The Global Market for Graphene 2024-2035

The Global Market for Graphene 2024-2035

Future Markets produced the first graphene market report in 2009 and has been at the forefront of market information covering the topic since. The Global Market for Graphene 2024-2035 is the latest edition, a comprehensive report that explores the evolving landscape of graphene materials, technologies, and applications. This in-depth analysis covers key sectors such as batteries, supercapacitors, polymer additives, sensors, conductive inks, transparent conductive films, transistors, filtration membranes, and more, providing insights into market trends, growth drivers, competitive landscapes, and future outlooks.

The report offers a detailed overview of graphene production methods, types of graphene materials, and their unique properties, highlighting the importance of this revolutionary nanomaterial in various industries. It covers the commercialization of graphene, including recent market developments, funding and investments, and profiles of publicly listed graphene companies. With market revenue and demand projections spanning from 2024 to 2035, the report segments the global graphene market by material type, end-user market, and region.

Key topics covered include:
 Types of graphene materials, including CVD graphene, graphene nanoplatelets, graphene oxide, and graphene quantum dots
 Graphene production methods, regulations, and pricing analysis
 Patent landscape and publication trends
 Comprehensive analysis of graphene applications in energy storage, composites, electronics, sensors, and more
 Market drivers, challenges, and opportunities for each application segment
 Regional market insights for Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe

The report also explores emerging opportunities for graphene in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, healthcare, and textiles. It analyzes the supply chain, industrial collaborations, and the competitive landscape, providing a holistic view of the graphene market.

Report contents include:
 Advanced carbon materials market analysis
 Graphene market developments 2020-2024
 Graphene funding and investments 2020-2024
 Global market in tons and revenues
 Graphene products
 Key market players and competitive landscape
 Industrial collaborations and licence agreements
 Supply chain
 Graphene market challenges
 Future outlook
 Risks and opportunities
 Overview of Graphene
 Regulations
 Patents and Publications
 Production and Pricing
 Commercial production capacities
 Graphene production issues and challenges
 Graphene pricing and cost analysis
 Key graphene market players, by graphene type
 Markets for Graphene including Batteries, Supercapacitors, Polymer additives, Sensors, Conductive inks, Transparent conductive films and displays, Transistors and integrated circuits, Filtration membranes, Thermal management, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, Adhesives, Aerospace, Automotive, Construction and buildings, Memory devices, Fuel cells, Biomedicine and healthcare, Lighting, Lubricants, Oil and gas, Paints and coatings, Photonics, Photovoltaics, Rubber and tyres, Textiles and apparel, Other markets.

 Graphene Company Profiles. The report features profiles of over 375 companies at the forefront of graphene innovation, offering valuable insights into their technologies, products, and strategic initiatives. Companies profiled include Advanced Material Development (AMD), Alterbiota, Archer Materials, Avadain, BeDimensional, Black Swan Graphene, Directa Plus, Evercloak, First Graphene, General Graphene, Gerdau Graphene, GIT Coatings, Graphenea, Graphene Star, Graphene Trace, Granode Materials, GRAFTA Nanotech, Haydale, Hydrograph, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, Levidian, Lyten, NanoXplore, Paragraf, Premier Graphene, Rimere, Solidion Technology, Sparc Technologies, Tenutec, Turquoise Group and Universal Matter (Full list of companies in the table of contents).
 Graphene Ex-Producers and Product Developers
 Other 2-D Materials
 Comparative analysis of graphene and other 2D materials
 2D materials production methods
 Types of 2D materials
 2D materials producer and supplier profiles

    • Advanced carbon materials
      • Types
        • Table Types of advanced carbon materials, properties and applications.
    • Graphene and other 2D materials
    • Commercialization
    • The graphene market in 2023
    • Graphene market developments 2020-2024
      • Table Graphene market developments 2020-2024.
    • Graphene funding and investments 2020-2024
      • Table Graphene funding and investments 2020-2024.
