The Global Market for Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) 2023-2033

The Global Market for Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) 2023-2033

The global market of carbon nanotubes is generally segmented by Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT), Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) and others (DWCNT, FWCNT). MWCNTs comprise the biggest share in terms of sales volumes, and production capacities, and MWCNT powders, arrays, sheets, flakes, films and yarns have found applications in consumer electronics, power cables, ESD resins, batteries, polymer composites, coatings, aerospace, sensors, heaters, filters and biomedicine. MWCNTs are mainly used as substitute additives of carbon black in conductive plastics and composites applications and as additives in lithium-ion battery electrodes.

The global MWCNTs market has experienced renewed growth recently, driven by demand for conductive materials for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and other energy storage applications, with many producers greatly increasing production capacities.

Most of the main producers are targeting their materials as conductive additives for the batteries market. Companies such as LG Chem and Cabot Corporation have expansion plans targeting the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery market, with LG planning to increase annual capacity to 6,100 tons by 2024. Cabot Corporation has plans to produce 15,000 metric tons/year of conductive carbon additives (CCA) including conductive carbons, carbon nanotubes (CNT), carbon nanostructures (CNS), and blends of CCAs by 2025. JEIO also recently completed construction of a CNT facility with annual capacity of 1,000 tons per annum (up from 120 tons), which will increase to 6,000 tons by 2023. The company also has plans to produce SWCNTs in 2023.

Report contents include:
Market drivers, trends and recent industry news.
Materials and technology analysis.
MWCNT Production and patent analysis.
MWCNT current pricing.
Analysis of end user markets for MWCNTs including:
Polymer additives and elastomers.
Additive manufacturing.
Conductive inks.
Building & construction.
Fuel cells.
Biomedical & healthcare.
Oil & gas.
Paints & coatings.
Smart apparel & E-textiles.
Thermal interface materials.
Power cables.
Profiles of 139 companies. Companies profiled include Canatu, Cabot Corporation, Dexmat, LG Chem, Mechnano, Nanomatics Pte. Ltd., NanoRial Technologies Ltd., and Toyocolor

