Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Global Market 2025-2045

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Global Market 2025-2045

As the world intensifies its efforts to achieve net-zero emissions, CCUS technologies are emerging as critical solutions for reducing emissions across essential hard-to-abate sectors sectors. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) refers to technologies that capture CO2 emissions and use or store them, leading to permanent sequestration. CCUS technologies capture carbon dioxide emissions from large power sources, including power generation or industrial facilities that use either fossil fuels or biomass for fuel. CO2 can also be captured directly from the atmosphere. If not utilized onsite, captured CO2 is compressed and transported by pipeline, ship, rail or truck to be used in a range of applications, or injected into deep geological formations (including depleted oil and gas reservoirs or saline formations) which trap th CO2 for permanent storage.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Global Market 2025-2045 offers an in-depth analysis offers valuable insights for stakeholders in the energy, industrial, and environmental sectors, as well as policymakers, investors, and researchers seeking to understand the transformative potential of CCUS in the global transition to a low-carbon economy.

Report contents include:
Analysis of market trends for integrated CCUS solutions, the rise of direct air capture technologies, and the growing interest in CO2 utilization for value-added products.

In-depth examination of key CCUS technologies, their current state of development, and future innovations:
Carbon Capture:
Post-combustion capture
Pre-combustion capture
Oxy-fuel combustion
Direct air capture (DAC)
Emerging capture technologies (e.g., membrane-based, cryogenic)

Carbon Utilization:
CO2-derived fuels and chemicals
Building materials and concrete curing
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
Biological utilization (e.g., algae cultivation)
Mineralization processes

Carbon Storage:
Geological sequestration in saline aquifers
Depleted oil and gas reservoirs
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) with storage
Mineral carbonation
Ocean storage (potential future applications)
Technology readiness levels (TRLs) of various CCUS approaches, highlighting areas of rapid advancement and identifying potential game-changers in the industry.
Global CCUS capacity additions by technology and region
CO2 capture volumes by source (power generation, industry, direct air capture)
Utilization volumes by application (fuels, chemicals, materials, EOR)
Storage volumes by type (geological, mineralization, other)
Market size and revenue projections for key CCUS segments
Investment trends and capital expenditure forecasts
Comprehensive overview of the CCUS industry value chain, from technology providers and equipment manufacturers to project developers and end-users.
Detailed profiles of over 300 companies across the CCUS value chain. Companies profiled include Again, Airhive, Aker Carbon Capture, AspiraDAC, Capsol Technologies, Captura, Carbofex Oy, Carbon Blue, CarbonCapture, CarbonFree, Charm Industrial, Climeworks, Exxon Mobil, Graphyte, Holocene, ION Clean Energy, MCI Carbon, Mission Zero, Neustark, Noya, Octavia Carbon, Removr, Sirona Technologies, and Storegga.
Analysis of key players' strategies, market positioning, and competitive advantages
Assessment of partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions shaping the industry
Evaluation of emerging start-ups and innovative technology providers
Regional Analysis including current and planned CCUS projects, regulatory frameworks, investment climates, and growth opportunities.
Policy and Regulatory Landscape
Analysis of global, regional, and national climate policies impacting CCUS
Overview of carbon pricing mechanisms and their effect on CCUS economics
Examination of incentives, tax credits, and support schemes for CCUS projects
Assessment of regulatory frameworks for CO2 transport and storage
Projections of future policy developments and their market implications
Detailed cost breakdowns for capture, transport, utilization, and storage
Analysis of cost reduction trends and projections
Comparison of CCUS costs across different applications and technologies
Assessment of revenue streams and business models for CCUS projects
Evaluation of the role of carbon markets in CCUS economics

Challenges and Opportunities including:
High capital and operational costs
Technological barriers and scale-up issues
Public perception and social acceptance
Regulatory uncertainty and policy risks
Infrastructure development needs

Emerging opportunities, such as:
Integration with hydrogen production for blue hydrogen
Negative emissions technologies (NETs) like BECCS and DACCS
Development of CCUS hubs and clusters
Novel CO2 utilization pathways in high-value products
Potential for CCUS in hard-to-abate sectors
Future Outlook and Scenarios including
Pace of technological innovation
Strength of climate policies and carbon pricing
Public acceptance and support for CCUS
Integration with other clean energy technologies
Global economic trends and energy market dynamics

This comprehensive market report is an essential resource for:
Energy and industrial companies exploring CCUS opportunities
Technology providers and equipment manufacturers in the CCUS space
Project developers and investors in clean energy and climate solutions
Policymakers and regulators shaping climate and energy policies
Research institutions and academics studying carbon management strategies
Environmental organizations and think tanks focused on climate change mitigation
Financial institutions and analysts assessing the CCUS market potential

    • Definition of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
    • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
      • Table Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Examples.
