US Retail Bags

US Retail Bags

Demand for retail bags in the US is forecast to grow 2.5% per year to $4.5 billion in 2027, with regulations targeted at single-use products and growing environmental concerns among consumers leading to significant changes in industry composition and outlook:
  • Growth in market value will come almost entirely from a shift in the product mix toward higher-priced bags that meet regulatory requirements.
  • The number of bags used will stagnate, with strong growth in the foodservice market offsetting unit losses in grocery and other retail stores.
  • Strong growth in paper and heavier-gauge reusable plastic bags will somewhat offset losses in the single-use HDPE t-shirt bag segment.
New Retail Bag Regulations May be Slowing

In the past decade, 12 states and hundreds of municipalities in the US have passed retail bag regulations. These typically ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags, and they can also include fees for paper bags. Such regulations have impacted the retail bag market tremendously; consumers and producers alike face increasing uncertainty about the future of bag bans in the US, as well as which bags will be allowed in the future.

Many large markets (e.g., California, New York, Baltimore) have already enacted bans, while a steady contingent have passed bag ban preemption laws. This leaves a dwindling number of jurisdictions where new bag bans can be passed to further shakeup the retail bag market. However, there is potential for regulations to be revised or enhanced following controversy surrounding the efficacy of thickness-based bans; 2.25 mil bags, in particular, face growing scrutiny as a legitimate solution to curbing plastic waste.

Foodservice Trends will Act as a Boon to Retail Bag Use

Historically, the foodservice market has been a relatively minor component of bag demand compared to grocery and other retail stores. However, a strong increase in the popularity of takeout and delivery orders will continue to drive the use of retail bags at many foodservice establishments.

These trends are particularly evident in full-service and fast casual restaurants, which increasingly see takeout and delivery as an important revenue stream. Such establishments often use larger, higher-value bags compared to fast food restaurants, thereby supporting demand growth in both units and value.

Strong Demand for Paper Continues, Along with Growing Interest in High Gauge Plastic

Bans on thin, single-use plastic bags have caused a significant increase in demand for paper retail bags, especially where regulations have not included paper bag fees. Paper is now preferred in foodservice applications, as well as in key retail segments like apparel stores.

Additionally, many bans only pertain to single-use plastic bags that are thinner than 2.25 mil. This fact has generated significant demand for thicker bags in recent years, but it has also stirred controversy regarding the efficacy of bans from environmental and consumer behavior perspectives.

Study Description

This Freedonia industry study analyzes the $4.5 billion US retail bag industry. It presents historical demand data (2012, 2017, and 2019 through 2022) and forecasts (2023 through 2027 and 2032) by type (single-use and reusable), material (plastic, paper, and natural fabric) and market (grocery stores, foodservice, and other retail stores). The study also evaluates company market share and competitive analysis on key industry competitors including Novolex, Inteplast Group, Advance Polybag, International Paper, and Sigma Plastics Group.