1.1 The global market for Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
1.1.1 Applications
1.1.2 Main market players
1.1.3 MWCNT production capacities, current (2023) and planned
1.1.4 Market demand, metric tons (MT)
1.2 Market developments 2022-2023
1.3 Market outlook 2023 and beyond
1.4 Commercial CNT-based products
1.5 Carbon nanotubes market challenges
2.1 Properties
2.2 Comparative properties of CNTs
2.3 Carbon nanotube materials
2.3.1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWCNT) Properties Applications
2.3.2 Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) Properties Applications Comparison between MWCNTs and SWCNTs
2.3.3 Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) Properties Applications
2.3.4 Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs) Properties Synthesis of VACNTs Applications
2.3.5 Few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWNTs) Properties Applications
2.3.6 Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs) Properties Applications
2.3.7 Carbon Onions Properties Applications
2.3.8 Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) Properties Applications
2.4 Intermediate products
2.4.1 CNT yarns
2.4.2 CNT films
3.1 Arc discharge synthesis
3.2 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
3.2.1 Thermal CVD
3.2.2 Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)
3.3 High-pressure carbon monoxide synthesis
3.3.1 High Pressure CO (HiPco)
3.3.2 CoMoCAT
3.4 Flame synthesis
3.5 Laser ablation synthesis
3.6 Vertically aligned nanotubes production
3.7 Silane solution method
3.8 By-products from carbon capture
3.8.1 CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion
3.8.2 Carbon separation technologies Absorption capture Adsorption capture Membranes
3.8.3 Producers
3.9 Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods
6.1.1 Market overview
6.1.2 Applications CNTs in Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries CNTs in Nanomaterials in Sodium-ion batteries CNTs in Nanomaterials in Lithium-air batteries CNTs in Flexible and stretchable batteries
6.1.3 Market opportunity
6.1.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.1.5 Product developers
6.2.1 Market overview
6.2.2 Applications CNTs in Flexible and stretchable supercapacitors
6.2.3 Market opportunity
6.2.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.2.5 Product developers
6.3.1 Market overview
6.3.2 Fiber-based polymer composite parts Market opportunity Applications
6.3.3 Metal-matrix composites
6.3.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.3.5 Product developers
6.4.1 Market overview
6.4.2 Applications
6.4.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.4.4 Product developers
6.5.1 Market overview
6.5.2 Applications
6.5.3 Market opportunity
6.5.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.5.5 Product developers
6.6.1 Market overview
6.6.2 Applications
6.6.3 Market opportunity
6.6.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.6.5 Product developers
6.7.1 WEARABLE & FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS AND DISPLAYS Market overview Market opportunity Applications Global market, historical and forecast to 2033 Product developers
6.7.2 TRANSISTORS AND INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Market overview Applications Market opportunity Global market, historical and forecast to 2033 Product developers
6.7.3 MEMORY DEVICES Market overview Market opportunity Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 Product developers
6.8.1 Market overview
6.8.2 Applications
6.8.3 Market opportunity
6.8.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.8.5 Product developers
6.9.1 Market overview
6.9.2 Applications
6.9.3 Market opportunity
6.9.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.9.5 Product developers
6.10.1 Market overview
6.10.2 Applications
6.10.3 Market opportunity
6.10.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.10.5 Product developers
6.11.1 Market overview
6.11.2 Market opportunity Cement Asphalt bitumen
6.11.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.11.4 Product developers
6.12.1 Market overview
6.12.2 Applications
6.12.3 Market opportunity
6.12.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.12.5 Product developers
6.13.1 Market overview
6.13.2 Applications
6.13.3 Market opportunity
6.13.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.13.5 Product developers
6.14.1 Market overview
6.14.2 Applications
6.14.3 Market opportunity Drug delivery Imaging and diagnostics Implants Medical biosensors Woundcare
6.14.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.14.5 Product developers
6.15.1 Market overview
6.15.2 Applications
6.15.3 Market opportunity
6.15.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.15.5 Product developers
6.16.1 Market overview
6.16.2 Applications
6.16.3 Market opportunity
6.16.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.16.5 Product developers
6.17.1 Market overview
6.17.2 Applications
6.17.3 Market opportunity Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.17.4 Product developers
6.18.1 Market overview
6.18.2 Market opportunity
6.18.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.18.4 Product developers
6.19.1 Market overview
6.19.2 Applications
6.19.3 Market opportunity
6.19.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.19.5 Product developers
6.20.1 Market overview
6.20.2 Applications
6.20.3 Market opportunity
6.20.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033
6.20.5 Product developers
6.21.1 Market overview
6.21.2 Applications MWCNTs SWCNTS Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs) Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs)
6.22.1 Market overview
7 COMPANY PROFILES 246 (139 company profiles)
List of Tables
Table 1. Market summary for carbon nanotubes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications.
Table 2. Applications of MWCNTs.
Table 3. Annual production capacity of the key MWCNT producers in 2023 (MT).
Table 4. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes market developments and news 2022-2023.
Table 5. Carbon nanotubes market challenges.
Table 6. Typical properties of SWCNT and MWCNT.
Table 7. Properties of carbon nanotubes.
Table 8. Properties of CNTs and comparable materials.
Table 9. Markets, benefits and applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.
Table 10. Comparison between single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-walled carbon nanotubes.
Table 11. Comparative properties of BNNTs and CNTs.
Table 12. Applications of BNNTs.
Table 13. Comparison of well-established approaches for CNT synthesis.
Table 14. SWCNT synthesis methods.
Table 15. CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages.
Table 16. Main capture processes and their separation technologies.
Table 17. Absorption methods for CO2 capture overview.
Table 18. Commercially available physical solvents used in CO2 absorption.
Table 19. Adsorption methods for CO2 capture overview.
Table 20. Membrane-based methods for CO2 capture overview.
Table 21. Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods
Table 22. Example MWCNTs and BNNTs pricing, by producer.
Table 23. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in batteries.
Table 24. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in batteries.
Table 25. Applications of carbon nanotubes in batteries.
Table 26. Applications in sodium-ion batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof.
Table 27. Market scorecard for carbon nanotubes in batteries.
Table 28. Estimated demand for carbon nanotubes in batteries (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 29. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for batteries.
Table 30. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors.