    • Main sources of carbon dioxide emissions
    • CO2 as a commodity
    • Meeting climate targets
    • Market drivers and trends
      • Table Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) market drivers and trends.
    • The current market and future outlook
    • CCUS Industry developments 2020-2024
      • Table Carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS) industry developments 2020-2024.
    • CCUS investments
      • Venture Capital Funding
        • Table CCUS VC deals 2022-2024.
    • Government CCUS initiatives
      • Table CCUS government funding and investment-10 year outlook.
      • North America
      • Europe
      • Asia
        • Table Demonstration and commercial CCUS facilities in China.
    • Market map
    • Commercial CCUS facilities and projects
      • Facilities
        • Table Global commercial CCUS facilities-in operation.
        • Table Global commercial CCUS facilities-under development/construction.
    • CCUS Value Chain
    • Key market barriers for CCUS
      • Table Key market barriers for CCUS.
    • Carbon pricing
      • Compliance Carbon Pricing Mechanisms
        • Table Key compliance carbon pricing initiatives around the world.
      • Alternative to Carbon Pricing: 45Q Tax Credits
      • Business models
        • Table CCUS business models: full chain, part chain, and hubs and clusters.
      • The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
      • Carbon Pricing in the US
      • Carbon Pricing in China
      • Voluntary Carbon Markets
      • Challenges with Carbon Pricing
    • Global market forecasts
      • CCUS capture capacity forecast by end point
        • Table CCUS capture capacity forecast by CO endpoint, Mtpa of CO to 2045
      • Capture capacity by region to 2045, Mtpa
        • Table Capture capacity by region to 2045, Mtpa.
      • Revenues
        • Table CCUS revenue potential for captured CO offtaker, billion US $ to 2045
      • CCUS capacity forecast by capture type
        • Table CCUS capacity forecast by capture type, Mtpa of CO to 2045
        • Table Point-source CCUS capture capacity forecast by CO source sector, Mtpa of CO to 2045
    • What is CCUS?
      • Table CO2 utilization and removal pathways
      • Carbon Capture
        • Table Approaches for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from point sources.
        • Table CO2 capture technologies.
        • Table Advantages and challenges of carbon capture technologies.
        • Table Overview of commercial materials and processes utilized in carbon capture.
      • Carbon Utilization
      • Carbon storage
    • Transporting CO2
      • Methods of CO2 transport
        • Table Methods of CO2 transport.
      • Safety
    • Costs
      • Table Carbon capture, transport, and storage cost per unit of CO2
      • Table Estimated capital costs for commercial-scale carbon capture.
      • Cost of CO2 transport
    • Carbon credits
    • CO2 capture technologies
      • Table Comparison of CO capture technologies.
      • Table Typical conditions and performance for different capture technologies.
    • >90% capture rate
    • 99% capture rate
    • CO2 capture from point sources
      • Table PSCC technologies.
      • Table Point source examples.
      • Table Comparison of point-source CO capture systems
      • Energy Availability and Costs
      • Power plants with CCUS
      • Transportation
      • Global point source CO2 capture capacities
      • By source
      • Blue hydrogen
        • Table Blue hydrogen projects.
        • Table Commercial CO capture systems for blue H2.
        • Table Market players in blue hydrogen.
      • Carbon capture in cement
        • Table CCUS Projects in the Cement Sector.
        • Table Carbon capture technologies in the cement sector.
        • Table Cost and technological status of carbon capture in the cement sector.
      • Maritime carbon capture
    • Main carbon capture processes
      • Materials
        • Table Assessment of carbon capture materials
      • Post-combustion
        • Table Chemical solvents used in post-combustion.
        • Table Comparison of key chemical solvent-based systems.
        • Table Chemical absorption solvents used in current operational CCUS point-source projects.
        • Table Comparison of key physical absorption solvents.