    • Publicly listed graphene companies
      • Table Publicly listed graphene companies.
    • Global market in tons and revenues
      • Global demand by graphene material (tons)
        • Table Global graphene demand by type of graphene material, 2018-2035 (tons).
      • Global demand by end user market
        • Table Global graphene demand by market, 2018-2035 (tons).
      • Graphene market, by region
        • Table Global graphene demand, by region, 2018-2035 (tons).
        • Table Main graphene producers in North America.
        • Table Main graphene producers in Europe.
    • Graphene products
      • Table Commercial products incorporating graphene.
    • Key market players and competitive landscape
    • Industrial collaborations and licence agreements
      • Table Graphene industrial collaborations, licence agreements and target markets.
    • Supply chain
    • Graphene market challenges
      • Table Graphene market challenges.
    • Future outlook
    • Risks and opportunities
    • History
    • Properties
      • Table Properties of graphene, properties of competing materials, applications thereof.
    • Types of graphene
      • Graphene materials
        • Table Applications of GO and rGO.
        • Table Comparison of graphene QDs and semiconductor QDs.
        • Table Advantages and disadvantages of methods for preparing GQDs.
        • Table Applications of graphene quantum dots.
        • Table Markets and applications for graphene quantum dots in electronics and photonics.
        • Table Markets and applications for graphene quantum dots in energy storage and conversion.
        • Table Markets and applications for graphene quantum dots in sensors.
        • Table Markets and applications for graphene quantum dots in biomedicine and life sciences.
        • Table Markets and applications for graphene quantum dots in electronics.
        • Table Market and technology challenges for graphene quantum dots.
        • Table Prices for graphene quantum dots.
      • Intermediate products
    • Graphene production
      • Quality
      • Graphene production methods
        • Table Assessment of graphene production methods.
      • Expanded graphite
      • Reduced graphene oxide
        • Table Methods for reducing graphene oxide.
      • Direct liquid phase exfoliation process
      • Electrochemical exfoliation
      • Plasma exfoliation
      • Chemical Vapour Deposited (CVD) Graphene
    • Regulations
      • Environmental, health and safety regulation
        • Table Regulations and rulings related to graphene in Europe.
        • Table Regulations and rulings related to graphene in North America.
        • Table Regulations and rulings related to graphene in Asia-Pacific.
      • Workplace exposure
    • Table Accumulated number of patent publications for graphene, 2004-2022.
    • Commercial production capacities
      • Table Main graphene producers by country, annual production capacities, types and main markets they sell into 2023.
    • Graphene production issues and challenges
      • Oversupply
      • Quality
      • Large-volume markets
      • Commoditisation
      • Industrial end-user perspective
    • Graphene pricing and cost analysis
      • Table Types of graphene and typical prices.
      • Pristine graphene flakes pricing/CVD graphene
        • Table Pristine graphene flakes pricing by producer.
      • Few-Layer graphene pricing
        • Table Few-layer graphene pricing by producer.
      • Graphene nanoplatelets pricing
        • Table Graphene nanoplatelets pricing by producer.
      • Graphene oxide (GO) and reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) pricing
        • Table Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide pricing, by producer.
      • Multi-Layer graphene (MLG) pricing
        • Table Multi-layer graphene pricing by producer.
      • Graphene ink
        • Table Graphene ink pricing by producer.
    • Key graphene market players, by graphene type
      • Table Graphene producers and types produced.
      • Table Graphene producers target market matrix.
      • Table Graphene product developers target market matrix.
      • Table Applications of nanomaterials in batteries.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in batteries.
        • Table Market drivers for use of graphene in batteries.
        • Table Applications of nanomaterials in flexible and stretchable batteries, by materials type and benefits thereof.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in batteries.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in batteries, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in batteries (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Markets players in graphene batteries.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overviewfor graphene in supercapacitors.
