuth oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for bismuth oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for bismuth oxide nanoparticles by region 2033(MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of bismuth oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers (10 company profiles)
        • Table Bismuth oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for nanocellulose-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Properties of nanocellulose, by type.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers.
      • Products
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers-based commercial products.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers production capacities and production process, by producer.
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers by market in metric tons, 2018-2033.
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanofiber producers.
      • Producers
        • Table Cellulose nanofiber producers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cerium oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of cerium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for cerium oxide nanoparticles (MT), 2010-2033.
        • Table Cerium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Cerium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of cerium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Cerium oxide nanoparticles and nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cobalt oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of cobalt oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for cobalt oxide nanoparticles (MT), 2010-2033.
        • Table Cobalt oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Cobalt oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of cobalt oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for copper oxide nanoparticles -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of copper oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for copper oxide nanoparticles (MT), 2010-2033.
        • Table Copper oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Copper oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for copper oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for copper oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of copper oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Copper and copper oxide nanoparticles and nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for dendrimers -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Types of dendrimer.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of dendrimers.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for dendrimers in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Dendrimers Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Dendrimers Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for dendrimers by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for dendrimers by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of dendrimers.
      • Producers (12 company profiles)
        • Table Dendrimers producers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for fullerenes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Types of fullerenes and applications.
      • Products
        • Table Products incorporating fullerenes.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of fullerenes.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for fullerenes in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Fullerenes Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Fullerenes Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for fullerenes by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for fullerenes by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of fullerenes.
      • Producers
        • Table Fullerene producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for gold nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of gold nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for gold nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Gold nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Gold nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for gold nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for gold nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Price of gold nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Gold nanoparticle producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Properties of graphene.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of graphene.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Products
        • Table Products incorporating graphene.
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Main graphene producers by country, annual production capacities, types and main markets they sell into 2020.
        • Table Demand for graphene (tons), 2018-2033.
        • Table Demand for graphene by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for graphene by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Graphene types and cost per kg.
      • Producers
        • Table Graphene producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for iron oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of iron oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for iron oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Iron oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Iron oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for iron oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for iron oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of iron oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Iron oxide nanoparticle/nanopowder producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for magnesium oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, market estimates, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of magnesium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for magnesium oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Magnesium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Magnesium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for magnesium oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for magnesium oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of magnesium oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders.
      • Producers (22 company profiles)
        • Table Magnesium oxid nanoparticle/nanopowder producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for manganese oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of manganese oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for manganese oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033, 2010-2033.
        • Table Manganese oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Manganese oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for manganese oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for manganese oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of manganese oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Manganese oxide nanoparticle/nanopowder producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for multi-walled carbon nanotubes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and comparable materials.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT).
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Key MWCNT producers production capacities 2021.
        • Table MWCNT Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table MWCNT Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for MWCNT by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Carbon nanotubes pricing (MWCNTS, SWCNT etc.) by producer.
      • Producers
        • Table Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for nanoclays -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of nanoclays.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for nanoclays in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Nanoclays Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Nanoclays Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanoclays by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanoclays by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of nanoclays.
      • Producers
        • Table Main nanoclays producers and products.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market summary for nanodiamonds-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Properties of nanodiamonds.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of nanodiamonds.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Nanodiamonds Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Nanodiamonds Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanodiamonds by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanodiamonds by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Pricing of nanodiamonds, by producer/distributor.
      • Producers
        • Table Production methods, by main ND producers.
        • Table Nanodiamond producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market summary for nanofibers- Selling grade particle diameter, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Nanofibers types, properties and applications.
        • Table Electrospinning instrument manufacturers.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications of polymer, alumina, carbon and other nanofibers.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanofibers, by market 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanofibers Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Nanofibers Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Nanofibers by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for Nanofibers by region 2033 (MT).
      • Producers
        • Table Nanofibers producers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for nanosilver-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of nanosilver.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for nanosilver in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Nanosilver Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Nanosilver Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanosilver by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nanosilver by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of nanosilver.
      • Producers
        • Table Nanosilver producers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for nickel nanoparticles -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of nickel nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for nickel nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Nickel nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Nickel nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nickel nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for nickel nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of nickel nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Nickel nanoparticle/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for quantum dots -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of quantum dots.
      • Products
        • Table Quantum dot display products.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for quantum dots in metric tons, 2018-2033.