Table 31. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors.
Table 32. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors.
Table 33. Demand for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 34. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for supercapacitors.
Table 35. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives & elastomers.
Table 36. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based composite additives.
Table 37. Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based polymer composite additives.
Table 38. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composite additives.
Table 39. Global market for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers 2018-2033, tons.
Table 40. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers.
Table 41. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing.
Table 42. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing.
Table 43. Demand for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 44. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing.
Table 45. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in adhesives.
Table 46. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in adhesives.
Table 47. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in adhesives.
Table 48. Demand for carbon nanotubes in adhesives (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 49. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for adhesives.
Table 50. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in aerospace.
Table 51. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in aerospace.
Table 52. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in aerospace.
Table 53. Demand for carbon nanotubes in aerospace (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 54. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for aerospace.
Table 55. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in wearable & flexible electronics and displays.
Table 56. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays.
Table 57. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays.
Table 58. Comparison of ITO replacements.
Table 59. Demand for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays, 2018-2033.
Table 60. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for electronics.
Table 61. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
Table 62. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
Table 63. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
Table 64. Demand for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2033.
Table 65. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
Table 66. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in memory devices.
Table 67. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in memory devices.
Table 68. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in memory devices.
Table 69. Demand for carbon nanotubes in memory devices, 2018-2033.
Table 70. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for memory devices.
Table 71. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires.
Table 72. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires.
Table 73. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires.
Table 74. Demand for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 75. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires.
Table 76. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in automotive.
Table 77. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in automotive.
Table 78. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in automotive.
Table 79. Demand for carbon nanotubes in automotive (tons), 2018-2033
Table 80. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in the automotive market.
Table 81. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks.
Table 82. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks.
Table 83. Comparative properties of conductive inks.
Table 84. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks.
Table 85. Demand for carbon nanotubes in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2027.
Table 86. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for conductive inks.
Table 87. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in buildings and construction.
Table 88. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in buildings in construction.
Table 89. Carbon nanotubes for cement.
Table 90. Carbon nanotubes for asphalt bitumen.
Table 91. Demand for carbon nanotubes in construction (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 92. Carbon nanotubes product developers in buildings and construction.
Table 93. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in filtration.
Table 94. Comparison of CNT membranes with other membrane technologies
Table 95. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in filtration.
Table 96. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in filtration.
Table 97. Demand for carbon nanotubes in filtration (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 98. Carbon nanotubes companies in filtration.
Table 99. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells.
Table 100. Electrical conductivity of different catalyst supports compared to carbon nanotubes.
Table 101. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells.
Table 102. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells.
Table 103. Demand for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 104. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for fuel cells.
Table 105. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine.
Table 106. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine.
Table 107. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in drug delivery.
Table 108. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in imaging and diagnostics.
Table 109. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical implants.
Table 110. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical biosensors.
Table 111. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in woundcare.
Table 112. Demand for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medical (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 113. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for life sciences and biomedicine.
Table 114. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in lubricants.
Table 115. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in lubricants.
Table 116. Nanomaterial lubricant products.
Table 117. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in lubricants.
Table 118. Demand for carbon nanotubes in lubricants (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 119. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for lubricants.
Table 120. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas.
Table 121. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas.
Table 122. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas.
Table 123. Demand for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 124. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for oil and gas.
Table 125. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings.
Table 126. Markets for carbon nanotube coatings.
Table 127. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings.
Table 128. Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings.
Table 129. Demand for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 130. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for paints and coatings.
Table 131. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics.
Table 132. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics.
Table 133. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics.
Table 134. Demand for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 135. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for solar.