        • Table Comparative properties of graphene supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in supercapacitors.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in supercapacitors, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Demand for graphene in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene supercapacitors.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in polymer additives.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene fiber-based polymer additives.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene metal matrix composites.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in polymer additives, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global market demand for graphene in polymer additives, 2018-2035, tons.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene polymer additives.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in sensors.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in sensors.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in sensors, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in sensors (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene sensors.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in conductive inks.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in conductive inks.
        • Table Comparative properties of conductive inks.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in conductive inks, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Product developers in graphene conductive inks.
      • Market outlook
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in transparent conductive films.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in transparent conductive films.
        • Table Comparison of ITO replacements.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in transparent conductive films and displays, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in transparent conductive films and displays (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene transparent conductive films.
      • Table Comparative properties of silicon and graphene transistors.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in transistors.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene transistors.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in transistors and integrated circuits (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene transistors and integrated circuits.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in filtration membranes.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in filtration membranes.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in filtration membranes, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in filtration membranes (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in filtration.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for thermal management.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in thermal management, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in thermal management (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene thermal management.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in additive manufacturing.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in additive manufacturing.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in additive manufacturing, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in additive manufacturing (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in additive manufacturing.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in adhesives.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in adhesives.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in adhesives, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in adhesives (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene adhesives.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market assessment for graphene in aerospace.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in aerospace.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in aerospace, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in aerospace (tons), 2018-2030.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene for aerospace.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in automotive.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in automotive.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in automotive, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in automotive (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in the graphene automotive market.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in construction.
        • Table Applications of graphene in construction and buildings.
        • Table Graphene for concrete and cement.
        • Table Graphene for asphalt bitumen.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in construction & buildings, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in construction (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene in construction.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in memory devices.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in memory devices.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in memory devices, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in memory devices, 2018-2035 (tons).
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene memory devices.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in fuel cells.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in fuel cells.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in fuel cells, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene fuel cells.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in biomedicine and healthcare.
        • Table Market overview for graphene in drug delivery.
        • Table Market overview for graphene in imaging and diagnostics.
        • Table Market overview for graphene in medical implants.
        • Table Market overview for graphene in medical biosensors.
        • Table Market overview for graphene in woundcare.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in biomedicine & healthcare, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in biomedicine and healthcare (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene in biomedicine and healthcare.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in lighting.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in lighting.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in lighting, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in lighting, 2018-2035 (tons).
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene lighting.
      • Table Nanomaterial lubricant products.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in lubricants.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in lubricants.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in lubricants, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in lubricants (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene lubricants.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in oil and gas.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in oil and gas.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in oil and gas, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene oil and gas.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in paints and coatings.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in paints and coatings.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in paints & coatings, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene paints and coatings.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in photonics.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in photonics.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in photonics, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Demand for graphene in photonics, 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in graphene photonics.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for graphene in photovoltaics.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in photovoltaics.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in photovoltaics, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Marker players in graphene solar.
      • Market overview
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in rubber and tyres.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in rubber and tyres.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in rubber & tyres, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in rubber and tyres (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in rubber and tyres.
      • Market outlook
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in smart textiles and apparel.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in smart textiles and apparel.
        • Table Global revenues for graphene in textiles & apparel, 2018-2035 (Millions USD).
        • Table Global demand for graphene in textiles & apparel (tons), 2018-2035.
      • Market players
        • Table Market players in smart textiles and apparel.
      • Audio equipment
        • Table Graphene audio equipment producers and products.
      • Sporting goods and apparel
        • Table Graphene sporting goods producers and products.
      • Carbon capture and utilization
        • Table Methods of CO2 transport.
        • Table Carbon capture, transport, and storage cost per unit of CO2
        • Table Estimated capital costs for commercial-scale carbon capture.
        • Table Point source examples.
        • Table Assessment of carbon capture materials
        • Table Chemical solvents used in post-combustion.
        • Table Commercially available physical solvents for pre-combustion carbon capture.
        • Table Carbon utilization revenue forecast by product (US$).
        • Table CO2 utilization and removal pathways.
