A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action - Innovation That Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
Workforce engagement management (WEM) drives performance, agent engagement, and an improved customer experience (CX) in the contact center industry.
Frost & Sullivan defines WEM as a strategy to integrate disparate contact center workforce applications, monitor and analyze customer and agent interactions, and automate processes to optimize contact center resources, boosting operational efficiency and performance and agent and customer engagement, which improves CX and employee experience. WEM focuses on recruitment, onboarding, evaluating, training, coaching, and motivating the workforce. Contact center solution providers and customers have come to understand that employee engagement and customer engagement are interdependent and equal in importance.
The Frost Radar™ reveals the market positioning of companies in an industry using their Growth and Innovation scores as highlighted in the Frost Radar™ methodology. The document presents competitive profiles for each of the companies in the Frost Radar™ based on their strengths and opportunities, and a short discussion on their positioning. Frost & Sullivan analyzes hundreds of companies in the industry and benchmarks them across 10 criteria on the Frost Radar™, where the leading companies in the industry are then positioned. Industry leaders on both the Growth and Innovation indices are recognized as best practice recipients.