Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Oil and Gas Decarbonization, 2025
Energy Transition, Carbon Capture, Automation, and Emissions Management to Drive the Industry Toward Net-zero Targets
Decarbonization, digital transformation, and technology innovation have accelerated significantly in the past five years. The global energy industry is experiencing an unprecedented transition, and this change is bringing exciting new growth opportunities to the oil and gas (O&G) sector. However, the shift to a net-zero future concerning carbon emissions means many companies are also challenged by pricing, energy security, and industry disruption. The energy industry has scarcely been out of the news headlines for the past few years, specifically regarding price fluctuations, supply challenges, security issues, environmental impact, and growth in global demand. The main challenge for today’s O&G industry is balancing the transition to net zero while meeting the demand for fossil fuels as efficiently and sustainably as possible. The competitive landscape influencing the future O&G industry is also changing. Innovation, market transformation, ambitious sustainability goals, and disruptive business models are driving the changes. This study lists and evaluates the top 10 growth opportunities that Frost & Sullivan has identified for the decarbonization of the global O&G industry in 2025.
Top Growth Opportunities for 2025
Strategic Imperatives
Top 10 Growth Opportunities
Growth Opportunity 1: CCUS as a Service
Growth Opportunity 2: Emissions Management Digital Platforms
Growth Opportunity 3: Remote Leak Detection
Growth Opportunity 4: Development of CCUS Hubs
Growth Opportunity 5: Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) in Chemicals and Fuels
Growth Opportunity 6: AI in CCUS Process Optimization
Growth Opportunity 7: Direct Air Capture (DAC) for Enhanced Efficiency