        • Table Market challenges for CO2 utilization.
        • Table Example CO2 utilization pathways.
    • 2D Carbon Graphene Material Co., Ltd.
    • 2D fab AB
    • 2D Fluidics Pty Ltd
    • 2-DTech Limited
    • 2D Materials Pte. Ltd. (2DM)
    • Adeka Corporation
    • Advanced Graphene Products z o.o.
    • Advanced Material Development (AMD)
    • AEH Innovative Hydrogel Limited (AEH)
    • Aerogel Core Ltd
    • Agar Scientific
    • AIKA Innovative Technology Co., Ltd.
    • AirMembrane Corporation
    • Akkolab
    • AlterBiota
    • AMO GmbH
    • Amalyst
    • Anaphite Limited
    • Appear, Inc.
    • Applied Nanolayers BV
    • Applied Nanotech, Inc.
    • ApplyNanosolutions S.L.
    • AR Brown Co. Ltd
    • Archer Materials Ltd.
    • Arvia Technology
    • Asbury Carbons
    • Atomic Mechanics Ltd.
    • Atrago
    • Australian Advanced Materials
    • Avadain Inc.
    • AVANSA Technology & Services
    • Avanzare Innovacion Tecnologica S.L.
    • AVIC BIAM New Materials Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.
    • Aztrong, Inc.
    • Baotailong New Materials Co., Ltd.
    • BASF AG
    • Bass Metals Limited
    • Bee Energy
    • Bee Graphene
    • Bedimensional S.p.A
    • Beijing Carbon Century Technology Co., Ltd.
    • BestGraphene
    • BGT Materials Ltd.
    • BioGraph Solutions
    • Biographene, Inc.
    • Bio Graphene Solutions, Inc.
    • BioGraph Sense Inc.
    • Biolin Scientific AB
    • BioMed X GmbH
    • Blackleaf SAS
    • Black Semiconductor GmbH
    • Black Swan Graphene
    • Boomatech
    • Bright Day Graphene AB
    • Brain Scientific
    • Breton spa
    • BTR New Energy Materials, Inc.
    • C's Techno, Inc.
    • C2CNT LLC/Capital Power
    • Cabot Corporation
    • California Lithium Battery
    • Cambridge Graphene Ltd.
    • CamGraphIC Ltd.
    • Cambridge Raman Imaging Limited
    • Carborundum Universal Ltd (CUMI)
    • Carbon-2D Graphene, Inc.
    • Carbon Gates Technologies LLC
    • Carbon Nano-Material Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Carbon Research and Development Company (CRDC)
    • Carbon Upcycling Technologies
    • CarbonUP
    • Carbon Rivers, Inc,
    • Carbon Waters
    • Cealtech AS
    • CellsX
    • Ceylon Graphene Technologies Pvt Ltd
    • Charm Graphene Co., Ltd.
    • China Carbon Graphite Group, Inc.
    • China Telecommunications Corporation
    • Chongqing Moxi Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
    • CVD Equipment Corporation
    • Colloids Ltd.
    • Comet Resources Ltd.
    • COnovate
    • Concrene Limited
    • CrayoNano AS
    • CRRC Corporation
    • Danubia NanoTech s.r.o.
    • Das-Nano
    • Deyang Carbonene Technology
    • Directa Plus plc
    • DJ Nanotech, Inc.
    • Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd
    • Dotz Nano Ltd.
    • Dreamfly Innovations
    • Dycotec Materials Ltd.
    • DZP Technologies
    • Earthdas
    • Earthasia International Holdings Ltd
    • Elcora Advanced Materials Corp.
    • Emberion Oy
    • ENano Tec Co., Ltd.
    • EnyGy
    • Evercloak, Inc.
    • Evove
    • Fangda Carbon New Material Co., Ltd.
    • FGV Cambridge Nanosystems
    • First Graphene Ltd.
    • FlexeGRAPH
    • Flextrapower
    • Fujian Huafeng Industry Co., Ltd.
