The Global Market for Cellulose Nanofibers 2023-2033

The Global Market for Cellulose Nanofibers 2023-2033

Cellulose nanofibers, also called cellulose nanofibrils or nanofibrillated cellulose, are sustainable materials with high mechanical strength and stiffness (stronger than steel), high aspect ratios, high transparency, high chemical resistance and impressive rheological, optical and film-forming properties. Production is now at the industrial scale (mainly in Japan) with multi-ton production servicing the hygiene products, packaging, automotive, composites, medicine, textiles and plastics markets.

The Global Market for Cellulose Nanofibers 2023-2033 is an essential resource for anyone involved in the sustainable materials industry. The report provides extensive proprietary data on producers, cellulose nanofiber capacities, capacity utilization, production, trade, demand, applications, market share, and pricing.

Report contents include:

Global production capacities, by CNF producer, current and planned.

Production volumes by region.

Industry news 2020-2023.

Commercialized products incorporating CNFs.

Stage of commercialization for cellulose nanofiber applications by company (TRL).

CNF applications by industry.

Demand in tons per market, historical, current and forecast to 2033.

Market drivers, trends and challenges, by end user markets.

Competitive landscape of CNF by market, volumes, key trends and growth. Potential for CNF to gain market share by market volume across all end user markets. Markets covered include Polymer composites, Automotive, Building & Construction, Packaging, Textiles, Biomedicine, Pharma, Healthcare, Sanitary and Hygiene Products, Paints & Coatings, Aerogels, Oil & Gas, Filtration, Cosmetics, Food Additives, Electronics, Batteries, Aerospace and 3D printing.

In-depth market assessment of opportunities for CNF including potential revenues, growth rates, pricing, most likely applications and market challenges.

In-depth analysis of market by applications including estimated market size, penetration and growth. Applications covered include: Polymer composite parts; Biodegradable and renewable nanocomposites; Automotive composites; Packaging films; Aerogels; Construction materials; Packaging fillers/additives; Paint and coatings additives; Deodorant sheets; Pharmaceutical additives; Renewable plastic parts/casings; Transparent films for electronics; Flexible and printed electronics; Batteries; Flexible and paper batteries; Filtration membranes.

In-depth key player profiles of 148 companies, including products, current capacities and plans for new capacities, production processes, prices per kg and commercial activities. Companies profiled in the report include Asahi Kasei, Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Daicel, Daiichi Kogyo, Daio Paper, GranBio Technologies, Nippon Paper, Oji Holdings, Sugino Machine, Seiko PMC and more.