        • Table Physical solvents used in current operational CCUS point-source projects.
        • Table Emerging solvents for carbon capture
      • Oxy-fuel combustion
        • Table Oxygen separation technologies for oxy-fuel combustion.
        • Table Large-scale oxyfuel CCUS cement projects.
      • Liquid or supercritical CO2: Allam-Fetvedt Cycle
      • Pre-combustion
        • Table Commercially available physical solvents for pre-combustion carbon capture.
    • Carbon separation technologies
      • Table Main capture processes and their separation technologies.
      • Absorption capture
        • Table Absorption methods for CO2 capture overview.
        • Table Commercially available physical solvents used in CO2 absorption.
      • Adsorption capture
        • Table Adsorption methods for CO2 capture overview.
        • Table Solid sorbents explored for carbon capture.
        • Table Carbon-based adsorbents for CO capture.
        • Table Polymer-based adsorbents.
        • Table Solid sorbents for post-combustion CO capture.
        • Table Emerging Solid Sorbent Systems.
      • Membranes
        • Table Membrane-based methods for CO2 capture overview.
        • Table Comparison of membrane materials for CCUS
        • Table Commercial status of membranes in carbon capture
        • Table Membranes for pre-combustion capture.
      • Liquid or supercritical CO2 (Cryogenic) capture
        • Table Status of cryogenic CO capture technologies.
      • Calcium Looping
      • Other technologies
        • Table Benefits and drawbacks of microalgae carbon capture.
      • Comparison of key separation technologies
        • Table Comparison of main separation technologies.
      • Technology readiness level (TRL) of gas separation technologies
        • Table Technology readiness level (TRL) of gas separation technologies
    • Opportunities and barriers
      • Table Opportunities and Barriers by sector.
    • Costs of CO2 capture
    • CO2 capture capacity
    • Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)
      • Overview of technology
      • Biomass conversion
      • BECCS facilities
        • Table Existing and planned capacity for sequestration of biogenic carbon.
        • Table Existing facilities with capture and/or geologic sequestration of biogenic CO2.
      • Challenges
    • Direct air capture (DAC)
      • Technology description
        • Table DAC technologies.
        • Table Advantages and disadvantages of DAC.
      • Advantages of DAC
        • Table Advantages of DAC as a CO2 removal strategy.
      • Deployment
      • Point source carbon capture versus Direct Air Capture
      • Technologies
        • Table Companies developing airflow equipment integration with DAC.
        • Table Companies developing Passive Direct Air Capture (PDAC) technologies.
        • Table Companies developing regeneration methods for DAC technologies.
      • Electricity and Heat Sources
      • Commercialization and plants
        • Table DAC companies and technologies.
      • Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in DAC
      • DAC plants and projects-current and planned
        • Table DAC technology developers and production.
        • Table DAC projects in development.
      • Capacity forecasts
        • Table DACCS carbon removal capacity forecast (million metric tons of CO per year), 2024-2045, base case.
        • Table DACCS carbon removal capacity forecast (million metric tons of CO per year), 2030-2045, optimistic case.
      • Costs
        • Table Costs summary for DAC.
        • Table Typical cost contributions of the main components of a DACCS system.
        • Table Cost estimates of DAC.
      • Market challenges for DAC
        • Table Challenges for DAC technology.
      • Market prospects for direct air capture
      • Players and production
        • Table DAC companies and technologies.
      • Co2 utilization pathways
        • Table Example CO2 utilization pathways.
      • Markets for Direct Air Capture and Storage (DACCS)
        • Table Markets for Direct Air Capture and Storage (DACCS).
        • Table Market overview for CO2 derived fuels.
        • Table Microalgae products and prices.
        • Table Main Solar-Driven CO2 Conversion Approaches.
        • Table Companies in CO2-derived fuel products.
        • Table Commodity chemicals and fuels manufactured from CO2.
        • Table CO2 utilization products developed by chemical and plastic producers.
        • Table Companies in CO2-derived chemicals products.
        • Table Carbon capture technologies and projects in the cement sector
        • Table Companies in CO2 derived building materials.
        • Table Market challenges for CO2 utilization in construction materials.
        • Table Companies in CO2 Utilization in Biological Yield-Boosting.
        • Table CO2 sequestering technologies and their use in food.
        • Table Applications of CCS in oil and gas production.
