The Global Market for Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics 2024-2035

The Global Market for Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics 2024-2035

Advanced micro- and nanoelectronics refer to the study, design, and fabrication of advanced electronic devices and systems at the micro- and nanoscale levels. These fields encompass a wide range of technologies and applications, leveraging the unique properties and behaviours of materials and structures at these scale levels. Microelectronics deals with the development of electronic devices and components with dimensions ranging from a few micrometers (10^-6 meters) to a few millimeters. It includes the design and manufacture of integrated circuits (ICs), microprocessors, microcontrollers, and other microscale electronic devices. Nanoelectronics focuses on the manipulation and exploitation of materials, devices, and systems at the nanoscale level, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers (10^-9 meters). This field explores the unique physical, chemical, and electrical properties that emerge at the nanoscale, enabling the creation of novel electronic devices and systems with enhanced performance, efficiency, and functionality. Ongoing miniaturization combined with performance improvements and increasing functionality as well as the integration of novel materials, radically new device concepts and new applications are pushing technological limits further and further. As such, micro- and nanoelectronics is the key and enabling technology for innovation in all areas of life. Megatrends such as artificial intelligence or the metaverse as well as critical infrastructures such as power plants or telecommunications networks, are heavily dependent on micro- and nanoelectronics.

Advanced micro- and nanoelectronics are driving innovations across industries, from consumer electronics and computing to healthcare, energy, and advanced manufacturing. This in-depth market report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global advanced micro- and nanoelectronics landscape, including market sizing, emerging trends, key drivers and opportunities, competitive landscape, and future outlook.

The report includes a detailed introduction to advanced micro- and nanoelectronics, covering definitions, importance, applications, and major market segments such as consumer electronics, computing, communications, automotive, aerospace and defense, healthcare, energy, industrial automation, Internet of Things (IoT), and optoelectronics.

A core focus is on the device technology driving micro- and nanoelectronics innovations, including transistors (FinFETs, Gate-All-Around FETs, Tunnel FETs, Carbon Nanotube FETs), integrated circuits, MEMS devices, nanoelectronic structures (carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots), optoelectronic devices (LEDs, lasers, photodetectors), and energy storage/conversion devices. Market sizing and forecasts are provided for each device type through 2035.

The report also covers the electronic circuits and architectures powering today's systems, examining analog and mixed-signal circuits, microprocessors/microcontrollers, FPGAs, ASICs, System-on-Chip designs, memory architectures (DRAM, SRAM, emerging non-volatile), and advanced interconnects/packaging technologies like 3D ICs, chiplets, fan-outs, and silicon interposers. Emerging technologies like spintronics, molecular electronics, neuromorphic computing, and 3D printed electronics are analyzed regarding their current status, applications, key players, and future potential.

The market analysis section covers key trends, applications, and market forecasts across industries:
Consumer Electronics (smartphones, wearables, home appliances)
Computing and Data Storage
Automotive Electronics (ADAS, displays, sensors)
Aerospace & Defense
Healthcare and Biomedical (imaging, biosensors, wearables, implantables)
Energy and Power (solar cells, energy harvesting, power management)
Industrial Automation
IoT (smart home, cities, sensor networks)
Optoelectronics (displays, lighting, photonics)
Sustainable Electronics
Smart Packaging Electronics

Over 1,000 company profiles are included, covering start-ups to industry leaders across devices, circuits, packaging, end-use applications, and enabling technologies. Companies profiled include 3DSEMI, Ambarella, MD (Advanced Micro Devices), Aspinity, Atantares, BeFC, C3 Nano, Canatu, Cellid, CHASM, ChipMOS, Chiral Nano, Diamfab, Efficient Computer, Electroninks, Elephantech, Eliyan Corporation, e-peas Semiconductors, Esperanto Technologies, Floadia Corporation, FononTech, Heraeus Epurio, Gaianixx, Genomika, Inkron Oy (Nagase), Innatera Nanosystems, Inuchip, Lotus Microsystems, Lumotive, Lux Semiconductors, MICLEDI Microdisplays, Myrias Optics, Nanopower Semiconductor, NeoLogic, NEO Semiconductor, Neuroph, Numem, Ookuma Diamond Device, Oriole Networks, Panmnesia, Point2 Technology, Pragmatic Semiconductor, Printoptix, PseudolithIC, PVNanoCell, Quinas Technology, Quintessent, RAAAM Memory Technologies, Rapidus, SiFive, SiPearl , Silicon Box, SK hynix, Swave Photonics, SynSense, tacterion GmbH, Tactotek, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), TopoLogic, TracXon, Voltera, VoxelSensors, WeeBit Nano, Wise Integration, Xymox Technologies, Inc., Ynvisible and ZeroPoint Technologies AB.

With insights into the latest market developments, disruptive technologies, competitive strategies, and opportunities across applications, this report is an invaluable resource for companies, investors, and professionals navigating the dynamic micro- and nanoelectronics space.

    • Definition of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics
    • The evolution of electronics
    • Global government semiconductors funding and initiatives
      • Table Global government semiconductors funding and initiatives.
    • Market segments
      • Table Market Segments and Applications of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
      • Consumer Electronics
      • Computing and Data Storage
      • Communications
      • Automotive Electronics
      • Aerospace and Defense
      • Healthcare and Biomedical
      • Energy and Power
      • Industrial Automation
      • Internet of Things (IoT)
      • Optoelectronics
    • Device Technology
      • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics Device Technology by Type.
