Shopping and dining habits of consumers have changed for many since March 2020, the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in the US. In some cases, it was an acceleration of existing trends, but in others it prompted major changes. For many consumers, these habits have at least some level of “stickiness” as they have continued in these habits three years after the start of the pandemic.
Shopping and dining are core to many consumer-related industries, from the production of food, beverages, and a wide variety of consumer goods to the packaging and shipping of these goods to the construction of the facilities needed. Therefore, an investigation into consumer trends can give insight to marketing and product development opportunities. It can also help industry players see which demographic groups might be most affected by different types of efforts.
This report contains analysis and data-based discussions of various pieces of the shopping and dining industry, including a look at the e-commerce and foodservice markets, as well as buying patterns, shopping habits, psychographics, demographic trends, and other consumer insights.
This report includes analysis, data, trends, and customized cross tabs using two survey resources:
data from The Freedonia Group’s proprietary national online survey conducted from April-May 2020, August 2020, November-December 2020, February-March 2021, June 2021, August 2021, October-November 2021, November-December 2021, February 2022, May 2022, August 2022, November 2022, December 2022, February 2023, and May 2023
data from syndicated national consumer survey results from the MRI-Simmons Winter 2023 Report
Study Description
This study examines consumer insights and trends in the US regarding shopping and dining out activity. Survey data capture insights for 2023, and some historical context back to 2020 and earlier. Survey responses in this study reveal consumer sentiment regarding shopping and dining out in general, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic developed new habits, some of which became sticky and part of the new normal, while others returned to pre-pandemic norms. Longer term analysis of e-commerce activity and foodservice (dine-in, carryout, and delivery) spending are also included. Consumer opinion on many of the topics above is analyzed by gender, age group, and generation.