    • Conventional CDR on land
      • Wetland and peatland restoration
      • Cropland, grassland, and agroforestry
    • Technological CDR Solutions
      • Table Benchmarking comparison of various CDR technologies based on key parameters.
    • Technology Readiness Level (TRL): Carbon Dioxide Removal Methods
    • Carbon Credits
      • Table DACCS carbon credit revenue forecast (million US$), 2024-2045.
    • Value chain
      • Table CDR Value Chain.
    • Monitoring, reporting, and verification
    • Government policies
    • BECCS
      • Technology overview
      • Biomass conversion
      • CO capture technologies
        • Table CO capture technologies for BECCS.
      • Bioenergy with Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)
        • Table Feedstocks for Bioenergy with Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS):
      • BECCS facilities
        • Table Existing and planned capacity for sequestration of biogenic carbon.
        • Table Existing facilities with capture and/or geologic sequestration of biogenic CO2.
      • Cost analysis
      • BECCS carbon credits
      • Sustainability
      • Challenges
        • Table Challenges of BECCS
    • Enhanced Weathering
      • Overview
      • Enhanced Weathering Processes and Materials
        • Table Comparison of enhanced weathering materials
      • Enhanced Weathering Applications
        • Table Enhanced Weathering Applications.
      • Trends and Opportunities
        • Table Trends and opportunities in enhanced weathering.
      • Challenges and Risks
        • Table Challenges and risks in enhanced weathering.
      • Cost analysis
      • SWOT analysis
    • Afforestation/Reforestation
      • Overview
      • Carbon dioxide removal methods
        • Table Nature-based CDR approaches.
      • Remote sensing in A/R
      • Robotics
        • Table Companies in robotics in afforestation/reforestation.
        • Table Comparison of A/R and BECCS.
      • Trends and Opportunities
        • Table Trends and Opportunities in afforestation/reforestation.
      • Challenges and Risks
        • Table Challenges and risks in afforestation/reforestation.
      • SWOT analysis
    • Soil carbon sequestration (SCS)
      • Overview
      • Practices
        • Table Soil carbon sequestration practices.
      • Measuring and Verifying
        • Table Soil sampling and analysis methods.
        • Table Remote sensing and modeling techniques.
        • Table Carbon credit protocols and standards.
      • Trends and Opportunities
        • Table Trends and opportunities in soil carbon sequestration (SCS).
      • Carbon credits
        • Table Key aspects of soil carbon credits.
      • Challenges and Risks
        • Table Challenges and Risks in SCS.
      • SWOT analysis
    • Biochar
      • What is biochar?
      • Carbon sequestration
      • Properties of biochar
        • Table Summary of key properties of biochar.
        • Table Biochar physicochemical and morphological properties
      • Feedstocks
        • Table Biochar feedstocks-source, carbon content, and characteristics.
      • Production processes
        • Table Biochar production technologies, description, advantages and disadvantages.
        • Table Comparison of slow and fast pyrolysis for biomass.
        • Table Comparison of thermochemical processes for biochar production.
        • Table Biochar production equipment manufacturers.
      • Biochar pricing
      • Biochar carbon credits
        • Table Competitive materials and technologies that can also earn carbon credits.
      • Bio-oil based CDR
        • Table Bio-oil-based CDR pros and cons.
      • Biomass burial for CO2 removal
      • Bio-based construction materials for CDR
      • SWOT analysis
    • Ocean-based CDR
      • Overview
        • Table Ocean-based CDR methods.
      • Ocean pumps
        • Table Benchmarking of ocean-based CDR methods:
      • CO2 capture from seawater
      • Ocean fertilisation
        • Table Ocean-based CDR: biotic methods.
      • Coastal blue carbon
      • Algal cultivation
      • Artificial upwelling
      • MRV for marine CDR
      • Ocean alkalinisation
      • Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE)
      • Electrochemical ocean alkalinity enhancement
      • Direct ocean capture technology
        • Table Technology in direct ocean capture.
        • Table Future direct ocean capture technologies.
      • Artificial downwelling
      • Trends and Opportunities
        • Table Trends and opportunities in ocean-based CDR.
      • Ocean-based carbon credits
      • Cost analysis
      • Challenges and Risks
        • Table Challenges and risks in ocean-based CDR.