      • Transistors
      • Integrated Circuits (ICs)
        • Table Types of Integrated Circuits (ICs).
      • Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
        • Table Types of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices.
      • Nanoelectronics
        • Table Devices and structures in nanoelectronics.
      • Optoelectronics
        • Table Types of optoelectronics devices.
      • Energy Storage and Conversion
    • Electronic Circuits and Architectures
      • Table Electronic Circuits and Architectures by Type.
      • Analog Circuits
      • Digital circuits
      • Mixed-Signal Circuits
      • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
      • Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
      • Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)
      • System-on-Chip (SoC)
      • Memory Architectures
      • Interconnects and Packaging
      • Transistors
        • Table Types of Transistors in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for transistors by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
        • Table Types of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for MEMS devices by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Nanoelectronics
        • Table Devices and Structures in Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in wearable & flexible electronics and displays.
        • Table Comparison of ITO replacements.
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for wearable tech and electronics.
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
        • Table Companies developing carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits.
        • Table Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in memory devices.
        • Table Product developers in carbon nanotubes for memory devices.
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in transparent conductive films.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in transparent conductive films.
        • Table Market players in graphene transparent conductive films.
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in transistors.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene transistors.
        • Table Market players in graphene transistors and integrated circuits.
        • Table Market and applications for thermal management.
        • Table Market players in graphene thermal management.
        • Table Market outlook for graphene in memory devices.
        • Table Market and applications for graphene in memory devices.
        • Table Market players in graphene memory devices.
        • Table Global market revenues for nanoelectronics by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Optoelectronics devices
        • Table Types of Optoelectronic Devices in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Market supply chain for quantum dots in displays.
        • Table Typical approaches for integrating QDs into displays.
        • Table Global market revenues for Optoelectronic Devices by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Energy Storage and Conversion Devices
        • Table Types of Energy Storage and Conversion Devices in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for Energy Storage and Conversion Devices by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Integrated Circuits (ICs)
        • Table Types of Integrated Circuits in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Types of System-on-Chip (SoC) in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for Integrated Circuits by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
        • Table Types of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Memory Architectures
        • Table Types of Memory Architectures in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics.
        • Table Global market revenues for Memory Architectures by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Interconnects and Packaging
        • Table Types of Interconnects and Packaging in Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics
        • Table Use cases and benefits of using chiplets in semiconductor design.
        • Table Fan-out packaging process overview.
        • Table Comparison between mainstream silicon dioxide (SiO2) and leading organic dielectrics for electronic interconnect substrates.
        • Table Benefits of glass in 2.5D glass-based packaging.
        • Table Comparison between key properties of glass and polymer molding compounds commonly used in semiconductor packaging applications.
        • Table 2.5D vs. 3D packaging.
        • Table 2.5D packaging challenges.
        • Table Market players in 2.5D packaging.
        • Table Advantages and disadvantages of 3D packaging.
        • Table Comparison between 2.5D, 3D micro bump, and 3D hybrid bonding.
        • Table Challenges in 3D Hybrid Bonding.
        • Table Challenges in scaling bumps.
        • Table Key methods for enabling copper-to-copper (Cu-Cu) hybrid bonding in advanced semiconductor packaging:
        • Table Micro bumps vs Cu-Cu bumpless hybrid bonding.
        • Table Comparison between heterogeneous 3D integration and monolithic 3D integration.
        • Table Key 2D materials in monolithic 3D integrated circuits.
        • Table Global market revenues for Interconnects and Packaging by type, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
      • Table Types of system design and applicaiton.
      • Embedded Systems
      • Internet of Things (IoT) Systems
      • Wearable and Implantable Systems
      • Spintronics
        • Table Spintronics applications.
        • Table Spintronics companies.
      • Molecular Electronics
        • Table Types of Molecular Electronics.
        • Table Molecular electronics applications.
        • Table Molecular electronics companies.
      • Neuromorphic Computing
        • Table Types of Neuromorphic Computing.
        • Table Neuromorphic Computing applications.
        • Table Neuromorphic Computing companies.
      • 3D printed electronics
        • Table 3D Printed Electronics Synthesis methods.
        • Table 3D printed electronics applications.
        • Table 3D printed electronics companies.
    • Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
      • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing
    • Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
      • Table Integration of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics with AI.
    • Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected Devices
      • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected Devices
    • Consumer Electronics
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in consumer electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in consumer electronics.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in smartphones..
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in tablets and laptops.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in wrist-worn wearables.
        • Table Different sensing modalities that can be incorporated into wrist-worn wearable device.
        • Table Overview of actuating at the wrist
        • Table Sports-watches, smart-watches and fitness trackers producers and products.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in health monitoring.
        • Table Wearable health monitors.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in sports and fitness wearables.
        • Table Wearable sensors for sports performance.
        • Table Wearable sensor products for monitoring sport performance.
        • Table Product types in the hearing assistance technology market.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in hearables.
        • Table Companies in hearables.
        • Table Sensing options in the ear.
        • Table Companies and products in hearables.
        • Table Example wearable sleep tracker products and prices.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in sleep trackers and wearable monitors.
        • Table Smart ring products.
        • Table Sleep headband products.
        • Table Sleep monitoring products.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets.
        • Table Companies in wearables.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in E-textiles.