    • Fujitsu Laboratories
    • Fuyang Sineva Material Technology Co., Ltd.
    • G6 Materials Corp.
    • Garmor, Inc.
    • General Graphene
    • Gerdau Graphene
    • Glaren
    • Global Graphene Group
    • Gnanomat S.L.
    • GoLeafe
    • Golden Formula
    • Goodheat (NDT Engineering & Aerospace Co., Ltd.)
    • GQenergy srl
    • Grafentek
    • Grafine Ltd.
    • GRAFTA Nanotech
    • Grafren AB
    • GrafTech International
    • Grafoid, Inc.
    • Grahope New Materials Technologies Inc.
    • Granode Materials
    • GraphAudio
    • Graphenaton Technologies SA
    • GrapheneCR
    • Graphenano s.l.
    • Graphene-XT S.r.l.
    • Grapheal
    • Graphenall Co., Ltd.
    • Graphenix Development Inc. (GDI)
    • Graphene Batteries AS
    • Graphene Composites Limited
    • GrapheneDx
    • Graphene Enabled Systems Ltd
    • Graphene Industries Ltd.
    • Graphene Layers
    • Graphene Leaders Canada (GLC) Inc.
    • Graphene Lighting PLC
    • Graphene Manufacturing Group Pty Ltd
    • Graphene Master NL
    • Graphene NanoChem Plc
    • Graphene One LLC
    • Graphene Platform Corp
    • Graphene Production
    • Graphene Star Ltd
    • Graphene Square
    • Graphene Trace
    • GrapheneUP
    • Graphenetech S.L.
    • Graphenea Nanomaterials
    • Graphensic AB
    • Graphitene
    • Graphjet Technology Sdn. Bhd.
    • GraphWear Technologies
    • Graphite Innovation and Technologies Inc.
    • GraphenicaLab S.L.
    • Graphenglass
    • Graphenemex
    • GrapheneX Pty Ltd.
    • Graphex Group Ltd
    • Graphmatech AB
    • Gratomic, Inc.
    • Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd.
    • Grenoble Green Graphenofluid
    • GRIP Molecular Technologies
    • Grolltex, Inc.
    • Grupo Antolin Ingenieria S.A.
    • Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. Ltd.
    • Haike Group
    • Hangzhou Cable Co., Ltd.
    • Hangzhou Gaoxi Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Haydale Graphene Industries Plc
    • Hefeikaier Nanometer Energy & Technology Co., Ltd.
    • HQ Graphene
    • Heraeus
    • Hexalayer LLC
    • HexagonFab
    • Hexorp
    • Highbery New Nano Materials Technology
    • HRL Laboratories, LLC
    • H Quest Vanguard
    • Hub Nanotech
    • Huvis
    • Hybrid Kinetic Group
    • HydroGraph Clean Power
    • Hygraner S.r.l.
    • Iceni Labs
    • Imagine Intelligent Materials Pty Ltd
    • Imerys Graphite & Carbon
    • INBRAIN Neuroelectronics
    • Incubation Alliance, Inc.
    • Integrated Graphene Ltd.
    • Infinoil
    • Ionic Industries Ltd.
    • JCNANo Tech Co., Ltd.
    • Jiangsu Yueda New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Jinan Moxi New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Jikantechno Corporation
    • JMC
    • KB Element
    • KNV’S Inc.
    • KoreaGraph
    • KRI, Inc.
    • Kukil Graphene Co., Ltd.
    • LayerOne (Abalonyx AS)
    • LeaderNano Tech LLC
    • Leading Edge Materials Corp.
    • Levidian Nanosystems
    • LIGC Application Ltd.
    • Log 9 Materials
    • Lyten, Inc.
    • Mag7 Technologies LLC
    • MC10, Inc.
    • MCK Tech Co., Ltd.
    • Meijo Nano Carbon Co., Ltd.
    • Merck
    • Metalysis Limited
    • MExplorer Co., Ltd
    • MICC TEC Co., Ltd.