      • SWOT analysis
    • Overview
      • Current market status
        • Table Carbon utilization revenue forecast by product (US$).
    • Carbon utilization business models
      • Table Carbon utilization business models.
      • Benefits of carbon utilization
        • Table CO2 utilization and removal pathways.
      • Market challenges
        • Table Market challenges for CO2 utilization.
    • Co2 utilization pathways
      • Table Example CO2 utilization pathways.
    • Conversion processes
      • Thermochemical
        • Table CO2 derived products via Thermochemical conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages.
      • Electrochemical conversion of CO2
        • Table CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages.
      • Photocatalytic and photothermal catalytic conversion of CO2
      • Catalytic conversion of CO2
      • Biological conversion of CO2
        • Table CO2 derived products via biological conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages.
      • Copolymerization of CO2
        • Table Companies developing and producing CO2-based polymers.
      • Mineral carbonation
        • Table Companies developing mineral carbonation technologies.
        • Table Comparison of emerging CO utilization applications.
    • CO2-derived products
      • Fuels
        • Table Main routes to CO -fuels.
        • Table Market overview for CO2 derived fuels.
        • Table Main routes to CO -fuels
        • Table Power-to-Methane projects.
        • Table Microalgae products and prices.
        • Table Main Solar-Driven CO2 Conversion Approaches.
        • Table Companies in CO2-derived fuel products.
      • Chemicals and polymers
        • Table Commodity chemicals and fuels manufactured from CO2.
        • Table Companies in CO2-derived chemicals products.
      • Construction materials
        • Table Carbon capture technologies and projects in the cement sector
        • Table Prefabricated versus ready-mixed concrete markets .
        • Table CO utilization business models in building materials.
        • Table Companies in CO2 derived building materials.
        • Table Market challenges for CO2 utilization in construction materials.
      • CO2 Utilization in Biological Yield-Boosting
        • Table Companies in CO2 Utilization in Biological Yield-Boosting.
    • CO2 Utilization in Enhanced Oil Recovery
      • Overview
        • Table Applications of CCS in oil and gas production.
      • CO2 -EOR facilities and projects
      • Challenges
    • Enhanced mineralization
      • Advantages
      • In situ and ex-situ mineralization
      • Enhanced mineralization pathways
      • Challenges
        • Table CO2 EOR/Storage Challenges.
    • Introduction
      • Table Storage and utilization of CO2.
      • Table Mechanisms of subsurface CO trapping.
    • CO2 storage sites
      • Storage types for geologic CO2 storage
        • Table Global depleted reservoir storage projects.
        • Table Global CO2 ECBM storage projects.
      • Oil and gas fields
        • Table CO2 EOR/storage projects.
      • Saline formations
        • Table Global storage sites-saline aquifer projects.
      • Coal seams and shale
      • Basalts and ultra-mafic rocks
    • CO2 leakage
    • Global CO2 storage capacity
      • Table Global storage capacity estimates, by region.
      • Table MRV Technologies and Costs in CO Storage.
      • Table Carbon storage challenges.
    • CO2 Storage Projects
      • Table Status of CO Storage Projects.
    • CO2 -EOR
      • Description
      • Injected CO2
        • Table Types of CO -EOR designs.
      • CO2 capture with CO2 -EOR facilities
        • Table CO capture with CO -EOR facilities.
      • Companies
        • Table CO -EOR companies.
      • Economics
    • Costs
    • Challenges
    • Introduction
      • Table Phases of CO for transportation.
    • CO2 transportation methods and conditions
      • Table CO transportation methods and conditions.
      • Table Status of CO transportation methods in CCS projects.
    • CO2 transportation by pipeline
      • Table CO pipelines Technical challenges.
    • CO2 transportation by ship
    • CO2 transportation by rail and truck
    • Cost analysis of different methods
      • Table Cost comparison of CO transportation methods
    • Companies
      • Table CO transport operators.
    • 3R-BioPhosphate
    • Adaptavate
    • Again
    • Aeroborn B.V.
    • Aether Diamonds
    • AirCapture LLC
    • Aircela Inc
    • Airco Process Technology
    • Air Company
    • Air Liquide S.A.
    • Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
    • Air Protein
    • Air Quality Solutions Worldwide DAC
    • Airex Energy
    • AirHive
    • Airovation Technologies
    • Aker Carbon Capture
    • Algal Bio Co., Ltd.