        • Table Commercially available smart clothing products.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in home appliances.
        • Table Applications of printed and flexible electronics in consumer electronics.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for consumer electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Computing and Data Storage
      • Microprocessors
        • Table Microprocessor trends.
        • Table Processor Advanced Packaging Technology Trends.
        • Table Markets and applications in computing and data storage.
        • Table Processor companies.
      • Memory devices
        • Table NAND and DRAM Market Trends.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in memory devices.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Solid-state drives (SSDs).
        • Table Memory device companies.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for computing and data storage, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Communications (5G and 6G)
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in communications.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in wireless communication systems.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in networking devices.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in optical communications.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in 5G and beyond.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs).
        • Table Applications, product examples, and advantages of quantum communications.
        • Table Energy harvesting in communications.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for electronics in communications, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Automotive Electronics
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in automotive electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in automotive electronics.
        • Table Applications of printed and flexible electronics in automotive.
        • Table Companies developing automotive electronics components.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in ADAS.
        • Table Types of automotive display technologies.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in infotainment systems.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in instrument cluster displays.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in HUD.
        • Table Companies developing head-up display (HUD) technologies for the automotive industry, categorized by technology type.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in flexible and curved displays.
        • Table Companies developing flexible and curved automotive displays.
        • Table Smart mirrors and pillar displays in automotive.
        • Table Companies developing display technologies for smart mirrors and displays in automotive applications.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in 3D displays for automotive.
        • Table Companies developing 3D display technology for automobiles.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in transparent displays for automotive
        • Table Companies developing transparent display products.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Micro and Mini LED displays for automotive.
        • Table Companies developing Mini-LEDs for automotive applications.
        • Table Companies developing Micro-LEDs for automotive applications.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in automotive sensors.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for automotive electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Aerospace and Defense
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in aerospace and defence electronics
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in aerospace and defences electronics.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in avionics.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in navigation systems for aerospace.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in radar systems for aerospace.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in satellite communication for aerospace.
        • Table Other applications in aerospace.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for aerospace & defence electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Healthcare and Biomedical
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in healthcare and biomedical electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in healthcare and biomedical electronics.
        • Table Applications of printed and flexible electronics in healthcare & wellness.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in medical imaging.
        • Table Micro and nanoelectronic biosensors:
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in medical wearables.
        • Table Electronic skin patch manufacturing value chain.
        • Table Medical wearable companies applying products to temperate and respiratory monitoring and analysis.
        • Table Technologies for minimally-invasive and non-invasive glucose detection-advantages and disadvantages.
        • Table Commercial devices for non-invasive glucose monitoring not released or withdrawn from market.
        • Table Minimally-invasive and non-invasive glucose monitoring products.
        • Table Companies developing wearable swear sensors.
        • Table Wearable drug delivery companies and products.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in implantable devices.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for healthcare and biomedical electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Energy and Power
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in energy and power electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in energy and power electronics.
        • Table Applications of printed and flexible electronics in energy storage and harvesting.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in solar cells.
        • Table Micro and nanoelectronic energy harvesting devices.
        • Table Micro and nanoelectronic power management systems.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for energy and power electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Industrial Automation
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in industrial automation electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in industrial automation electronics.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in industrial control systems.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in robotics.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in automation equipment.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for electronics in industrial automation, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in Internet of Things (IoT).
        • Table Semiconductor Components of IoT Devices.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics applications in smart homes.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics applications in smart cities.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics applications in connected devices.
        • Table Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics applications in sensor networks.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for IoT, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Optoelectronics
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in optoelectronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in optoelectronics.
        • Table Organic LCDs applications.
        • Table Flexible AMOLEDs applications.
        • Table Flexible PMOLEDs applications.
        • Table Flexible and foldable microLED applications.
        • Table Applications of quantum dots in displays.
        • Table Applications of metamaterials in displays.
        • Table Global market for electronic displays, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
        • Table Types of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in lighting.
        • Table Global market for electronic lighting, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
        • Table Types of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in photonics.
        • Table Global market for photonics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
        • Table Types of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronics in optical interconnects.
        • Table Global market for optical interconnects, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • Green and Sustainable Electronics
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in green and sustainable electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in green and sustainable electronics.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global sustainable PCB revenues 2018-2035, by type (millions USD).
        • Table Global sustainable ICs revenues 2018-2035, by type (millions USD).
    • Smart Packaging Electronics
      • Trends
        • Table Trends in smart packaging electronics.
      • Markets and applications
        • Table Markets and applications in smart packaging electronics.
        • Table Applications of printed and flexible electronics in smart packaging and logistics.
      • Global market size
        • Table Global market for smart packaging electronics, by application, 2020-2035 (billions USD).
    • 1drop
    • 3DEYES Co., Ltd.
    • AaltoSemi
    • Abbott Laboratories
    • ABEye SA
    • Absolic, Inc.
    • ACCRETECH (Europe) GmbH
    • ActionSense Ltd
    • Actronika
    • Acurable
    • Adamant Health Oy
    • Add Care Ltd.
    • Adapttech
    • Adeia, Inc.
    • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD)
      • Table AMD AI chip range.
    • Aegiq
    • AerNos, Inc.
    • AerBetic, Inc
    • AffordSENS Corporation
    • AG Texteis
    • AGC, Inc.
    • Agx, Inc.
    • Aidar Health
    • Aidee
    • AI Silk Corporation
    • AIQ Smart Clothing, Inc.