  • Executive Summary
    • Table Figure 1-1. Retail Bags Market
  • Short-Term Analysis
    • Economic Forecast
      • Table Macroeconomic Indicators, 2020 - 2024
      • Table Figure 2-1. Real GDP by Economic Sector, 2020 - 2023
    • Short-Term Retail Sales Outlook
      • Table Retail Sales, 2020 - 2024
    • Short-Term Retail Bag Industry Trends
      • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2020 - 2024
      • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2020 - 2024
      • Table Figure 2-2. Annual Retail Bag Demand, 2020 - 2024
  • Overview
    • Study Scope
      • Table Figure 3-1. Retail Bags: Product Examples
    • Historical Trends
      • Table Retail Bag Demand, 2012 - 2022
      • Table Figure 3-2. Retail Bag Demand, 2008 - 2022
    • Supply & Demand
      • Market Value & Unit Growth Trends
        • Table Retail Bag Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 3-3. Retail Bag Value Demand Growth, 2013 - 2022
      • Foreign Trade
        • Table Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 3-4. Retail Bag Imports by Source & Material, 2022
        • Table Figure 3-5. Retail Bag Exports by Destination & Material, 2022
      • Production Trends
        • Table Retail Bag Production by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Retail Bag Production by Material, 2019 - 2026
    • Product Trends & Outlook
      • Demand by Type
        • Table Retail Bag Demand by Type: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand by Type: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 3-6. Retail Bag Demand by Type: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Single-Use Bags
        • Table Single-Use Retail Bag Demand by Material & Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Single-Use Retail Bag Demand by Material & Market, 2019 - 2026
      • Reusable Bags
        • Table Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Material & Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Material & Market, 2019 - 2026
    • Materials Trends (Plastic, Paper, Natural Fabric)
      • Material Choice Considerations
      • Demand by Material
        • Table Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2019 - 2026
    • Pricing Patterns
      • Table Retail Bag Prices by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Retail Bag Prices by Material, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 3-7. Retail Bag Pricing by Type, 2012 - 2032
  • Factors Impacting Retail Bag Demand
    • Retail Sales Trends
      • Table Figure 4-1. Select Retail Sales, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • The Impact of E-Commerce
      • Table Figure 4-2. E-Commerce Sales & Share of Relevant Retail Sales, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Club Stores & Discount Stores
    • Foodservice Industry Trends
      • Table Figure 4-3. Off-Premises Share of Restaurant Revenues by Restaurant Type (Limited & Full-Service), 2022
    • The Litter Problem
    • Regulations & Product Sales Restrictions Impact
      • Summary & Future Direction
      • Bans
      • Taxes & Fees
      • Preemptions
      • State Trends
        • Table State Bag Regulations by Year Implemented & Type
        • Table Figure 4-4. Retail Bag Regulations by State, 2023
      • Local Trends
        • Table Figure 4-5. Municipalities Enacting Bans by State, 2023
    • Sustainability Initiatives
      • Strategies for Achieving Sustainability
      • Recycling & Recycled Content
      • Composting/Biodegradability
      • Bag Reusability
      • Reuse of Bags for Non-Shopping Purposes
    • Health & Hygiene Considerations for Reusable Bags
    • Consumer Attitudes
      • Consumer Attitudes About Recycling & Minimizing Waste
        • Table Consumer Attitudes About Recycling; By Gender, Age Group, Urban vs. Rural Setting, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2023
      • Consumer Attitudes About Recyclable & Compostable Packaging
        • Table Consumer Attitudes About Recyclable & Compostable Content in Packaging; By Gender, Age Group, Urban vs. Rural Setting, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2023
      • Attitudes About the Eco-Friendliness of Recyclable vs. Biodegradable Materials
        • Table Consumer Attitudes About Eco-Friendliness With Regard to Recyclable Plastics & Biodegradable Materials; By Gender, Age Group, Urban vs. Rural Setting, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2023
      • Curbside Recycling Services: Consumer Access
        • Table Access To Curbside Recycling at Home for Paper v. Plastic Film & Bags, by Gender, Age Group, Urban vs. Rural Setting, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2023
      • Drop-Off Recycling Services: Consumer Usage
        • Table Usage of Drop-Off Recycling Services (at a Store, Community Bin, Waste Management Facility, etc.) in the Last 12 Months for Paper vs. Plastic Film & Bags by Product, Gender, Age Group, Urban vs. Rural Setting, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2023
      • Availability of Retail Shopping Bags & Boxes
        • Table "In My Home Area, Grocery/Convenience Stores Offer Which of the Following Items to Carry Goods Out Of the Store?", 2022
        • Table Consumers Who Report Being Able to Get Shopping Bags For Free, by Gender, Age Group, Area, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2022
      • Usage of Various Types of Bag & Bag-Alternatives: Frequency
        • Table "When Shopping, I Carry My Goods Out of the Store In…" by Product Type, 2022
      • Usage of Various Types of Bag & Bag-Alternatives: Demographics
        • Table "When Shopping, I Carry My Goods Out of the Store In…" by Gender, Age Group, Area, &Annual Household Income Bracket, 2022
      • Habits for Bags After Use: by Bag Type
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Single-Use Plastic or Paper Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Bag Type, 2022
      • Habits for Plastic Bags After Use
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Single-Use Plastic Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Gender, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Single-Use Plastic Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Age Group, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Single-Use Plastic Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Urban vs. Rural Setting, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Single-Use Plastic Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Household Income Bracket, 2022
      • Habits for Paper Bags After Use
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Paper Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Gender, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Paper Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Age Group, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Paper Bags, I Do This With My Bags" by Urban vs. Rural Setting, 2022
        • Table "When I am Done Transporting My Items In Paper, I Do This With My Bags" by Household Income Bracket, 2022
    • Retailer Trends in Bag Use
  • Markets
    • Demand by Market
      • Table Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 5-1. Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Grocery Stores
      • Table Grocery Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Grocery Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 5-2. Grocery Store Retail Bags: Product Examples
    • Foodservice
      • Demand by Establishment Type
        • Table Foodservice Bag Demand by Establishment Type, Bag Type, &Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Foodservice Bag Demand by Establishment Type, Bag Type, &Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-3. Foodservice Retail Bags: Product Examples
      • Limited Service Restaurants
        • Table Limited Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Limited Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-4. Limited Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Full-Service Restaurants
        • Table Full-Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Full-Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-5. Full-Service Restaurant Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Non-commercial Foodservice