    • Algenol
    • Algiecel ApS
    • Andes Ag, Inc.
    • Aqualung Carbon Capture
    • Arborea
    • Arca
    • Arkeon Biotechnologies
    • Asahi Kasei
    • AspiraDAC Pty Ltd.
    • Aspiring Materials
    • Atoco
    • Avantium N.V.
    • Avnos, Inc.
    • Aymium
    • Axens SA
    • Azolla
    • Barton Blakeley Technologies Ltd.
    • BASF Group
    • BC Biocarbon
    • BP PLC
    • Blue Planet Systems Corporation
    • BluSky, Inc.
    • Breathe Applied Sciences
    • Bright Renewables
    • Brilliant Planet
    • bse Methanol GmbH
    • C-Capture
    • C4X Technologies Inc.
    • C2CNT LLC
    • Cambridge Carbon Capture Ltd.
    • Capchar Ltd.
    • Captura Corporation
    • Capture6
    • Carba
    • CarbiCrete
    • Carbfix
    • Carboclave
    • Carbo Culture
    • Carbofex Oy
    • Carbominer
    • Carbonade
    • Carbonaide Oy
    • Carbonaught Pty Ltd.
    • CarbonFree
    • Carbonova
    • CarbonScape Ltd.
    • Carbon8 Systems
    • Carbon Blade
    • Carbon Blue
    • CarbonBuilt
    • Carbon CANTONNE
    • Carbon Capture, Inc. (CarbonCapture)
    • Carbon Capture Machine (UK)
    • Carbon Centric AS
    • Carbon Clean Solutions Limited
    • Carbon Collect Limited
    • CarbonCure Technologies Inc.
    • Carbon Geocapture Corp
    • Carbon Engineering Ltd.
    • Carbon Infinity Limited
    • Carbon Limit
    • Carbon Neutral Fuels
    • Carbon Recycling International
    • Carbon Re
    • Carbon Reform, Inc.
    • Carbon Ridge, Inc.
    • Carbon Sink LLC
    • CarbonStar Systems
    • Carbon Upcycling Technologies
    • Carbonfree Chemicals
    • CarbonMeta Research Ltd
    • CarbonOrO Products B.V.
    • CarbonQuest
    • Carbon-Zero US LLC
    • Carbyon BV
    • Cella Mineral Storage
    • Cemvita Factory Inc.
    • CERT Systems, Inc.
    • CFOAM Limited
    • Charm Industrial
    • Chevron Corporation
    • Chiyoda Corporation
    • China Energy Investment Corporation (CHN Energy)
    • Climeworks
    • CNF Biofuel AS
    • CO2 Capsol
    • CO2Rail Company
    • CO2CirculAir B.V.
    • Compact Carbon Capture AS (Baker Hughes)
    • Concrete4Change
    • Coval Energy B.V.
    • Covestro AG
    • C-Quester Inc.
    • Cquestr8 Limited
    • CyanoCapture
    • D-CRBN
    • Decarbontek LLC
    • Deep Branch Biotechnology
    • Deep Sky
    • Denbury Inc.
    • Dimensional Energy
    • Dioxide Materials
    • Dioxycle
    • 8Rivers
    • Earth RepAIR
    • Ebb Carbon
    • Ecocera
    • ecoLocked GmbH
    • Eion Carbon
    • Econic Technologies Ltd
    • EcoClosure LLC
    • Electrochaea GmbH
    • Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT)
    • Empower Materials, Inc.
    • Enerkem, Inc.
    • enaDyne GmbH
    • Entropy Inc.
    • E-Quester
    • Equatic
    • Equinor ASA
    • Evonik Industries AG
    • Exomad Green
    • ExxonMobil
    • 44.01
    • Fairbrics
    • Fervo Energy
    • Fluor Corporation
    • Fortera Corporation
    • Framergy, Inc.
    • FuelCell Energy, Inc.
    • Funga
    • GE Gas Power (General Electric)
    • Giammarco Vetrocoke
    • Giner, Inc.
    • Global Algae Innovations
    • Global Thermostat LLC
    • Graphyte
    • Graviky Labs
    • GreenCap Solutions AS
    • Greeniron H2 AB
    • Green Sequest
    • Gulf Coast Sequestration
    • Greenlyte Carbon Technologies
    • greenSand
    • Hago Energetics
    • Haldor Topsoe
    • Heimdal CCU
    • Heirloom Carbon Technologies
    • High Hopes Labs
    • Holcim Group
    • Holocene
    • Holy Grail, Inc.