    • AjnaLens
    • Akoneer
    • Aledia
    • Alertgy
    • Allevion Therapeutics
    • Alimetry Ltd.
    • ALLOS Semiconductors GmbH
    • AlmaScience
    • Almawave S.p.A.
    • Almer Technologies
    • Alphaclo
    • AlphaMicron, Inc.
    • Allterco Robotics
    • Alva Health
    • Alvalux Medical SA
    • Ambarella, Inc.
      • Table Applications of CV3-AD685 in autonomous driving.
    • AMF Medical
    • Ambient Photonics
    • Ambiotex GmbH
    • Amkor Technology
    • AMO Lab
    • Amorepacific Corporation
    • AMSU (Shenzhen) New Technology Co. Ltd.
    • Andes Technology
    • Anmuquan Intelligent Technology (AMQ Intelligent)
    • Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI)
    • Anicca Wellness
    • APDM Wearable Technologies, Inc.
    • Apollo Neuro
    • AposHealth
    • Apple
    • Applied Materials
    • Applied Quantum Materials, Inc.
    • AquilX, Inc.
    • Archelis Inc.
    • Arcascope, Inc.
    • Ardentec Corporation
    • Ares Materials, Inc.
    • Arkema S.A
    • ARM
    • Arpara
    • Argus Science
    • Artemis
    • Articulate Labs
    • Asahi Kasei
    • AshChromics Corporation
    • Asiatic Fiber Corporation
    • Asics
    • ASE
    • ASMPT Ltd
    • Atantares
    • Atheer, Inc.
    • Athos
    • Atmosic
    • Atrago
    • ATsens Co., Ltd.
    • Audi AG
    • AU Optronics Corporation
    • Australian Advanced Materials
    • Avegant
    • Augmedics
    • Augmency
    • Augumenta Ltd.
    • AURA Devices
    • AU Optronics Corporation
    • Avanix srl
    • Avantama AG
    • Avegant
    • Awarewear
    • Azalea Vision
    • B-Secur
    • Bally Ribbon Mills
    • Bando Chemical Industries, Ltd.
    • BeBop Sensors
    • beeOLED
    • BeFC
    • Bekaert
    • Belun Technology
    • Besi
    • Bionic Vision Technologies (BVT)
    • Biobeat Technologies Ltd.
    • Biofourmis, Inc.
    • BioIntelliSense
    • Biolinq, Inc.
    • Bionet Co., Ltd.
    • BioRICS NV
    • Biorithm Pte Ltd.
    • BioSenseTek Coporation
    • BioSensics LLC
    • BioSerenity SAS
    • BioTelemetry, Inc.
    • Biotricity
    • Biren Technology
    • Bittium Corporation
    • BloomerTech
    • Blue Ocean Smart System
    • Blue Spark Technologies, Inc.
    • BMW
    • Boco, Inc.
    • Bodimetrics
    • Bodiguide
    • BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Bold Diagnostics
    • Bonbouton
    • BONX
    • Boréas Technologies
    • Borsam Biomedical Instruments Co., Ltd.
    • Bosch
    • Bostonclub Co., Ltd.
    • BrainQ Technologies
    • BrainStem Biometrics, Inc.
    • Breylon
    • Brewer Science
    • Brilliance RGB
    • Bright Vision
    • Broadcom
    • BroadPak
    • Brochier Technologies SAS
    • C2 Sense, Inc.
    • C3Nano
    • Cala Health
    • Cambricon Technologies Co.,
    • Cambridge Touch Technologies
    • Canatu Oy
    • Canon
    • Capcon Semiconductor
    • CaptoGlove LLC
    • CardiacSense
    • CardieX
    • CareWear Corporation
    • Cari Health, Inc.
    • CAS Microelectronics Integration
    • CD Micro-Technology
    • CEA-Leti
    • Celestial AI
    • Cellid, Inc.
    • CeQur Corporation
    • Cerebras
    • Cerathrive
    • Ceres Holographics
    • Charco Neurotech
    • Chasm Advanced Materials
    • China Wafer Level CSP Co
    • China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT)
    • Chipbond Technology Corporation
    • Chipletz
    • ChipMOS Technologies, Inc.
    • Chiral Nano AG
    • Chronolife SAS
    • Chuanglongzhixin Madgaze
    • Cionic, Inc.
    • Cipher Skin
    • City Bright Co., Ltd.
    • CK Materials Lab
    • Clim8
    • Coachwhisperer GmbH
    • C-mo Medical Solutions
    • Cognito Therapeutics
    • Cogwear
    • Comftech srl
    • Compound Photonics US Corporation
    • Comptek Solutions Oy
    • CondAlign AS
    • Conductive Transfers
    • Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
    • Corning
    • Cortrium APS
    • Cosinuss
    • Corsano Health
    • Creact International Corporation
    • CREAL SA
    • C Seed
    • CurveSYS GmbH
    • CuteCircuit
    • Cyrcadia Asia
    • Da Peng VR (DPVR)
    • DaVinci Wearables
    • Debiotech S.A.
    • Deep Nordic ApS
    • Descente Ltd.
    • Dewo Advanced Automation (DAA
    • Dexcom, Inc.
    • Diabeloop
    • DiaMonTech AG
    • Digilens
    • Diamfab
    • Diraq
    • Directa Plus
    • Disco
    • Dispelix Oy
    • DMDisplay Co., Ltd.
