The Global Market for Carbon Nanotubes 2024-2034

The Global Market for Carbon Nanotubes 2024-2034

The global market of carbon nanotubes is generally segmented by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT), Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) and others (DWCNT, FWCNT). For today, MWCNT comprise the biggest share in terms of sales volumes, and production capacities. The global carbon nanotubes (CNT) market has experienced renewed growth recently, driven by demand for conductive materials for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and other energy storage applications, with many producers greatly increasing production capacities. Carbon nanotube (CNT) materials have about the same level of electricity and thermal conductivity as copper and diamond and are about 100 times stronger than steel. Most of the main producers are targeting their materials as conductive additives for the batteries market. LG Chem, Cabot Corporation and CNano have expansion plans targeting the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery market. This extensive report examines the global market for carbon nanotubes, forecasting growth in demand from 2018 to 2034. It assesses multi-walled (MWCNT) and single-walled (SWCNT) varieties, including production capacities, pricing, main producers, and applications across major end-user markets like batteries, capacitors, polymers, coatings, electronics, and sensors.

Regional demand across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World is quantified. The report profiles over 160 leading producers, highlighting their products, production methods, capacities, pricing, and target markets. Alternative carbon nanomaterials like nanofibers, nanohorns and graphene are also analyzed. Latest developments in CNT-enhanced Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, lightweight composites, conductive films, transgenic drug delivery, water treatment membranes and flexible electronics are assessed.

The report examines the role of CNTs in reinforced polymers, metal matrix composites, conductive inks, coatings, tires, textiles, thermal paste and other emerging applications. Manufacturing challenges around quality, dispersion and alignment control are considered. Toxicity concerns, rival materials, outdated production claims and oversaturation risks are also evaluated.

Report contents include:
 Global demand forecasts for multi-walled and single-walled CNTs to 2034
 Analysis of CNT production methods, capacities, pricing, main producers
 CNT adoption trends in markets including batteries, supercapacitors, polymers, composites
 Application requirements, rival materials, toxicity concerns
 Cost structure analysis, scalability assessments, commercial risks
 CNT market growth drivers
 Developments in conductive films, fuel cells, sensors, drug delivery
 Flexible electronics, wearables, aerospace uses of CNTs
 Water treatment, oil & gas, construction applications
 Company profiles of over 160 established and emerging CNT manufacturers and product developers. Companies profiled include Cabot Corporation, Canatu Oy, Carbice Corporation, Carbon X, C12 Quantum Electronics, Eden Innovations Ltd, Huntsman Corporation, JEIO, Korbon, LG Chem, Li-S Energy, Mattershift, MECHnano, Nanomatics Pte. Ltd, NAWA Technologies, Nano-C, Nemo Nanomaterials, NEO Battery Materials, NovationSi, OCSiAl, Raymor, Shenzhen Cone Technology, SixLine Semiconductor, SkyNano Technologies, SmartNanotubes Technologies, Somalytics, Verdox, Zeon Corporation and Zeta Energy.
 Regional demand analysis - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW
 Intellectual property landscape – recent CNT patents