        • Table Quantum dots Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Quantum dots Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for quantum dots by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for quantum dots by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of quantum dots.
      • Producers
        • Table Quantum dot producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for silicon oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of silicon oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global consumption of silicon oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Silicon oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Silicon oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for silicon oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for silicon oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Example prices of silicon oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Silicon oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for single-walled carbon nanotubes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
        • Table Properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes.
        • Table Typical properties of SWCNT and MWCNT.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of single-walled Carbon Nanotubes.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Prices
        • Table SWCNT prices.
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Annual production capacity of the key SWCNT producers,
        • Table Global demand for SWCNTs in metric tons, 2018-2033.
      • Producers
        • Table SWCNT producers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for titanium dioxide nanoparticles -Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for titanium dioxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Titanium dioxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Titanium dioxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for titanium dioxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for titanium dioxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Producers
        • Table Titanium dioxide nanoparticles/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for zinc oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications for zinc oxide nanoparticles.
        • Table Main Zinc oxide nanoparticles-Suppliers, products, primary particle size.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for zinc oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table ZInc oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table ZInc oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for zinc oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for zinc oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Producers
        • Table Zinc oxide nanoparticle/nanopowder producers and suppliers,
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for zirconium oxide nanoparticles-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
      • Properties
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of zirconium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global demand in metric tons, 2010-2033
        • Table Global demand for zirconium oxide nanoparticles in metric tons, 2010-2033.
        • Table Zirconium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2022 (MT).
        • Table Zirconium oxide nanoparticles Demand by market 2033 (MT).
        • Table Demand for zirconium oxide nanoparticles by region 2022 (MT).
        • Table Demand for zirconium oxide nanoparticles by region 2033 (MT).
      • Prices
        • Table Prices of zirconium oxide nanoparticles.
      • Producers
        • Table Zirconium oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders producers and suppliers.
      • Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs)
      • Cellullose nanocrystals
        • Table Synthesis methods for cellulose nanocrystals (CNC).
        • Table CNC sources, size and yield.
        • Table CNC properties.
        • Table Mechanical properties of CNC and other reinforcement materials.
        • Table Applications of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC).
        • Table Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanocrystal producers.
        • Table Cellulose nanocrystal production capacities and production process, by producer.
        • Table Cellulose nanocrystal producers.
      • Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC)
        • Table Applications of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC).
        • Table Bacterial nanocellulose producers.
      • Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs)
        • Table Comparative properties of BNNTs and CNTs.
        • Table Applications of BNNTs.
        • Table BNNT pricing by producer.
        • Table Boron nitride nanotubes producers.
      • Erbium oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders
        • Table Erbium oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders-Properties, applications, prices and producers.
      • Indium oxide nanoparticles
        • Table Indium oxide nanoparticles-Properties, applications, prices and producers.
      • Molybdenum nanoparticles
        • Table Molybdenum nanoparticles-Properties, applications, prices and producers.
      • Perovskite quantum dots
        • Table Comparative properties of conventional QDs and Perovskite QDs.
        • Table Applications of perovskite QDs.
        • Table Development roadmap for perovskite QDs.
        • Table Properties of perovskite QLEDs comparative to OLED and QLED.
      • Graphene quantum dots
        • Table Comparison of graphene QDs and semiconductor QDs.
        • Table Advantages and disadvantages of methods for preparing GQDs.
        • Table Applications of graphene quantum dots.
        • Table Graphene quantum dots companies.
      • Table 2D materials types.
      • Comparative analysis of graphene and other 2D materials
        • Table Comparative analysis of graphene and other 2-D nanomaterials.
      • Production methods
        • Table Comparison of top-down exfoliation methods to produce 2D materials.
      • Bottom-up synthesis
        • Table Comparison of the bottom-up synthesis methods to produce 2D materials.
      • Types of 2D materials
        • Table Properties of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN).
        • Table Electronic and mechanical properties of monolayer phosphorene, graphene and MoS2.
        • Table Properties and applications of functionalized germanene.
        • Table GDY-based anode materials in LIBs and SIBs
        • Table Physical and electronic properties of Stanene.
      • 2D Materials producers and suppliers
        • Table 2D materials producers and suppliers.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in adhesives.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in adhesives.
        • Table Nanomaterials properties relevant to application in adhesives.
        • Table Applications of nanomaterials in adhesives, by market.
        • Table Applications in adhesives, by nanomaterials type.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in adhesives.