    • Dispelix Oy
    • Doccla
    • Dolphin Design
    • dorsaVi Ltd.
    • Dupont
    • Dust Identity
    • DyAnsys Inc.
    • Dynocardia
    • Earable Neuroscience
    • EarSwitch
    • Ebara
    • Eccrine Systems, Inc.
    • EchoCare Technologies Inc.
    • Ectosense
    • Efficient Computer
    • Elastimed
    • Electroninks
    • Eleksen
    • Element Science, Inc.
    • Elevre Medical Limited
    • Eeonyx Corporation
    • Elephantech, Inc.
    • Elidah
    • Elitac B.V.
    • Eliyan
    • eLux, Inc.
    • Embr Labs
    • EMC Semi-Conductor Technology
    • Emglare, Inc.
    • Empathy Design Labs
    • Enable Injections
    • Enfabrica
    • Enfucell OY
    • Enhanlabo Co., Ltd.
    • Ennostar, Inc.
    • Entegris
    • Envisics
    • EOFlow Co, Ltd.
    • e-peas Semiconductors
    • Epileds Technologies
    • Epicore Biosystems Ltd.
    • Epileds Technologies
    • Epistar
    • EpiPix Ltd.
    • Epitel
    • Epi-Watch
    • Epson
    • EPS Technology
    • EPTATech S.R.L.
    • Equal1 Laboratories
    • Equivital
    • ERT (eResearchTechnology, Inc.)
    • eSight
    • Esperanto Technologies
    • Eswin Computing
    • Etulipa
    • EV Group
    • EVAS Intelligence
    • Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd.
    • Everysight Ltd.
    • Excyton
    • EXO2
    • Extriple Co, Ltd
    • EyeControl
    • Far Eastern New Century
    • Fathom
    • FeelIT
    • Feel The Same
    • Feelmore Labs
    • FeetMe
    • FeetWings Pvt. Ltd.
    • FILLTUNE Inc.
    • FinnAdvance
    • Fleep Technologies
    • Fleming Medical
    • FlexEnable Limited
    • Flexxo GmbH
    • Flexterra, Inc.
    • Flextrapower
    • Floadia Corporation
    • Flosonics Medical
    • Flow Bio
    • Focally
    • Footfalls & Heartbeats (UK) Limited
    • FononTech
    • Forciot Oy Ltd.
    • Formosa Taffeta
    • Forster Rohner AG
    • Forcz, Inc.
    • Foxconn Electronics
    • Fronics
    • Fujian Huafeng Industry Co., Ltd.
    • Fujita Medical Instruments
    • FutureCure Health
    • Futaba Corporation
    • Futurus
    • Gaianixx
    • Gait Up SA
    • GARMIN
    • Gaugewear, Inc.
    • Gauzy Ltd.
    • GCT Semiconductor
    • GE Healthcare
    • Genomika
    • Gentag, Inc.
    • German Bionic
    • GlakoLens
    • GlobalFoundries
    • Global Unichip
    • Gloway
    • Glucovation
    • Glucovibes
    • GluSense
    • GlySens Incorporated
    • Goldenscope Tech
    • Gona Semiconductor Technology
    • GOGO Band
    • Google
    • Goolton Technology Co., Ltd
    • Grafren AB
    • Graphcore
    • Grapheal
    • Graphene One LLC
    • GraphWear Technologies
    • GravityXR
    • Greatek Electronics Inc
    • G-Tech Medical
    • greenTEG AG
    • Guangdong Nanhai ETEB Technology Co., Ltd.
    • H2L, Inc.
    • h2o Therapeutics
    • Hangke Chuangxing (Aero Inno-Star)
    • Hanmi Semiconductor
    • HannStar Display Corp.
    • Hansol Chemical Co., Ltd.
    • HC SemiTek Corporation
    • HCP Technology HCP Co., Ltd.
    • Healbe Corporation
    • healthsign Ltd.
    • Healables
    • Healthwatch Technologies
    • HeiQ Materials AG
    • H.E.A.T. Inc
    • Helio Display Materials
    • Heraeus Epurio
    • HeroWear
    • Heru, Inc.
    • Hexoskin
    • Hilu
    • Hinge Health, Inc.
    • HiSilicon
    • Hitachi Chemical Company Ltd.
    • Hivok Biotek, Inc.
    • HLMC (Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation)
    • HOLOEYE Photonics AG
    • Holst Centre
    • Hoya Digital Solutions Corp.
    • HP1 Technologies
    • Huatian Huichuang Technology (Xi'an) Co., Ltd.
    • Huawei
    • HUDWAY
    • Hyundai Mobis
    • Humanox
    • iBeam Materials, Inc.
    • Ibiden
    • ible Technology, Inc.
    • IBM
    • ICLeague Technology Co Ltd
    • IcosaMed Sarl
    • IQDEMY Quantum Technology SA
    • IDRO
    • IDUN Technologies AG
    • iGlass Pty Ltd
    • Imagia
    • Imagine Intelligent Materials Pty Ltd
    • iMediSync
    • Indigo Diabetes n.v.
    • INMO
    • Innovega, Inc.
    • Innolux Corporation
    • IMEC
    • Inari Amertron Berhad
    • Indiafoot
    • Innovega, Inc.
    • Infineon Technologies AG
    • Integra
    • Interactive Wear
    • Inuheat Group AB
    • Intel Corporation
      • Table Intel's products that adopt 3D FOVEROS.