    • Table Market summary for carbon nanotubes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications
    • The global market for carbon nanotubes
      • Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
        • Table Applications of MWCNTs
        • Table Annual production capacity of the key MWCNT producers in 2023 (MT)
      • Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.\
        • Table Annual production capacity of SWCNT producers in 2023 (KG)
        • Table SWCNT market demand forecast (metric tons), 2018-2034
    • Market developments 2022-2024
      • Table Carbon nanotubes market developments and news 2022-2023
    • Market outlook 2024 and beyond
    • Commercial CNT-based products
      • Table Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for carbon nanotubes
    • Carbon nanotubes market challenges
      • Table Carbon nanotubes market challenges
    • Properties
      • Table Typical properties of SWCNT and MWCNT
      • Table Properties of carbon nanotubes
    • Comparative properties of CNTs
      • Table Properties of CNTs and comparable materials
    • Carbon nanotube materials
      • Multi-walled nanotubes (MWCNT)
      • Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)
        • Table Markets, benefits and applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
        • Table Comparison between single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
      • Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs)
      • Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs)
        • Table Markets and applications for vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VA-CNTs)
      • Few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWNTs)
        • Table markets and applictions for Few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWNTs)
      • Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs)
        • Table Markets and applications for carbon nanohorns
      • Carbon Onions
        • Table Markets and applications for carbon onions
      • Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs)
        • Table Comparative properties of BNNTs and CNTs
        • Table Markets and applications for BNNTs
    • Intermediate products
      • CNT Yarns
      • CNT Films
      • CNT Paper/Mats
      • CNT Coatings/Inks
      • CNT Array Strips
    • Table Comparison of approaches for CNT synthesis
    • Table SWCNT synthesis methods
    • Arc discharge synthesis
    • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
      • Thermal CVD
      • Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)
    • High-pressure carbon monoxide synthesis
      • High Pressure CO (HiPco)
      • CoMoCAT
    • Flame synthesis
    • Laser ablation synthesis
    • Vertically aligned nanotubes production
    • Silane solution method
    • By-products from carbon capture
      • CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion
        • Table CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages
      • Carbon separation technologies
        • Table Main capture processes and their separation technologies
        • Table Absorption methods for CO2 capture overview
        • Table Commercially available physical solvents used in CO2 absorption
        • Table Adsorption methods for CO2 capture overview
        • Table Membrane-based methods for CO2 capture overview
      • Producers
    • Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods
      • Table Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods
    • MWCNTs
      • Table Example MWCNTs and BNNTs pricing, by producer
    • SWCNTs
      • Table SWCNTs pricing
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in batteries
        • Table Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in batteries
      • Applications
        • Table Applications of carbon nanotubes in batteries
        • Table Electrochemical performance of nanomaterials in LIBs
        • Table Applications in sodium-ion batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market scorecard for carbon nanotubes in batteries
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Estimated demand for carbon nanotubes in batteries (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for batteries
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors
        • Table Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors
      • Applications
        • Table Applications for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for supercapacitors
      • Market overview
        • Table Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives & elastomers
      • Fiber-based polymer composite parts
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based composite additives
        • Table Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based polymer composite additives
      • Metal-matrix composites
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composite additives
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Global market for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers 2018-2034, tons
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers
      • Market overview
        • Table Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in 3D printing
      • Applications
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in 3D printing
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in 3-D printing (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes in 3D printing
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in adhesives
      • Applications
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in adhesives
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in adhesives
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in adhesives (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for adhesives
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in aerospace
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in aerospace
      • Applications
        • Table Applications of carbon nanotubes in aerospace
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in aerospace
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in aerospace (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for aerospace
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in wearable & flexible electronics and displays
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays
        • Table Comparison of ITO replacements
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays, 2018-2034
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for electronics
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2034
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in memory devices
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in memory devices
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in memory devices
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in memory devices, 2018-2034
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for memory devices
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in automotive
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in automotive
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in automotive
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in automotive (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes in the automotive market
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks
      • Applications
        • Table Comparative properties of conductive inks
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2027
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for conductive inks
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in construction
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in construction
        • Table Carbon nanotubes for cement
        • Table Carbon nanotubes for asphalt bitumen
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in construction (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Carbon nanotubes product developers in construction
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in filtration
        • Table Comparison of CNT membranes with other membrane technologies
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in filtration
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in filtration
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in filtration (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Carbon nanotubes companies in filtration
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells
        • Table Electrical conductivity of different catalyst supports compared to carbon nanotubes