    • Micro-Composite, Inc.
    • Micro Powders, Inc.
    • Millennial Scientific, Inc.
    • Mingshuo (Beijing) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
    • MITO Material Solutions
    • Morion NanoTech
    • Morrow Batteries
    • mPhase Technologies
    • Nanjing JCNano Co., Ltd.
    • Nanjing SCF Nanotech, Ltd.
    • Nanesa S.r.l.
    • Nano4
    • NanoAffix Science LLC
    • Nanocarbon Sp. z o.o.
    • nanoEMI Sp. z o.o.
    • NanoGraf Corporation
    • Nanografi Nanotechnology
    • Nano Graphene, Inc.
    • Nanoinnova Technologies SL
    • Nanoloom Limited
    • Nanomatrix Materials (NM Materials)
    • Nanopinturas
    • NanoPlexus Ltd
    • Nanoquimia S.L.
    • Nanotech Energy Inc.
    • NanoXplore, Inc.
    • Nawa Techonologies
    • NEC Corporation
    • NematiQ
    • NeoGraf Solutions, LLC
    • Newtec Engineering A/S
    • Ningbo Morsh Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.
    • NiSiNa materials Co. Ltd.
    • Nitronix
    • Nordische Technologies
    • NORgraphene Technologies Ltd.
    • Nova Graphene,Inc.
    • Novusterra, Inc.
    • Ntherma Corporation
    • Orbex
    • Oros Apparel
    • Osaka Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd.
    • Ossila Limited
    • Paragraf Ltd.
    • Paragraf USA (Cardea Bio, Inc.)
    • Payper Technologies
    • Perpetuus Advanced Materials Plc
    • Planartech LLC
    • Plenesys
    • PolyJoule
    • Premier Graphene, Inc.
    • Promethient, Inc
    • Provexa Technology AB
    • Pure Hydrogen Corporation Limited
    • Qingdao DT Nanotechnology Co., Ltd.
    • Quantag Nanotechnologies
    • Qurv Technologies S.L.
    • QV Bioelectronics
    • Raymor NanoIntegris
    • Radiant Panel Technologies
    • Real Graphene USA LLC
    • Resilient Energi
    • Ressinea
    • Rimere
    • Ritedia Corp.
    • Rusgraphene
    • Saint Jean Carbon, Inc.
    • SaltX Technology AB
    • Sangbo Corporation
    • Senergy Innovations Ltd
    • SensFit Technologies
    • Shanghai Simbatt Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Shenzhen Danbond Technology Co Ltd
    • S Graphene Co., Ltd.
    • SHT Smart High Tech AB
    • Sigma-Aldrich Corporation
    • Signet Graphene Technologies, Inc.
    • Sixonia Tech GmbH
    • The Sixth Element (Changzhou) Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Skeleton Technologies OÜ
    • SmartIR Ltd.
    • Soft Carbon Electronics
    • Solerial Matusions AB
    • Solidion Technology
    • SoundCell
    • Source Graphene
    • SP Nano
    • SpaceBlue Ltd.
    • Sparc Technologies Ltd.
    • Standard Graphene
    • SuperC Technology Limited
    • Surwon Technology
    • Strem Chemicals, Inc.
    • Sunrise Energy Metals Limited
    • Suzhou Graphene Nanotechnology Co., Ltd.
    • Tachmed Ltd.
    • Taiwan Carbon Nanotube Technology
    • Talga Resources
    • Targray
    • Tata Steel
    • Team Group, Inc.
    • Technow SA
    • Tenutec AB
    • Textile Two Dimensional Ltd.
    • Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd.
    • Tianjin Pulan Nano Technologies Ltd.
    • Tirupati Graphite
    • Topsen Technology
    • Toraphene
    • Toray Industries
    • Tribonex
    • Triton Mineral Limited
    • True 2 Materials Pte, Ltd.