    • Inuchip
    • Inuru GmbH
    • Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
    • Innovation Semiconductor
    • Innovision
    • Insulet Corporation
    • Intento SA
    • IONIQ Skincare GmbH & Co. KG
    • Iristick
    • iRhythm Technologies, Inc.
    • Isansys Lifecare
    • i-SENS, Inc.
    • iSono Health
    • Invicta Medical, Inc.
    • ivWatch, LLC
    • iWEECARE Co., Ltd.
    • Ixana
    • Jade Bird Display (JBD)
    • Japan Display Inc. (JDI)
    • JCET Group
    • JetCool
    • Jiangsu IC Assembly & Test (ICAT)
    • Jingdu Semiconductor
    • Jiva Materials Ltd.
    • Joled Inc.
    • JuneBrain, Inc.
    • Karl Knauer KG
    • keepMED
    • Kenzen, Inc.
    • Kernel
    • Keyang Semiconductor (KYS)
    • Kiffik Biomedical, Inc.
    • Kinetic
    • King Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd.
    • Kioxia
    • Know Labs
    • Kokoromi, Inc.
    • Komodo Technologies, Inc.
    • Konka Group
    • Kopin Corporation
    • Koya, Inc.
    • Kubos Semiconductors
    • Kubota
    • Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc.
    • Kura Technologies
    • Kureha Corporation
    • KyLitho
    • KYMIRA
    • Kyocera
    • Kyulux, Inc
    • Lam Research
    • Lapis Technology
    • LB Semicon Co Ltd
    • Laronix
    • Laxmi Therapeutic Devices
    • Leading Interconnect Semiconductor Technology
    • LedMan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
    • Leaf Healthcare, Inc.
    • Leia Inc
    • Lenovo
    • LetinAR
    • Lextar Electronics
    • Leyard OptoElectronic
    • LG Display (LGD)
      • Table LG flexible display products.
      • Table LG mini QNED range
    • Liangdong Technology
    • LiBEST
    • Lief Therapeutics, Inc.
    • Lidrotec GmbH
    • LifePlus
    • LifeSense
    • LifeSignals Group Inc.
    • LifeSpan
    • LightSpace Technolgies, Inc.
    • Linxens
    • linktop
    • Litho
    • Liquid Wire, Inc.
    • Liquid X Printed Metals
    • LMS Co., Ltd.
    • Longan Vision
    • Loomia Technologies, Inc.
    • Lotus Microsystems
    • Luboo
    • Lucid Audio, LLC
    • LumenAstra
    • Lumens
    • Lumeo Technology AB (Lumeotech)
    • Lumify Care, Inc.
    • Luminit, LLC
    • Lumineq
    • Lumiode, Inc.
    • Lux Semiconductors
    • Lumus
    • Logbar
    • Magic Leap, Inc.
    • MagArray, Inc.
    • Malaysian Pacific Industries Berhad
    • Marani Health, Inc.
    • Marelli
    • Matrix Industries
    • MAWI
    • MCK Tech Co., Ltd.
    • MC10, Inc.
    • MEDEXO Robotics
    • Medtor LLC
    • Meta (Facebook)
    • Mezoo Co., Ltd
    • Medita
    • MediaTek
    • MediThinQ
    • MediBioSense Ltd.
    • Medherant Ltd
    • MesoMat
    • Metaphysiks Engineering SA
    • mHealth Technologies
    • MICLEDI Micro displays
    • Mictic AG
    • Micro Nitride Co., Ltd.
    • Mikro Mesa Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Milbotix
    • Milo Sensors, Inc.
    • miomove s.r.o.
    • Mitsufuji Corporation
    • Mediatek
    • Merck KgaA
    • MICLEDI Microdisplays
    • Micron Technology, Inc.
    • Micross Components
    • Microtube Technologies
    • miomove s.r.o.
    • MindPortal, Inc.
    • Mithras Technology AG
    • Mitsubishi
    • Molecular Glasses, Inc.
    • Mobio Interactive
    • Modoo
    • Mode Sensors AS
    • Modjoul
    • Mojo Vision, Inc.
    • Molex
    • Movano Inc.
    • Movesense Ltd
    • MOWOOT
    • Myrias Optics
    • Nanolumi
    • Nano Engineered Applications, Inc.
    • Nanusens
    • munevo GmbH
    • Muse Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.
    • MyEli
    • Myant, Inc.
    • Myontec Oy
    • Nanoco Group Plc
    • Nanoleq AG
    • Nanopower Semiconductor
    • Nanosys, Inc.
    • NanoVation-GS
    • Nanowear, Inc.
    • National Center For Advanced Packaging China (NCAP China)
    • Nationstar
    • Navitas Semiconductor
    • NEC
    • NeckCare
    • Neopenda
    • NeoLogic
    • Neo Semiconductor
    • Neosensory
    • Nemaura Medical, Inc.
    • Nepes Corporation
    • Neuralert
    • Neurovalens Ltd.
    • Neuphony
    • Neurava
    • Nextiles, Inc.
    • NextVPU (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    • N-ink
    • Nichia Corporation
    • Nippon Mektron, Ltd.
    • Nippon Paper Group
    • Nix Biosensors
    • Noble Biomaterials, Inc.
    • Noctrix Health, Inc.
    • Novalogy Ltd.