        • Table Non-Commercial Foodservice Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Non-Commercial Foodservice Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-6. Non-Commercial Foodservice Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Other Retail Stores
      • Demand by Establishment Type
        • Table Demand for Retail Bags in Other Markets by Establishment Type, Bag Type, &Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Demand for Retail Bags in Other Markets by Establishment Type, Bag Type, &Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-7. Other Retail Bags: Product Examples
      • General Merchandise Stores
        • Table General Merchandise Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual General Merchandise Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-8. General Merchandise Store Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Healthcare Stores & Pharmacies
        • Table Healthcare Store/Pharmacy Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Healthcare Store/Pharmacy Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-9. Healthcare Store/Pharmacy Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Apparel & Accessories Stores
        • Table Apparel & Accessory Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Apparel & Accessory Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-10. Apparel & Accessory Store Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • All Other Retail Stores
        • Table All Other Retail Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual All Other Retail Store Bag Demand by Type & Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 5-11. All Other Retail Store Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
  • Plastic Bags
    • Scope & Product Description
      • Table Figure 6-1. Plastic Bags: Product Examples
    • Supply & Demand
      • Demand Overview
        • Table Plastic Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Plastic Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2019 - 2026
      • International Trade
        • Table Figure 6-2. US Plastic Bag Imports by Source, 2022
        • Table Figure 6-3. US Plastic Bag Exports by Destination, 2022
      • Production
        • Table Figure 6-4. Plastic Retail Bag Production, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Single-Use vs. Reusable
      • Table Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Type: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Type: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 6-5. Plastic Retail Bag Demand: Single-Use vs. Reusable, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Demand by Market
      • Table Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 6-6. Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Resin Trends
      • Demand by Plastic Resin
        • Table Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2019 - 2026
      • Polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Co-Extruded)
        • Table Polyethylene Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Polyethylene Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2019 - 2026
      • Other Plastics (PP, rPET, Synthetic Fabrics, Bioplastics)
        • Table Other Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Other Plastic Retail Bag Demand by Resin, 2019 - 2026
    • Polyethylene Bag Demand by Gauge
      • Table Polyethylene Retail Bag Demand by Gauge, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Polyethylene Retail Bag Demand by Gauge, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 6-7. Statewide Bans on Polyethylene Bags by Gauge, 2023
    • Market Share & Key Suppliers
      • Table Figure 6-8. Plastic Bag Market Share by Company, 2022
  • Paper Bags
    • Scope & Product Description
      • Table Figure 7-1. Paper Bags: Product Examples
    • Supply & Demand
      • Demand Overview
        • Table Paper Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Paper Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2019 - 2026
      • Production & Trade
        • Table Figure 7-2. Paper Retail Bag Production, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Demand by Market
      • Table Paper Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Paper Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2019 - 2026
    • Product Trends
      • Table Paper Bag Demand by Material, Coating, &Presence of Handles, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Paper Bag Demand by Material, Coating & Presence of Handles, 2019 - 2026
    • Market Share
      • Table Figure 7-3. Paper Bag Market Share by Company, 2022
  • Reusable Bags
    • Scope & Product Description
      • Table Figure 8-1. Reusable Bags: Product Examples
    • Supply & Demand
      • Table Reusable Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Reusable Retail Bag Supply & Demand, 2019 - 2026
    • Materials Trends
      • Demand by Material
        • Table Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 8-2. Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Material, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Polyethylene
        • Table Figure 8-3. Reusable Polyethylene Bag Demand by Resin, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Figure 8-4. Reusable Polyethylene Bag Examples
      • Polypropylene (Woven & Nonwoven)
        • Table Figure 8-5. Reusable Polypropylene Bag Demand, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Figure 8-6. Reusable Polypropylene Bag Examples
      • Other Plastics (rPET, Nylon, Polyester)
        • Table Figure 8-7. Other Plastic Reusable Bag Demand, 2012, 2027, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Figure 8-8. Other Reusable Plastic Retail Polyethylene Bag Examples
      • Natural Fabrics (Cotton, Jute, Linen, &Hemp)
        • Table Reusable Natural Fabric Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
        • Table Annual Reusable Natural Fabric Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2019 - 2026
        • Table Figure 8-9. Reusable Natural Fabric Retail Bag Examples
    • Demand by Market
      • Table Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Table Annual Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2019 - 2026
      • Table Figure 8-10. Reusable Retail Bag Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
    • Leading Suppliers
  • Competitive Analysis
    • Industry Composition
      • Table US Retail Bag Sales by Company, 2022
    • Market Share
      • Table Figure 9-1. US Retail Bag Market Share by Company, 2022
      • Table Figure 9-2. US Retail Bag Market: Leading Supplier, 2022
      • Table Figure 9-3. US Retail Bag Market: Second Leading Supplier, 2022
      • Table Figure 9-4 US Retail Bag Market: Co-Third Leading Supplier, 2022
      • Table Figure 9-5. US Retail Bag Market: Co-Third Leading Supplier, 2022
      • Table Figure 9-6. US Retail Bag Market: Fifth Leading Supplier, 2022
    • Mergers & Acquisitions
      • Table Selected Mergers & Acquisitions
    • New Product Development
    • Captive Recycling Operations
    • Marketing & Distribution
    • List of Industry Participants
      • Table Selected Retail Bag Industry Participants
  • Appendix
    • Report Details
      • Table Relevant Industry Codes
      • Table Relevant HS Codes
    • Definitions
    • Abbreviations
      • Table Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in Study
    • Freedonia Methodology
    • Study-Specific Methodology
    • Data Changes from Previous Version
    • Sources
    • Associations & Agencies
    • Related Studies & Reports
    • Macroeconomic Assumptions
      • Economic Environment
        • Table Macroeconomic Indicators, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Demographic Trends
        • Table Population & Households, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Consumer Spending
        • Table Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032
      • Retail Sales
        • Table Nondurable Goods Retail Sales, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, &2032

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