Insights for Cisos—How a Hybrid Island Strategy Accelerates Enterprise Cloud Zero Trust Architecture Transformation
Moving an enterprise from physical connectivity and security infrastructure to a cloud-first Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is an urgent mandate. But even for the most agile of organizations, that transformation can be a leap. That’s especially true for organizations reliant on flat-network dependent systems. For IT leaders, the roadmap to an idealized cloud Zero Trust Architecture begins with “marooning” legacy systems on shrinking microperimeter “islands.”
An hybrid island model is a conceptual framework that isolates flat-network-dependent systems within shrinking microperimeters, and points the router associated with an individual island directly to the enterprise cloud ZTA service. In the hybrid island model, network security surrounds flat-network-dependent devices like IoT systems, OT systems, and even datacenter resources – essentially, anything that cannot immediately be cloud-enabled.
A hybrid island model can introduce short-term cost, performance, and risk impacts. But if it helps enterprises speed time to realized security value for a cloud ZTA deployment and reduces vulnerability to enterprise lateral-movement threat risk, then it’s worth it.
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