    • Table Market summary for nanocellulose-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, market estimates, global consumption, main current applications, future applications.
    • The market for cellulose nanofibers
      • Table Markets and applications for nanocellulose.
    • Market outlook in 2023 and beyond
    • Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) production capacities 2023
      • Table CNF production capacities (by type, wet or dry) and production process, by producer, metric tons.
    • Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) production capacities 2023
      • Table Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) production capacities in metric tons and production process, by producer, metric tons.
    • Global demand in metric tons, 2018-2033
      • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers/MFC by market in metric tons, 2018-2033.
    • Market challenges for cellulose nanofibers
      • Table Market and technical challenges in cellulose nanofibers
    • Cellulose nanofibers market by region
      • Table Regional demand for Cellulose nanofibers, 2021, tons (total excludes MFC).
      • Japan
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers producers and product developers in Japan.
      • China
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers research centres, universities and companies in China.
      • Malaysia
      • Western Europe
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers producers and product developers in Europe.
      • North America
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers producers and product developers in North America.
    • Global government funding and initiatives
    • Cellulose
    • Other "nanocellulose" types
      • Table Summary of types of nanocellulose.
      • Table Types of nanocellulose.
      • Table Types of nanocellulose.
      • Cellulose Nanocrystals
        • Table Synthesis methods for cellulose nanocrystals (CNC).
        • Table CNC sources, size and yield.
        • Table CNC properties.
        • Table Mechanical properties of CNC and other reinforcement materials.
        • Table Applications of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC).
      • Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC)
        • Table Applications of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC).
      • Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC)
    • Properties
      • Table Properties and applications of nanocellulose.
      • Table Properties of nanocellulose, by type.
    • Feedstocks
      • Table Chemical composition of different lignocellulosic feedstocks used for nanocellulose production (% dry basis).
    • Advantages of cellulose nanofibers
      • Table Properties of cellulose nanofibrils relative to metallic and polymeric materials.
    • Synthesis and Production methods
      • Table Extraction of nanocellulose (NC) from various lignocellulosic sources using different conventional technologies.
      • Acid hydrolysis
      • TEMPO oxidation
      • Ammonium persulfate (APS) oxidation
      • Ball milling
      • Cryocrushing
      • High-shear grinding
      • Green production methods
      • Recent methods
    • Applications of cellulose nanofibers
      • Table Applications of cellulose nanofibers (CNF).
    • Table Market opportunity assessment for Cellulose nanofibers, by application.
    • Standards
      • International Standards Organization (ISO)
      • American National Standards
      • CSA Group
    • Toxicity
      • Table Safety of Micro/Nanofibrillated cellulose.
    • Regulation
    • Table Global Cellulose nanofibers market supply chain analysis.
    • Table Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanofiber producers.
    • Table Cellulose nanofiber-based commercial products.*
  • INDUSTRY NEWS 2020-23
    • Table The Cellulose Nanofibers market 2020-2022-industry product and production activity.
    • Composites
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in composites.
        • Table Comparative properties of polymer composites reinforcing materials.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in composites.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in composites-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global composites OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in composites, 2018-2033 (metric tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers in composites.
    • Automotive
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in automotive.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in automotive.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in automotive-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global automotive OEMs.
      • Applications
        • Table Components featured in the NCV.
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global market demand for nanocellulose in the automotive sector 2018-2033 (metric tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in the automotive industry.
    • Buildings and construction
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global construction OEMs
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Market demand for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers in building and construction.
    • Paper and board packaging
      • Market overview
        • Table Oxygen permeability of nanocellulose films compared to those made form commercially available petroleum-based materials and other polymers.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in paper and board packaging.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paper and board packaging-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paper and board packaging OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paper & board packaging, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in paper and board.
    • Textiles and apparel
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global textiles and apparel OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Demand for cellulose nanofibers in textiles, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developer profiles
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in textiles and apparel.
    • Biomedicine and healthcare
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in medicine and healthcare.
        • Table Scorecard for nanocellulose in medicine and healthcare.
        • Table Market assessment for nanocellulose in medicine and healthcare-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global medicine and healthcare OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanocellulose product developers in medicine and healthcare.
    • Hygiene and sanitary products
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene and sanitary products market.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and absorbents, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers product developers in hygiene and sanitary products.
    • Paints and coatings
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for Cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings.
        • Table Scorecard for Cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paints and coatings OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paint and coatings, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing nanocellulose products in paints and coatings, applications targeted and stage of commercialization.