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells
      • Applications
        • Table Markets and applications for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for fuel cells
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine
      • Applications
        • Table Applications of carbon nanotubes in life sciences and biomedicine
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in drug delivery
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in imaging and diagnostics
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical implants
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical biosensors
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in woundcare
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medical (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for life sciences and biomedicine
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in lubricants
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in lubricants
        • Table Nanomaterial lubricant products
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in lubricants
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in lubricants (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for lubricants
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for oil and gas
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings
        • Table Markets for carbon nanotube coatings
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings
      • Applications
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for paints and coatings
      • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics
      • Market overview
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for solar
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in sensors
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in sensors
      • Applications
        • Table Applications of carbon nanotubes in sensors
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in sensors
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in sensors (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for sensors
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles
        • Table Desirable functional properties for the textiles industry afforded by the use of nanomaterials
        • Table Market overview for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles
      • Applications
        • Table Applications of carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles
      • Market opportunity
        • Table Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in smart textiles and apparel
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. (tons), 2018-2034
      • Product developers
        • Table Carbon nanotubes product developers in smart and electronic textiles
      • Market overview
        • Table Thermal conductivities ( ) of common metallic, carbon, and ceramic fillers employed in TIMs
        • Table Thermal conductivity of CNT-based polymer composites
      • Applications
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in thermal interface materials
      • Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2034
        • Table Demand for carbon nanotubes in thermal interface materials (tons), 2018-2034
      • Market overview
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in power cables
    • Supply and licensing
      • Table CNT producers and companies they supply/licence to
    • 3D Strong
    • AerNos, Inc.
    • Aligned Carbon, Inc.
    • Arkema France SA
    • Awn Nanotech, Inc.
    • Battelle Memorial Institute
    • BBCP Conductor, Inc.
    • Betterial
    • Bioneer Corporation
    • Bio-Pact, LLC
    • Birla Carbon
    • Black Diamond Structures, LLC
    • BNNano
    • BNNT LLC
    • Brewer Science
    • C12 Quantum Electronics
    • Cabot Corporation
    • Cametics Cambridge Advanced Metals Limited
    • CarbonMeta Research Ltd.
    • Carbon Nano-material Technology Ltd.
    • C-Bond Systems LLC
    • C2CNT LLC/Capital Power
    • Canatu Oy
    • Carbice Corp.
    • Carbonics, Inc.
    • Carbon Meta Research
    • Carbon Upcycling Technologies, Inc.
    • CarbonX B.V.
    • Carestream Health, Inc.
    • Chengdu Organic Chemicals (TimesNano)
    • CENS Materials Ltd.
    • CNM Technologies GmbH
    • CNano Technology
    • Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals Manufacturing
    • DexMat, Inc.
    • Eden Innovations LLC
    • Essentium, Inc.
    • Epic Advanced Materials
    • Evercloak, Inc.
    • Fuji Pigment Co., Ltd.
    • Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
    • FutureCarbon GmbH
    • Goodfellow Corporation
    • GSI Creos Corporation
    • H Quest Vanguard, Inc.
    • Hamamatsu Carbonics Corporation
    • Honjo Chemical Corporation
    • Huntsman Corporation (Nanocomp Technologies, Inc.)
    • Hycamite TCD Technologies Oy
    • Hycarb, Inc.
    • IBM Corporation
    • Inoplaztech
    • JEIO Co., Ltd.
    • Jikantechno Corporation
    • KJ Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.
    • Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co., Ltd.
    • Korea Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
    • Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
    • Lanxess Deutschland GmbH
    • LeaderNano Tech LLC
    • LG Chemical, Ltd.
    • Li-S Energy Ltd
    • Lintec of America, Inc.
    • Mattershift
    • MC Yamasan Polymers Co., Ltd.
    • MECHnano LLC
    • Micro-X Limited
    • Murata Machinery Ltd.
    • Naieel Technology
    • Nacalai Tesque
    • Nano Cube Japan Co., Ltd.
    • Nanocyl
    • Nanomatics Pte. Ltd.
    • Nanomix, Inc.
    • Nanoramic Laboratories
    • Nano RAY-T LLC
    • NanoRial Technologies Ltd
    • Nanosperse LLC
    • NanoTechLabs, Inc.
    • Nanovis
    • Nantero, Inc.
    • Nawa Techonologies
    • NEC Corporation
    • Nemo Nanomaterials
    • NEO Battery Materials
    • New Metals and Chemicals Corporation
    • Nippon Shizai Co., Ltd.
    • Nissin Electric Co., Ltd.
    • Nitta Corporation
    • Novation Solutions, LLC (NovationSi)
    • Novasolix, Inc.
    • NTherma Corporation
    • Odysseus Technologies, Inc.
    • Ororo
    • Oy Morphona Ltd.
    • Perpetuus Carbon Group
    • Plasma-X
    • Porifera, Inc.
    • Prysmian Group
    • Q-Flo Limited
    • RTP Company
    • Sakata Inx Corp.
    • Saratoga Energy Corporation
    • Shenzhen Cone Technology
    • Shenzhen Sanshun Nano New Materials Co., Ltd.
    • Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd.
    • Sineva Material Technology Co., Ltd
    • SixLine Semiconductor, Inc.
    • SkyNano Technologies
    • SkyWater Technology
    • Solarno, Inc.
    • Solid Carbon Products, LLC
    • Somalytics, Inc.
    • Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd.,
    • Taiwan Carbon Nanotube Technology
    • Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
    • Takenaka Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
    • TE Connectivity
    • Teijin Aramid B.V.
    • Tesla Nanocoatings
    • Toho Kasei
    • Toho Tenax Co., Ltd.
    • Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd.
      • Table Properties of carbon nanotube paper
    • Top Nanosys
    • Tortech Nano Fibers
    • Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd.
    • Toyocolor Co., Ltd.
    • TPR Co., Ltd.
    • Trim Tabs
    • Tyrata, Inc.
    • UP Catalyst
    • Veelo Technologies
    • Verdox
    • Wootz
    • Xianfeng NanoMaterials Co., Ltd.
    • XinNano Material, Inc
    • Zeon Specialty Materials
    • Zeptor Corporation
    • Zeta Energy LLC
    • ZOZ GmbH
    • Zyvex Technologies
    • Chasm Advanced Materials, Inc.
      • Table Chasm SWCNT products
    • Kao Corporation
    • KH Chemicals Co., Ltd.
    • Korbon Co., Ltd.
    • Kusumoto Chemicals
    • Meijo Nano Carbon Co., Ltd.
    • Nano-C, Inc.
    • Raymor Industries, Inc.
    • NoPo Nanotechnologies India Private Limited
    • Novation Solutions, LLC (NovationSi)
    • OCSiAl Group
    • Shenzhen Faymo Technology Co., Ltd.
    • SmartNanotubes Technologies GmbH
    • Thomas Swan & Co., Ltd.
      • Table Thomas Swan SWCNT production
    • Toray Industries, Inc.
    • Zeon Nano Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Ex-producers
      • Table Ex-producers of SWCNTs
    • SWCNT Distributors
      • Table SWCNTs distributors
  • COMPANY PROFILES: OTHER TYPES (Boron Nitride nanotubes, double-walled nanotubes etc.)
    • BNNano, Inc.
    • BNNT, LLC
    • EPIC Advanced Materials
    • Fujitsu Laboratories
    • Hitachi Zosen Corporation

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