    • Turquoise Group
    • UC Bacon Company Limited
    • Ugent Tech Sdn Bhd
    • Urbix Resources LLC
    • Universal Matter
    • Universal Matter GBR
    • UpCatalyst
    • Vaulta
    • Versarien plc
    • Via Separations
    • Volexion, Inc.
    • Vorbeck
    • Watercycle Technologies
    • William Blythe Limited
    • WuXi YuanWen Graphene Technology Co., Ltd.
    • XFNANO Materials Tech Co., Ltd.
    • Xiamen G-CVD Material Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Xiamen Knano Graphene Technology Co., Ltd.
    • YUYAO PGS New Material Technology Co., Ltd
    • ZapGo Ltd.
    • Zextec Nano
    • Zentek
    • Zero Emissions Developments (ZED)
    • ZNSHINE PV-Tech Co., Ltd.
    • Zoxcell Limited
    • Adama Materials
    • Anderlab Technologies
    • Aneeve Nanotechnologies LLC
    • Apex Graphene
    • Bluevine Graphene Industries
    • Carben Semicon Ltd.
    • Carbon Sciences
    • California Lithium Battery
    • Catalyx Nanotech, Inc.
    • Celtig, LLC
    • Durham Graphene Science Ltd.
    • Epi-lab sp. z o.o.
    • Global Graphene Technologies
    • Grafetech Europe S.L.
    • Graphene Devices, Ltd.
    • Graphene Energy, Inc.
    • Graphene Frontiers, LLC
    • Graphene ESD Corporation
    • Graphene Nanotech S.L.
    • Graphene-RGY
    • Graphene Sensors Inc.
    • Graphene Technologies
    • GraphenTech
    • Grox Industries, LLC
    • Hengli Shengtai (Xiamen) Graphene Technology
    • Hycarb, Inc.
    • Nanotech Biomachines, Inc.
    • Nanotech Engineering, Inc.
    • National Nanomaterials
    • Qingdao Haoxin New Energy Technology
    • Quantum Materials Corporation
    • Quantum Seed
    • Redex Nano Lab
    • Sinocarbon Materials
    • Solan
    • SupraG Energy
    • Tetrels Technology Corporation
    • United Nanotech Innovations
    • VN Graphene
    • Wavve Stream
    • XG Sciences
    • Xolve, Inc.
    • Table 2D materials types.
    • Comparative analysis of graphene and other 2D materials
      • Table Comparative analysis of graphene and other 2-D nanomaterials.
      • Top-down exfoliation
        • Table Comparison of top-down exfoliation methods to produce 2D materials.
      • Bottom-up synthesis
        • Table Comparison of the bottom-up synthesis methods to produce 2D materials.
      • Hexagonal boron-nitride (h-BN)/Boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs)
        • Table Properties of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN).
      • MXenes
      • Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD)
        • Table Markets and applications for 2D molybdenum disulphide.
      • Borophene
      • Phosphorene/ Black phosphorus
        • Table Electronic and mechanical properties of monolayer phosphorene, graphene and MoS2.
      • Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)
      • Germanene
        • Table Properties and applications of functionalized germanene.
      • Graphdiyne
        • Table GDY-based anode materials in LIBs and SIBs
      • Graphane
      • Rhenium disulfide (ReS2) and diselenide (ReSe2)
      • Silicene
      • Stanene/tinene
        • Table Physical and electronic properties of Stanene.
      • Antimonene
      • Indium selenide
      • Layered double hydroxides (LDH)
      • 2D fab AB
      • 2D Fluidics Pty Ltd
      • 2D Layer
      • 2D Semiconductors
      • Advanced Material Development (AMD)
      • Applied Nanolayers BV
      • Bedimensional S.p.A
      • Cambridge Graphene Ltd.
      • Evercloak, Inc.
      • FlexeGRAPH
      • HQ Graphene
      • Merck
      • Ossila Limited
      • Paragraf Ltd.
      • Planartech LLC
      • Rusgraphene
      • Smart Elements GmbH
      • SPI Supplies
      • XlynX Materials Inc.
    • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Table Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Examples.

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