Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants

Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants

Global demand for packaging adhesives and sealants is expected to grow 1.6% per year to 4.5 million metric tons in 2025, with a value of $11.5 billion. Increasing personal incomes and urbanization in developing economies and a rebound in manufacturing activity will boost demand for adhesives and sealants in packaging applications. Growing utilization of e-commerce worldwide will also drive demand.

This report covers packaging adhesives and sealants by Application, Product, and Region. Data are given in dollar value and volume (metric tons).

Packaging application covered in the study include:
Paper & Paperboard
Other Packaging

Packaging adhesive and sealant products include:
Other Formulations

Demand is broken out for the following regions:
North America
Central & South America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe

Scope of the Report

This report covers the scope, size, and growth of the global packaging adhesives and sealants market including key trends in applications and product segments. Historical data are provide for 2020, 2015, and 2020 with forecasts for 2024 and 2029. Data are provided in both volume and value terms. Also included is an analysis of the industry key players.

Featuring 78 tables and 68 figures – now available in Excel and Powerpoint!

Global demand for packaging adhesives and sealants is forecast to grow 1.7% per year to 4.5 million metric tons with a value of $11.6 billion in 2025. More efficient adhesives continue to be adopted in packaging, which limits volume growth, particularly in the large markets of the US, Western Europe, and Japan. However, the relatively higher cost of these higher performance products will boost gains in value terms.

Opportunities do remain within the global packaging adhesives and sealants market, with gains will be supported by:

  • rising personal incomes and growing urbanization in developing economies, which will increase the availability and affordability of packaged consumer goods
  • gains in e-commerce, even in the more mature markets of North America and Western Europe
  • a worldwide rebound in manufacturing activity, especially in the smaller economies of Southeast Asia that are facing increasing demand from export partners for a wide variety of goods
Hot Melt Formulations Will Offer Good Opportunities for Suppliers of Packaging Adhesives

Of all adhesives and sealants used in packaging applications, hot melts are expected to have the best opportunities. Hot melts are stronger compared to water-based and natural formulations, and they are not as likely to dissolve when exposed to moisture. They will benefit from continued strong growth in e-commerce, particularly as more heavy and perishable goods (such as those requiring inclusion of ice or dry ice) are shipped.

Sustainability Concerns Will Support Renewed Demand for Natural AdhesivesNatural adhesives have long been the most widely used type in packaging applications, though the market for these products softened following the initial boom in e-commerce, as they do not offer all of the performance advantages of chemically formulated products.

However, strong pushes for sustainable packaging have led to renewed interest in natural adhesives, as starch-based products are environmentally sustainable and easily recyclable. Additionally, they are relatively low cost, easy to use, and have low emissions of natural-adhesives, all of which make them favorable solutions for packaging suppliers.

Sustainability in packaging is a complicated topic, and manufacturers will need to continue to balance sustainability with performance, as adhesives that are not strong enough to withstand the weight of a packaged product can lead to product damage, waste, and negative consumer sentiment.