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in adhesives, 2018-2033, conservative and optimistic estimates (millions USD) .
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in adhesives.
      • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in aerospace and aviation.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in aerospace and aviation.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in aerospace and aviation.
        • Table Applications in aerospace composites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Types of nanocoatings utilized in aerospace and application.
        • Table Applications in aerospace coatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in aerospace and aviation, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials application and product developers in the aerospace and aviation industry.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in automotive.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in automotive.
        • Table Applications in automotive composites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanocoatings applied in the automotive industry.
        • Table Applications in automotive tires, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in automotive.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in automotive, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in the automotive industry.
      • Medical biosensors
        • Table Market drivers for nanomaterials-based products in medical biosensors.
        • Table Applications in medical biosensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in medical biosensors, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in medical biosensors.
      • Drug formulation and delivery
        • Table Market drivers for nanomaterials-based products in drug formulation and delivery.
        • Table Types of Nanocarriers.
        • Table Applications in drug formulation and delivery, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Types of nanoparticles and products thereof.
        • Table Nanotechnology drug products.
        • Table List of antigens delivered by using different nanocarriers.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in drug delivery, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials productsdevelopers in drug formulation and delivery.
      • Medical imaging and diagnostics
        • Table Market drivers for Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based products in imaging and diagnostics.
        • Table Applications in medical imaging and diagnostics, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in imaging and diagnostics, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in medical imaging and diagnositcs
      • Medical coatings and films
        • Table Market drivers for nanomaterials-based products in medical coatings and films.
        • Table Nanocoatings applied in the medical industry-type of coating, nanomaterials utilized, benefits and applications.
        • Table Nanomaterials utilized in medical coatings and films coatings-benefits and applications.
        • Table Global revenues for nanomaterials in medical coatings, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based products developers in medical coatings and films.
      • Medical implants
        • Table Market drivers for nanomaterials-based products in medical implants.
        • Table Applications in medical implants and devices, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanomaterials in medical implants 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in medical implants and devices.
      • Wound care
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in wound care.
        • Table Applications in wound care, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Medical wound care products.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in wound care, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based products and application developers in wound care.
      • Dental
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based products in dental.
        • Table Applications in dental, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in dental, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers in dental.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers in nanocoatings.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in coatings and paints.
        • Table Properties of nanocoatings.
        • Table End user markets for nanocoatings.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
      • Product developers
        • Table Anti-fingerprint nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-bacterial nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-corrosion nanocoatings coatings.
        • Table Abrasion and wear resistant nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Barrier nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-fogging nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-fouling and easy-to-clean nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Self-cleaning (bionic) nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Self-cleaning (photocatalytic) nanocoatings companies.
        • Table UV-resistant nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Thermal barrier and flame retardant nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-icing and de-icing nanocoatings companies.
        • Table Anti-reflective nanocoatings companies.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in composites.
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in composites.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in polymer composites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in thermal management composites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in ESD and EMI shielding composites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in flame retardants, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in composites.
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in composites, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based application and product developers in composites.
      • Table Comparative properties of conductive inks.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in conductive inks.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in conductive inks.
        • Table Applications in conductive inks by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in conductive inks.
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in conductive inks, 2017-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based application and product developers in conductive inks.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in construction.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in construction, building protection and architectural coatings.
        • Table Applications in insulation and heating, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers in insulation.
        • Table Applications in exterior coatings by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers in exterior coatings.
        • Table Applications in smart windows by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers in smart windows and glass products.
        • Table Applications in VOC mitigation and filtration by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers in VOC mitigation and filtration.
        • Table Applications in concrete and cement by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in self-healing construction materials by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanomaterials-based product developers self-healing construction materials.
        • Table Nanomaterials for asphalt and bitumen.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in construction, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based application and product developers in construction, building protection and architectural coatings.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in cosmetics and personal care.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in cosmetics and personal care, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Cosmetics products incorporating nanomaterials/nanocarriers.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in cosmetics and personal care, 2018- 2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based product developers in the cosmetics and personal care market.
      • Displays and conductive films
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in flexible electronics, conductive films and displays.
        • Table Applications in flexible electronics, flexible conductive films and displays, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanomaterials in flexible electronics, 2018-2033.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in displays, 2018-2033.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based product developers in flexible electronics, flexible conductive films and displays.