Table 136. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in sensors.
Table 137. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in sensors.
Table 138. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in sensors.
Table 139. Demand for carbon nanotubes in sensors (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 140. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for sensors.
Table 141. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles.
Table 142. Desirable functional properties for the textiles industry afforded by the use of nanomaterials.
Table 143. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles.
Table 144. Applications of carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles.
Table 145. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in smart textiles and apparel.
Table 146. Demand for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. (tons), 2018-2033.
Table 147. Carbon nanotubes product developers in smart and electronic textiles.
Table 148. Thermal conductivities (κ) of common metallic, carbon, and ceramic fillers employed in TIMs.
Table 149. Thermal conductivity of CNT-based polymer composites.
Table 150. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in thermal interface materials.
Table 151. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in power cables.
Table 152. Properties of carbon nanotube paper.
List of Figures
Figure 1. Demand for MWCNT by application in 2022.
Figure 2. Market demand for carbon nanotubes by market, 2018-2033 (metric tons).
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT).
Figure 4. Schematic of single-walled carbon nanotube.
Figure 5. TIM sheet developed by Zeon Corporation.
Figure 6. Double-walled carbon nanotube bundle cross-section micrograph and model.
Figure 7. Schematic of a vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) membrane used for water treatment.
Figure 8. TEM image of FWNTs.
Figure 9. Schematic representation of carbon nanohorns.
Figure 10. TEM image of carbon onion.
Figure 11. Schematic of Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs). Alternating B and N atoms are shown in blue and red.
Figure 12. Process flow chart from CNT thin film formation to device fabrication for solution and dry processes.
Figure 13. Schematic representation of methods used for carbon nanotube synthesis (a) Arc discharge (b) Chemical vapor deposition (c) Laser ablation (d) hydrocarbon flames.
Figure 14. Arc discharge process for CNTs.
Figure 15. Schematic of thermal-CVD method.
Figure 16. Schematic of plasma-CVD method.
Figure 17. CoMoCAT® process.
Figure 18. Schematic for flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes (a) premixed flame (b) counter-flow diffusion flame (c) co-flow diffusion flame (d) inverse diffusion flame.
Figure 19. Schematic of laser ablation synthesis.
Figure 20. Electrochemical CO₂ reduction products.
Figure 21. Amine-based absorption technology.
Figure 22. Pressure swing absorption technology.
Figure 23. Membrane separation technology.
Figure 24. MWCNT patents filed 2007-2023.
Figure 25. Electrochemical performance of nanomaterials in LIBs.
Figure 26. Theoretical energy densities of different rechargeable batteries.
Figure 27. Printed 1.5V battery.
Figure 28. Materials and design structures in flexible lithium ion batteries.
Figure 29. LiBEST flexible battery.
Figure 30. Schematic of the structure of stretchable LIBs.
Figure 31. Carbon nanotubes incorporated into flexible, rechargeable yarn batteries.
Figure 32. Demand for carbon nanomaterials in batteries (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 33. (A) Schematic overview of a flexible supercapacitor as compared to conventional supercapacitor.
Figure 34. Demand for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 35. Nawa's ultracapacitors.
Figure 36. Demand for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 37. CSCNT Reinforced Prepreg.
Figure 38. Parts 3D printed from Mechnano’s CNT ESD resin.
Figure 39. Demand for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 40. Demand for carbon nanotubes in adhesives (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 41. Carbon nanotube Composite Overwrap Pressure Vessel (COPV).
Figure 42. Demand for carbon nanotubes in aerospace (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 43. HeatCoat technology schematic.
Figure 44. Veelo carbon fiber nanotube sheet.
Figure 45. Demand for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays, 2018-2033.
Figure 46. Demand for carbon nanomaterials in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2033.
Figure 47. Thin film transistor incorporating CNTs.
Figure 48. Demand for carbon nanotubes in memory devices, 2018-2033.
Figure 49. Carbon nanotubes NRAM chip.
Figure 50. Strategic Elements’ transparent glass demonstrator.
Figure 51. Demand for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 52. Demand for carbon nanotubes in automotive (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 53. Schematic of CNTs as heat-dissipation sheets.
Figure 54. Demand for carbon nanotubes in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 55. Nanotube inks
Figure 56. Comparison of nanofillers with supplementary cementitious materials and aggregates in concrete.
Figure 57. Demand for carbon nanotubes in construction (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 58. Demand for carbon nanotubes in filtration (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 59. Demand for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 60. Demand for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medical (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 61. CARESTREAM DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System.
Figure 62. Demand for carbon nanotubes in lubricants (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 63. Demand for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 64. Demand for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 65. CSCNT Reinforced Prepreg.
Figure 66. Demand for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 67. Suntech/TCNT nanotube frame module
Figure 68. Demand for carbon nanotubes in sensors (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 69. Demand for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles (tons), 2018-2033.
Figure 70. (L-R) Surface of a commercial heatsink surface at progressively higher magnifications, showing tool marks that create a rough surface and a need for a thermal interface material.
Figure 71. Schematic of thermal interface materials used in a flip chip package.
Figure 72. AWN Nanotech water harvesting prototype.
Figure 73. Large transparent heater for LiDAR.
Figure 74. Carbonics, Inc.’s carbon nanotube technology.
Figure 75. Fuji carbon nanotube products.
Figure 76. Cup Stacked Type Carbon Nano Tubes schematic.
Figure 77. CSCNT composite dispersion.
Figure 78. Flexible CNT CMOS integrated circuits with sub-10 nanoseconds stage delays.
Figure 79. Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co. Ltd CNT product.
Figure 80. Li-S Energy 20-layer battery cell utilising semi-solid state lithium sulfur battery technology.
Figure 81. Test specimens fabricated using MECHnano’s radiation curable resins modified with carbon nanotubes.
Figure 82. NAWACap.
Figure 83. Hybrid battery powered electrical motorbike concept.
Figure 84. NAWAStitch integrated into carbon fiber composite.
Figure 85. Schematic illustration of three-chamber system for SWCNH production.
Figure 86. TEM images of carbon nanobrush.
Figure 87. CNT film.
Figure 88. Shinko Carbon Nanotube TIM product.
Figure 89. VB Series of TIMS from Zeon.
Figure 90. Vertically aligned CNTs on foil, double-sided coating.

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