Technology Advances Enabling Sugar Reduction in Food and Beverage Products
Sugar reduction has become mainstream in the food and beverages (F&B) industry as end consumers increasingly focus on healthier food choices. As research highlights that overindulgence in sugar can lead to chronic health conditions, regulatory authorities are actively establishing guidelines that mandate the reduction of sugar in various products. In response, industry stakeholders are devising strategies to reduce sugar in their product formulations.
This research provides a snapshot of the technological advances related to sugar reduction strategies in F&B products. Although sugar has a myriad of functional benefits apart from adding sweetness, many challenges and obstacles remain that must be overcome when considering sugar alternatives in product development, including the requirement to adapt production techniques and flavor and taste modulation, the need to characterize new ingredients thoroughly, and the careful assessment of the use and safety of innovative sweeteners in diets, including nutritional impact and consumer acceptance. Addressing some of these potential challenges along the lines of technology, supply chain, and business will help alternate sweetener companies prosper in the F&B industry.
Key Questions This Research Will Answer
What are the key technologies that are being developed to replace sugar in F&B products?
What are the emerging technological approaches to reduce and/or replace sugar?
What are the product research and development efforts undertaken by various stakeholders?
What are the challenges faced by sugar reduction technologies? How are stakeholders trying to overcome these challenges?
What are the growth opportunities for stakeholders trying to develop sugar reduction technologies in the F&B space?
Strategic Imperatives
Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?The Strategic Imperative 8™: Factors Creating Pressure on Growth
The Strategic Imperative 8™
The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on Sugar Reduction Strategies for Food and Beverage (F&B) Products
Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
Research Methodology
Growth Opportunity Analysis
Sugar Reduction Efforts Driven by Increasing Focus on Wellness
Reformulation and Multisensory Approaches as Key to Reduce Sugar
Research Scope and Key Questions the Study Will Answer
Research Segmentation
Growth Drivers
Growth Restraints
Regulatory Trend Analysis
Regulatory Scenario for Sugar Reduction in North America
Regulatory Scenario for Sugar Reduction in Europe, the UK, and Israel
Regulatory Scenario for Sugar Reduction in Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Regulatory Scenario for Sugar Reduction in Rest of the World (ROW)
Technology Analysis: Sugar Replacements
Key Types of Sugar Replacements
Plant-derived Extracts Are Based on Natural Sugars, Proteins, and Fibers
Sugar Alcohols Are Preferred as They Are Comparatively Low in Calories