    • Honeywell
    • Oy Hydrocell Ltd.
    • 1point8
    • IHI Corporation
    • Immaterial Ltd
    • Ineratec GmbH
    • Infinitree LLC
    • Innovator Energy
    • InnoSepra LLC
    • Inplanet GmbH
    • InterEarth
    • ION Clean Energy, Inc.
    • Japan CCS Co., Ltd.
    • Jupiter Oxygen Corporation
    • Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
    • Krajete GmbH
    • LanzaJet, Inc.
    • Lanzatech
    • Lectrolyst LLC
    • Levidian Nanosystems
    • The Linde Group
    • Liquid Wind AB
    • Lithos Carbon
    • Living Carbon
    • Loam Bio
    • Low Carbon Korea
    • Low Carbon Materials
    • Made of Air GmbH
    • Mango Materials, Inc.
    • Mars Materials
    • Mattershift
    • MCI Carbon
    • Mercurius Biorefining
    • Minera Systems
    • Mineral Carbonation International (MCi) Carbon
    • Mission Zero Technologies
    • Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
    • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
    • Molten Industries, Inc.
    • Mosaic Materials, Inc. (Baker Hughes)
    • Myno Carbon
    • Nanyang Zhongju Tianguan Low Carbon Technology Company
    • NeoCarbon
    • Net Power, LLC
    • NetZero
    • Neustark AG
    • Newlight Technologies LLC
    • New Sky Energy
    • Norsk e-Fuel AS
    • Novocarbo GmbH
    • novoMOF AG
    • Novo Nutrients
    • Noya
    • Nuada Carbon Capture
    • Oakbio
    • Obrist Group
    • Occidental Petroleum Corp.
    • O.C.O Technology
    • OCOchem
    • Octavia Carbon
    • Orchestra Scientific S.L.
    • Origen Carbon Solutions
    • Osaki CoolGen Corporation
    • OXCCU Tech Ltd.
    • OxEon Energy, LLC
    • Oxylum
    • Paebbl AB
    • Parallel Carbon Limited
    • Perpetual Next Technologies
    • Photanol B.V.
    • Phycobloom
    • Phytonix Corporation
    • Plantd
    • Planetary Technologies
    • Pond Technologies
    • Prometheus Fuels, Inc.
    • Prometheus Materials
    • PTTEP
    • Proton Power, Inc.
    • PYREG GmbH
    • PyroCCS
    • RedoxNRG
    • Remora
    • Removr
    • RepAir Carbon DAC Ltd.
    • Rubi Laboratories, Inc.
    • Running Tide Technologies, Inc.
    • Saipem S.p.A.
    • Seabound
    • Seachange Technologies
    • Sekisui Chemical
    • SeaO2
    • Seeo2 Energy, Inc.
    • Seaweed Generation
    • Seratech
    • Shell plc
    • Silicate Carbon
    • Sirona Technologies
    • SkyMining AB
    • SkyNano Technologies
    • Skyrenu Technologies
    • Skytree
    • Solar Foods Oy
    • Soletair Power Oy
    • Solidia Technologies
    • South Ocean Air
    • Southern Green Gas
    • Steeper Energy
    • Stiesdal
    • Stockholm Exergi AB
    • Storegga Geotechnologies Limited
    • Sublime Systems
    • Sunfire GmbH
    • Sustaera
    • Svante, Inc.
    • Synhelion
    • Quantiam Technologies Inc.
    • Takachar
    • Tandem Technical
    • TerraCOH, Inc.
    • TerraFixing, Inc.
    • Terra CO2 Technologies Ltd.
    • TierraSpec Ltd.
    • TotalEnergies SE
    • Travertine Technologies, Inc.
    • Twelve
    • UNDO Carbon Ltd.
    • UniSieve Ltd.
    • UP Catalyst
    • Vertus Energy Ltd.
    • Verdox
    • ViridiCO2
    • Vortis Carbon Co.
    • Vycarb
    • WasteX
    • YuanChu Technology Corp.
    • Zero Carbon Systems
    • ZoraMat Solutions
    • ZS2 Technologies

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