  • Executive Summary
    • Table Figure 1-1. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Outlook
  • About This Report
    • Report Details
    • Study Scope & Product Description
    • Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
      • Table Annual Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2019 - 2022
      • Table Annual Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Region, 2019 - 2022
      • Table Figure 2-1. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2018 - 2023
  • Overview
    • Historical Market Trends
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2010 - 2021
      • Table Figure 3-1. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2021
    • Demand by Region
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Figure 3-2. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand Share by Region, 2010 - 2030
    • Leading Country Markets
      • Table Figure 3-3. Packaging Adhesives & Sealants: Leading Country Markets, 2020
    • Fastest Growing Countries
      • Table Figure 3-4. Packaging Adhesives & Sealants: Fastest Growing Country Markets, 2020 - 2025
    • Demand by Product
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Figure 3-5. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand Share by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Demand by Application
      • Table Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Application, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Figure 3-6. Global Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand Share by Application, 2010 - 2030
      • Paper & Paperboard
        • Table Figure 3-7. Paper & Paperboard Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2025
      • Plastic & Other Packaging
        • Table Figure 3-8. Plastic & Other Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2025
    • Leading Producers
  • North America
    • North America: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 4-1. North America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 4-2. North America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • North America: Demand by Product
      • Table North America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table North America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • United States
      • United States: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 4-3. United States: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 4-4. United States: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • United States: Demand by Product
        • Table United States: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table United States: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Canada
      • Canada: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 4-5. Canada: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 4-6. Canada: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Canada: Demand by Product
        • Table Canada: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Canada: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Mexico
      • Mexico: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 4-7. Mexico: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 4-8. Mexico: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Mexico: Demand by Product
        • Table Mexico: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Mexico: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Central & South America
    • Central & South America: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 5-1. Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 5-2. Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • Central & South America: Demand by Product
      • Table Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Brazil
      • Brazil: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 5-3. Brazil: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 5-4. Brazil: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Brazil: Demand by Product
        • Table Brazil: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Brazil: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Other Central & South America
      • Other Central & South America: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 5-5. Other Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 5-6. Other Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Other Central & South America: Demand by Product
        • Table Other Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Other Central & South America: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Western Europe
    • Western Europe: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 6-1. Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 6-2. Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • Western Europe: Demand by Product
      • Table Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Country & Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Country & Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Germany
      • Germany: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-3. Germany: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-4. Germany: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Germany: Demand by Product
        • Table Germany: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Germany: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • France
      • France: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-5. France: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-6. France: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • France: Demand by Product
        • Table France: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table France: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Italy
      • Italy: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-7. Italy: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-8. Italy: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Italy: Demand by Product
        • Table Italy: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Italy: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • United Kingdom
      • United Kingdom: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-9. United Kingdom: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-10. United Kingdom: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • United Kingdom: Demand by Product
        • Table United Kingdom: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table United Kingdom: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Spain
      • Spain: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-11. Spain: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-12. Spain: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Spain: Demand by Product
        • Table Spain: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Spain: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Other Western Europe
      • Other Western Europe: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 6-13. Other Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 6-14. Other Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Other Western Europe: Demand by Product
        • Table Other Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Other Western Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Eastern Europe
    • Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 7-1. Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 7-2. Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • Eastern Europe: Demand by Product
      • Table Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Russia
      • Russia: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 7-3. Russia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 7-4. Russia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Russia: Demand by Product
        • Table Russia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Russia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Other Eastern Europe
      • Other Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 7-5. Other Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 7-6. Other Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Other Eastern Europe: Demand by Product
        • Table Other Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Other Eastern Europe: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Asia/Pacific
    • Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 8-1. Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 8-2. Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • Asia/Pacific: Demand by Product
      • Table Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • China
      • China: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-3. China: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-4. China: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • China: Demand by Product
        • Table China: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table China: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Japan
      • Japan: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-5. Japan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-6. Japan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Japan: Demand by Product
        • Table Japan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Japan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • India
      • India: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-7. India: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-8. India: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • India: Demand by Product
        • Table India: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table India: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • South Korea
      • South Korea: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-9. South Korea: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-10. South Korea: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • South Korea: Demand by Product
        • Table South Korea: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table South Korea: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Indonesia
      • Indonesia: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-11. Indonesia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-12. Indonesia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Indonesia: Demand by Product
        • Table Indonesia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Indonesia: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Thailand
      • Thailand: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-13. Thailand: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-14. Thailand: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Thailand: Demand by Product
        • Table Thailand: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Thailand: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Taiwan
      • Taiwan: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-15. Taiwan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-16. Taiwan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Taiwan: Demand by Product
        • Table Taiwan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Taiwan: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Other Asia/Pacific
      • Other Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 8-17. Other Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 8-18. Other Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Other Asia/Pacific: Demand by Product
        • Table Other Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Other Asia/Pacific: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Africa/Mideast
    • Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
      • Table Figure 9-1. Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
      • Table Figure 9-2. Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
    • Africa/Mideast: Demand by Product
      • Table Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
      • Table Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Turkey
      • Turkey: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 9-3. Turkey: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 9-4. Turkey: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Turkey: Demand by Product
        • Table Turkey: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Turkey: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
    • Other Africa/Mideast
      • Other Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesive & Sealant Market Size & Historical Trends
        • Table Figure 9-5. Other Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Market Key Indicators, 2020
        • Table Figure 9-6. Other Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand, 2005 - 2020
      • Other Africa/Mideast: Demand by Product
        • Table Other Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
        • Table Other Africa/Mideast: Packaging Adhesives & Sealants Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030
  • Appendix
    • Scope
      • Table Relevant HS Codes
      • Table Relevant NACE Codes
      • Table Relevant NAICS & SIC Codes
    • Definitions
    • Freedonia Methodology
    • Study-Specific Methodology
    • Sources
    • Associations & Agencies
    • Related Studies & Reports
    • Country Lists by Region
      • Table Countries in North America
      • Table Countries in Central & South America
      • Table Countries in Western Europe
      • Table Countries in Eastern Europe
      • Table Countries in the Asia/Pacific Region
      • Table Countries in the Africa/Mideast Region
    • Macroeconomic Assumptions
      • Global Economic Outlook
        • Table Global Gross Domestic Product by Region & Country, 2010 - 2030
      • Global Population
        • Table Global Population by Region & Country, 2010 - 2030
      • Global Manufacturing Outlook
        • Table Global Manufacturing Value Added by Region & Country, 2010 - 2030

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