    • Aerogels
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global aerogels OEMs.
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Nanocellulose in product developers in aerogels.
    • Oil and gas
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global oil and gas OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the oil and gas market, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Cellulose nanofibers product developers in oil and gas exploration.
    • Filtration
      • Market overview
        • Table CNF membranes.
        • Table Market overview for Cellulose nanofibers in filtration.
        • Table Scorecard for Cellulose nanofibers in filtration.
        • Table Market assessment for Cellulose nanofibers in filtration-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global filtration OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for Cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in filtration.
    • Rheology modifiers
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers.
        • Table Scorecard for cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers.
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global rheology modifier OEMs.
      • Applications
      • Global market in tons to 2033
        • Table Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, 2018-2033 (tons).
      • Product developers
        • Table Commercial activity in cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers.
    • Other markets
      • Printed, stretchable and flexible electronics
        • Table Properties of flexible electronics cellulose nanofiber film (nanopaper).
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in printed, stretchable and flexible electronicsapplication, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global printed, flexible and stretchable electronics OEMs.
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in printed, stretchable and flexible electronics.
      • 3D printing
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in 3D priniting-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global 3D printing OEMs.
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers 3D printing products.
      • Aerospace
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in aerospace-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading.
        • Table Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in aircraft and aerospace.
      • Batteries
        • Table Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in Batteries-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks.
    • Aichemist Metal Inc.
    • ANPOLY, Inc.
    • Asahi Kasei Corporation
    • Azul Energy
    • Beijing Ding Sheng Xiong Di Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Betulium Oy
    • BIO-LUTIONS International AG
    • Biotecam
    • Birla Cellulose
    • Blue BioFuels, Inc.
    • Borregaard ChemCell
    • Cass Materials Pty Ltd
    • Ceapro, Inc.
    • Cellfion AB
    • CELLiCON B.V.
    • Cellucomp Ltd.
    • Cellutech AB (Stora Enso)
    • Centre Technique du Papier (CTP)
    • CH Bioforce
    • Chemkey Advanced Materials Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    • Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
    • Circular Systems
    • CNNT
    • CreaFill Fibers Corporation
    • Daicel Corporation
    • DaikyoNishikawa Corporation
    • Daio Paper Corporation
    • Daishowa Paper Products Co. Ltd.
    • Daito Kasei Kogyo Co.
    • Denso Corporation
    • DIC
    • DKS Co. Ltd.
    • Earth Recycle Co., Ltd.
    • Ehime Paper Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
    • Evolgene Genomics SL
    • 525 Solutions, Inc.
    • Fiberlean Technologies
    • Fillerbank Limited
    • FineCell Sweden AB
    • Freyzein
    • Fuji Pigment Co., Ltd.
    • Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd
    • Gen Corporation
    • Glamarium OÜ Technologies
    • Granbio Technologies
      • Table Granbio Nanocellulose Processes.
    • GreenNano Technologies Inc.
    • GS Alliance Co. Ltd.
    • Guilin Qihong Technology
    • Hansol Paper., Ltd.
    • Harvest Nano, Inc.
    • Hattori Shoten K.K.
    • HeiQ Materials AG
    • Hexa Chemical Co. Ltd./Nature Gift
    • Hokuetsu Toyo Fibre Co., Ltd.
    • i-Compology Corporation
    • Inspidere B.V.
    • InventWood
    • Ioncell
    • The Japan Steel Works Ltd
    • JeNaCell GmbH Evonik
    • Kami Shoji Company
    • Kao Corporation
    • Klabin S.A.
    • KOS 21
    • KRI, Inc.
    • Kruger Biomaterials, Inc.
    • Lenzing AG
    • LIST Technology AG
    • Lixea
    • Maniwa Biochemical
    • Marine Nanofiber Co., Ltd.
    • Marusumi Paper Company Limited
    • Marutomi Seishi Co., Ltd.
    • Masuko Sangyo Co., Ltd.
    • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation/Mitsubishi Paper Mills Limited
    • Mizuno Kinzoku Shoji Co., Ltd.
    • Mori Machinery Co., Ltd.
    • Moorim P&P
    • MOVIC AMT Co., Ltd.
    • NANOGRAFI Co. Inc
    • National Research Company
    • Natural Friend
    • Nature Costech Co., Ltd.
    • Nature Gifts Co., Ltd.
    • Nikken Housing System
    • Nippon Paper Group, Inc.
      • Table Nippon Paper commercial CNF products.
    • Nippon Shizai Co., Ltd
    • Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
    • Norske Skog ASA
    • Ocean TuniCell AS
    • Oita CELENA Co., Ltd.
    • Omura Paint Co., Ltd.
    • Onkyo Corporation
    • Oji Holdings Corporation
      • Table Oji Holdings CNF products.
    • Orange Fiber S.r.l.
    • Organic Disposables
    • Osaka Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd.
    • Panasonic Production Engineering Co., Ltd.
    • Performance BioFilaments Inc
    • PhotoCide Protection, Inc.
    • Releaf Paper
    • Rengo Co., Ltd.
    • Ripro Corporation
    • Rise Innventia AB
    • Risho Kogyo Co. Ltd.
    • Sanwa Kako Co. Ltd
    • Sappi Limited
    • SaXcell BV
    • Seiko PMC Corporation
    • Sharp Chemical Ind. Co., Ltd.
    • Simplifyber, Inc.
    • Shinwa Kako KK
    • Spinnova Oyj
    • Starlite Co., Ltd.
    • Stora Enso Oyj
    • Sugino Machine Limited
    • Suzano (Woodspin)
    • Svilosa AD
    • Take Cite Co., Ltd.
    • Taiyo Holdings Co Ltd
    • Tianjon Haojia Cellulose Co., Ltd.
    • Tentok Paper Co. Ltd.
    • Toagosei Co. Ltd.
    • Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd.
    • Toray Industries, Inc.
    • Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.
    • Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.
    • Toyota Boshoku Corporation
    • TPS, Inc.
    • TS Tech Co., Ltd.
    • Ube Industries, Ltd.
    • Unitika Co., Ltd.
    • University of Maine Process Development Center
    • UPM Biocomposites
    • US Forest Products Laboratory (FPL)
    • Valmet OYJ
    • VERDE Nanomaterials, Inc.
    • Verso Corporation
    • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
    • Weidmann Fiber Technology
    • Xylocel Oy
    • Yokohama Bio Frontier, Inc.
    • Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.
    • Yoshikawakuni Plastics Industries Co., Ltd.
    • Zelfo Technology GmbH
    • Zeoform
    • Zhejiang Jinjiahao Green Nanomaterial Co., Ltd.
    • ZoepNano Sdn. Bhd
    • Report scope
    • Research methodology

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