      • Transistors, integrated circuit, EMI shielding and other components
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in transistors, integrated circuits EMI shielding and other components.
        • Table Applications in transistors, integrated circuits and other components, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in transistors, integrated circuits and other components, 2018-2033.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in transistors, integrated circuits and other components.
      • Memory devices
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in memory devices.
        • Table Applications in memory devices, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in memory devices, 2018-2033.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in memory devices.
      • Electronics coatings
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in electronics coatings.
        • Table Nanocoatings applied in the consumer electronics industry.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in electronics coatings, 2018-2033.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in electronics coatings.
      • Photonics
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in photonics.
        • Table Applications in photonics, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Graphene properties relevant to application in optical modulators.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in photonics, 2018-2033.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in photonics.
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in batteries.
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in batteries.
        • Table Applications in LIB, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in Li-S batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in sodium-ion batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in lithium-air batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in magesium batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in batteries.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in batteries, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in batteries.
      • FUEL CELLS
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in fuel cells and hydrogen storage.
        • Table Applications in fuel cells, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications hydrogen storage, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in fuel cells, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in fuel cells and hydrogen storage.
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in supercapacitors.
        • Table Applications in supercapacitors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in supercapacitors, 2018-2033, millions USD.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in supercapacitors.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in filtration and environmental remediation.
      • Applications
        • Table Types of filtration.
        • Table Applications in desalination and water filtration, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in airborne filters, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in gas separation, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in filtration, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in filtration and environmental remediation.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in food and agriculture.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in food packaging, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Food packaging products incorporating nanomaterials.
        • Table Applications in food coatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in food additives and supplements, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in agricultural production, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanomaterials in food and agriculture, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers (52 company profiles)
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in food and agriculture.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in household care and sanitary.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in anti-microbial coatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in anti-fingerprint nanocoatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in household care and sanitary, 2018- 2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanomaterials-based application and product developers in household care and sanitary.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in lighting.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in lighting, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in lighting, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in lighting.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in lubricants.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Nanomaterial lubricant products.
        • Table Applications in lubricants, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in lubricants, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in lubricants.
    • MARINE
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the marine market.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Nanocoatings applied in the marine industry-type of coating, nanomaterials utilized and benefits.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the marine sector, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in the marine industry.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in oil, gas and mining.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in sensing and reservoir management, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in oil, gas and mining coatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in oil & gas exploration drilling fluids, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in oil & gas exploration sorbent materials, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in separation, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in oil, gas and mining, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in oil & gas exploration.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in packaging.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Application markets, competing materials, nanomaterials advantages and current market size in packaging.
        • Table Applications in packaging, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in packaging, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in packaging.
    • RUBBER
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in rubber.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Market overview for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in rubber.
        • Table Applications in rubber and elastomers, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in rubber.
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in rubber, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in rubber.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in security and defence.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in military textiles, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in military equipment, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in anti-counterfeiting, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in security and defence sensors and detection, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in ballistic protection, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in security and defence, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in security and defence.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in sensors.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Graphene properties relevant to application in sensors.
        • Table Applications in strain sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in biosensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in food sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in image sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in infrared (IR) sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in optical sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in pressure sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in humidity sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in acoustic sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in wireless sensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in sensors, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in sensors.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in photovoltaics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in photovoltaics, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in solar water splitting, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in solar coatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in photovoltaics, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based products and application developers in photovoltaics.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in textiles and apparel.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Desirable functional properties for the textiles industry afforded by the use of nanomaterials.
        • Table Applications in textiles, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanocoatings applied in the textiles industry-type of coating, nanomaterials utilized, benefits and applications.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in textiles and apparel, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in textiles.
      • Market drivers
        • Table Market drivers for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in tools & manufacturing.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in tools & manufacturing, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in tools and manufacturing, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials-based product developers in tools & manufacturing.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Applications in 3D printing, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
      • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Global revenues to 2033
        • Table Market assessment for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in 3D printing.
        • Table Global revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in 3D printing, 2018-2033, millions USD.
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in 3D printing.
        • Table Applications in catalysts, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in catalysts.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in cabling.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developersin sporting goods.
        • Table Applications in wind energy nanocomposites, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in wind energy nanosensors, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Applications in wind energy nanocoatings, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials-based product developers in wind energy.
        • Table Applications in thermoelectrics, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Nanotechnology and nanomaterials product developers in thermoelectrics.

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