    • Novasentis
    • Novel Crystal Technology
    • NOWATCH B.V.
    • Nreal
    • NS Materials, Inc.
    • NS Nanotech
    • NthDegree
    • NTT (New Textile Technologies) GmbH
    • Nvidia Corporation
    • Nuada
    • NUUBO Smart Solutions Technologies, SL
    • Nukute Ltd
    • Numem
    • Nunaps
    • Nutronimcs
    • Nurvv
    • Nymbl Science, Inc.
    • Nyoka Technologies
    • NYX Technologies
    • 0Glasses
    • Ohmatex
    • Oji Holdings Corporation
    • Omniply Technologies
    • Omron Healthcare
    • Onsemi
    • Ookuma Diamond Device
    • Optotune AG
    • Oqmented
    • Organic Robotics Corporation
    • Orient Semiconductor Electronics Ltd.
    • Origami Group Limited
    • OrCam Technologies Ltd.
    • ORORO Heated Apparel
    • Orpyx Medical Technologies
    • Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd.
    • ams Osram
    • Otolith Labs, Inc.
    • Outlast Technologies LLC
    • Oxitone Medical Ltd
    • OxiWear
    • Oxsight Ltd.
    • Oy Morphona Ltd.
    • Pacific Diabetes Technologies
    • Pacific Future
    • Palarum, LLC
    • Panasonic
    • Panmnesia
    • Paragit Solutions Aps
    • Paragraf Ltd.
    • Paragraf USA (Cardea Bio, Inc.)
    • Payper Technologies
    • PARC
    • Patchd, Inc.
    • PDNeurotechnology
    • Pearl Semiconductor
    • Peerbridge Health
    • PEROLED Korea
    • Peugeot
    • Pico Interactive
    • Pie Crystal Co., Ltd.
    • PiMAX Xiaopai Technology
    • Piomic Medical AG
    • Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.
    • Pkvitality
    • Plastic Logic
    • PlayNitride, Inc.
    • Plessey Semiconductors Ltd
    • PMD Solutions
    • POCTech Co., Ltd.
    • Point2 Technology
    • Point Fit Technology
    • Polaris Electro-Optics
    • Poro Technologies Ltd (Porotech)
    • Power Textiles Limited
    • Powertech Technology Inc.
    • Pragmatic Semiconductor
    • Prevayl Limited
    • Preventice Solutions, Inc.
    • Printoptix GmbH
    • Primo1D
    • Propel LLC
    • Protxx, Inc.
    • Proxxi
    • PseudolithIC
    • QDI Systems
    • Qiu Shi Spectrum
    • QNA Technology
    • QT Medical, Inc.
    • Qualcomm
    • Quantum Bridge
    • Quantum Materials Corporation
    • Quantum Motion
    • Quantum Science
    • Quantum Operation Co., Ltd.
    • Quinas Technology
    • Qardio, Inc.
    • Qblox
    • QNA Technology
    • Q-Pixel
    • Quad Industries
    • Qorvo
    • QubeDot GmbH
    • Quintessent
    • QustomDot BV
    • Qurv Technologies S.L.
    • QV Bioelectronics
    • RAAAM Memory Technologies
    • Raontech
    • Ranovus Inc.
    • Rapidus
    • Raysolve Technology
    • Raythink Technology Co., Ltd.
    • RealWear
    • Rithmi
    • Rohinni LLC
    • Rokid
    • Reflex
    • Renesas
    • Resilient Lifescience
    • Resmetrix Medical Ltd.
    • Respira Labs
    • Respiray OÜ
    • Rhaeos, Inc.
    • Rhythm Diagnostic Systems
    • Rigger Micro Technologies (RMT)
    • RiTdisplay Corporation
    • Rockley Photonics
    • Roddy Medical Inc.
    • Rohm
    • Rong Semiconductor
    • Rohinni LLC
    • Rooti Labs Limited
    • Royole Corporation
    • Ruentex Industries Limited
    • RxFunction
    • SafKan, Inc.
    • Samay
    • Sanofi
    • Samsung Display Co., Ltd
      • Table Samsung Neo QLED TV range.
    • Samsung Electronics
      • Table Samsung QD-TV product list.
    • Samtec, Inc.
    • sansirro GmbH
    • Sankiconsys Co., Ltd.
    • San'an Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
    • Saphlux, Inc.
      • Table NPQDTM vs Traditional QD based MicroLEDs.
    • Scaleo Medical
    • Schoeller Textil AG
    • Schöffel
    • Schott AG
    • Seer Medical
    • Seers Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Seismic
    • Sekisui Polymatech Japan Co., Ltd.
    • Sencure B.V.
    • Senseonics Holdings, Inc.
    • SenseGlove
    • Sensemodi
    • SensFit Technologies
    • Sensing Tex
    • Sensifree
    • Sensoria Health
    • Sensium (Surgical Company Group)
    • Seoul Semiconductor/Seoul Viosys Co., Ltd.
    • Sequent AG
    • Seventh Sense Biosystems
    • Shantou GoWorld Display
    • Sharp
    • Shenzhen Danbond Technology Co Ltd
    • Shenzhen Grahope New Materials Technologies Inc.
    • Shenzhen MTC
    • Shiftall
    • Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.
    • Shift Robotics Inc.
    • Shinko Electric Industries
    • Showa Denko
    • SiPearl
    • Sibel Health
    • Sigknow Biomedical Inc.
    • Sigurd Microelectronics Corporation
    • SiLC Technologies
    • Silicon Box
    • Silicon Quantum Computing
    • Siliconware Precision Industries (SPIL)
    • SiliconCore Technology, Inc.
    • Silvertree
    • Singular Wings Medical Co., Ltd.
    • Sinopulsar Technology, Inc.
    • SiPhox Health
    • Siren
    • Sitan Semiconductor International Co. Ltd.
    • SJ Semiconductor
    • SK Hynix
    • SkinBreeze B.V.
    • Skyscrape Inc.
    • Skywater
    • Skinos Co., Ltd.
    • SkyLabs
    • SleepActa
    • SmartCap Technologies
    • Smardii, Inc.
    • SMARTR Health Limited
    • SmartIR Ltd.
    • SmartKem Limited
    • SMK Corporation
    • Snore Circle
    • SnowCookie
    • Soitec
    • Softmatter
    • Somalytics
    • Somatix
    • Sonceboz SA
    • Sony Corporation
    • Sorrel Medical
    • Soter Analytics
    • SOXAI
    • SpaceBands Ltd.
    • Spark Biomedical
    • Spectralics
    • Spherical Systems
    • Spirit of Wonder Co., Ltd.
    • Starmask
    • Statex Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
    • SteadySense GmbH
    • SteerLight
    • Stellantis
    • StimAire
    • STMicroelectronics
    • STRACK
    • Stratacache
    • StretchSkin
    • StretchSense
    • Stridelink, Inc.
    • Strive
    • Subcuject
    • Sun Corporation
    • Sundiode Inc
    • SuraMedical
    • Suss Microtec
    • Swave Photonics
    • Sympatient
    • Synaptics Inc.
    • Synchron, Inc.
    • SZLQ Intelligence (Suzhou Lieqi Intelligent Equipment)
    • Taalas
    • Tacterion GmbH
    • TactoTek Oy
    • Taiwan Alpha Electronic Co., Ltd.
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
    • Taiyo Industrial Co., Ltd.
    • TCL
    • Team Group, Inc.
    • Tec-Innovation GmbH
    • Techsense International
    • Tech-Wave Industrial Co., Ltd.
    • Teijin Limited
    • Tekscan, Inc.
    • Tempdrop Inc.
    • Terecircuits Corporation
    • Teslasuit
    • Teveri
    • Texas Instruments
    • Textile Two Dimensional
    • Tex-Ray Industrial Co., Ltd.
    • Texis
    • Tezzaron Semiconductor
    • Theranica
    • Thermaband, Inc.
    • ThirdEye Gen, Inc.
    • Thread In Motion
    • Thync
    • Tianma Display Technology Co., Ltd.,
    • Ticto
    • TickerFit
    • Tilt Five, Inc.
    • Timesintelli
    • Tivic Health Systems, Inc.
    • Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
    • Tobii Technology KK
    • Token
    • Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.
    • Tong Hsing Electronic Industries, Ltd.
    • TopoLogic
    • Toray Industries, Inc.
    • Toshiba
    • Touchlab
    • Tower Semiconductor
    • Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    • TriLite Technologies GmbH
    • Triple W Japan Co., Ltd.
    • Truth Memory Corporation (TMC)
    • Tyme Wear
    • Ultrahuman
    • Unhindr
    • Unimicron
    • Unisem
    • Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd
    • UTAC Group
    • Vagustim
    • Valencell
    • Valeo
    • Varjo Technologies Oy
    • Vaxxas
    • VELDT
    • Versarien plc
    • Verve Motion
    • Vielight, Inc.
    • Visionox
    • Verily Life Sciences LLC
    • VerLASE Technologies LLC
    • Vibrato Medical
    • Vista Medical
    • Virility Medical
    • Visca LLC
    • Visionox Technology, Inc.
    • Visteon
    • VitalConnect
    • VitreaLab GmbH
    • VivoSense
    • VivaLNK
    • Vitls Inc
    • Vixion
    • Vollebak
    • Volt Wearable Tech Corporation
    • Voxel8
    • VoxelSensors
    • VueReal
    • Vuzix Corporation
    • Wakecap Technologies
    • Walton Advanced Engineering Inc.
    • Watz
    • WaveForm Technologies
    • WayRay
    • WBD101 Well Being Digital Ltd.
    • Wearable X
    • Wearable Devices Ltd.
    • WearOptimo
    • WeART
    • Weebit Nano
    • West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.
    • Wellysis
    • Wergonic AB
    • Westunitis
    • Wiliot
    • Winstek Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Wise Integration
    • Wispr AI Inc
    • Withings SA
    • Wirobotics
    • Wusa
    • Xenoma, Inc.
    • X-Display
    • Xiamen Changelight Co., Ltd.
    • Xiaomi
    • Ximmerse (Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. )
    • Xinhe Semiconductor
    • Xmetix Ltd.
    • Xpanceo
    • Xsensio
    • X-trodes
    • Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
    • Yamamoto Kogaku Co., Ltd.
    • Ybrain
    • Yibu Semiconductor
    • Ynvisible Interactive Inc.
    • Yodel Technologies, Inc.
    • Yuehai Integrated
    • Zeit Medical
    • Zero-Error Systems (ZES)
    • ZeroPoint Technologies AB
    • ZetrOZ
    • Zive
    • Zhuhai AdvanPro Technology Co., Ltd.
    • ZOZO Group
    • ZTE Corporation

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