Barrier Films Market in the US by Type, Market and Resin

Barrier Films Market in the US by Type, Market and Resin

US demand for barrier films is projected to increase 4.2% annually to $5.7 billion in 2021. Opportunities in food packaging -- such as flexible packaging formats that meet consumer demand for convenient, fresh tasting foods -- will drive gains.

This report covers barrier film demand by Type, Market, and Resin. Data are given in dollar value and volume (pounds).

Barrier film types covered in the study include:
Oxygen and other gas barriers
Moisture barriers
Corrosion barriers

Markets for barrier films include:
Food packaging
Pharmaceutical and medical products
Primary Metal Products

Demand is also broken out by resin:

Scope of the Report
This report covers the scope, size, and growth of the US barrier films market including market segmentation and key product trends. Historical data for 2006, 2011, and 2016 and forecasts for 2021 are provided, with year by year historical volatility also presented. Data are provided in both dollar value and volume (pounds). Also included is an analysis of key industry players and their market shares.

    • Table Figure 1-1 | Key Trends in the US Market for Barrier Films
    • Key Findings
      • Table Figure 2-1 | Key Trends in the US Barrier Film Market
    • Barrier Film Demand Forecast
      • Table Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
    • Packaging Industry Trends Driving Barrier Film Market
      • Table Figure 2-2 | Barrier Film Demand & Plastic Packaging Shipments, 2006 - 2021
    • Raw Materials
      • Table Barrier Film Raw Material Demand, 2006 - 2021
    • Pricing Trends
      • Table Figure 2-3 | Barrier Films & Plastic Resin Pricing, 2006 - 2021
    • Foreign Trade
    • Regulatory & Environmental Considerations
      • Food & Pharmaceutical Packaging
      • Life Cycle Considerations
    • Key Findings
      • Table Figure 3-1 | US Barrier Film Trends & Outlook by Barrier Type
    • Demand Forecast
      • Table Barrier Film Demand by Type, 2006 - 2021
      • Table Figure 3-2 | Barrier Film Demand by Type, 2006 - 2021
    • Oxygen & Other Gas Barrier Films
      • Oxygen & Other Gas Barrier Films: Demand Forecast
        • Table Oxygen & Gas Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Oxygen & Other Gas Barrier Films: Product Characteristics
        • Table Oxygen Barrier Properties of Selected Resins
      • Oxygen & Other Gas Barrier Films: Markets
        • Table Oxygen & Gas Barrier Film Demand in Food Packaging, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 3-3 | Oxygen & Gas Barrier Film Demand in Food Packaging, 2016 - 2021
        • Table Oxygen & Gas Barrier Film Demand in Other Markets, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 3-4 | Oxygen & Gas Barrier Film Demand in Other Markets, 2016 - 2021
    • Moisture Barrier Films
      • Moisture Barrier Films: Demand Forecast
        • Table Moisture Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 3-5 | Moisture Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2016 - 2021
      • Moisture Barrier Films: Product Characteristics
        • Table Moisture Barrier Properties of Selected Resins
    • Corrosion Barrier Films
      • Corrosion Barrier Films: Demand Forecast
        • Table Corrosion Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 3-6 | Corrosion Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Corrosion Barrier Films: Product Characteristics
        • Table Corrosion Barrier Film Demand by Product, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Selected Corrosion Control Film Products
    • Other Barrier Films
      • Table Other Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
    • Key Findings
      • Table Figure 4-1 | US Barrier Film Trends & Outlook by Market
    • Demand Forecast
      • Table Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Food Packaging
      • Food Packaging Trends Benefit Barrier Films
        • Table Figure 4-2 | Food Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Barrier Film Outlook by Food Packaging Application
        • Table Food Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-3 | Food Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2016
      • Meat, Poultry, & Seafood
        • Table Figure 4-4 | Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Barrier Film Technologies in Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Packaging: Applications & Advantages
        • Table Figure 4-5 | Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Snack Food
        • Table Figure 4-6 | Snack Food Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Major Applications for Barrier Films in the Snack Food Market
        • Table Figure 4-7 | Snack Food Packaging Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Dairy Products
        • Table Figure 4-8 | Dairy Product Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Cheese Packaging Applications for Barrier Films
        • Table Figure 4-9 | Dairy Product Packaging Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Baked Goods
        • Table Figure 4-10 | Baked Goods Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-11 | Baked Goods Packaging Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Candy & Confections
        • Table Figure 4-12 | Candy & Confection Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-13 | Candy & Confection Packaging Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Produce
        • Table Figure 4-14 | Produce Packaging Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-15 | Produce Packaging Market for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
      • Other Food Packaging
        • Table Figure 4-16 | Other Food Packaging Markets for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Barrier Film Demand in Other Food Packaging Markets: Drivers & Restraints
        • Table Barrier Film Functions & Applications in Other Food Packaging Markets
        • Table Figure 4-17 | Other Food Packaging Markets for Barrier Films by Resin, 2016
    • Pharmaceutical & Medical Products
      • Demand Forecast
        • Table Pharmaceutical & Medical Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-18 | Pharmaceutical & Medical Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Barrier Film Functions
        • Table Pharmaceutical & Medical Market by Barrier Film Type, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-19 | Pharmaceutical & Medical Market by Barrier Film Type, 2006 - 2021
      • Applications & Resin Structures
        • Table Selected Pharmaceutical & Medical Barrier Film Products
        • Table Figure 4-20 | Pharmaceutical & Medical Products Market for Barrier Film by Resin, 2016
    • Construction
      • Table Construction Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Table Figure 4-21 | Construction Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
    • Primary Metal Products
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
      • Historical Trends & Demand Forecast
        • Table Primary Metal Product Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-22 | Primary Metal Product Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
    • Electronics
      • Demand Forecast
        • Table Electronics Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-23 | Electronics Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Barrier Film Functions & Applications
        • Table Selected Photovoltaic Barrier Film Products
        • Table Figure 4-24 | Electronics Market for Barrier Film by Resin, 2016
    • Agriculture
      • Demand Forecast
        • Table Agricultural Market for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Barrier Film Functions & Applications
        • Table Figure 4-25 | Agriculture Market for Barrier Film by Resin, 2016
    • Other Markets
      • Demand Forecast
        • Table Other Markets for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 4-26 | Other Markets for Barrier Films, 2006 - 2021
      • Barrier Film Functions & Applications
        • Table Figure 4-27 | Other Markets for Barrier Film by Resin, 2016
    • Key Findings
      • Table Figure 5-1 | US Barrier Film Trends & Outlook by Resin
    • Demand Forecast
      • Table Barrier Film Demand by Resin, 2006 - 2021
    • Polyethylene
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table Polyethylene: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-2 | Polyethylene Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table Polyethylene Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Type
        • Table Polyethylene Barrier Film Demand by Type, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Relative Barrier & Mechanical Properties of LLDPE, LDPE, & HDPE
    • Polypropylene
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table Polypropylene: Relative Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-3 | Polypropylene Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table Polypropylene Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Polyester
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table Polyester: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-4 | Polyester Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table Polyester Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Polyvinyl Chloride
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table PVC: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-5 | PVC Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table PVC Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Nylon
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table Nylon: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-6 | Nylon Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table Nylon Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table EVOH: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-7 | EVOH Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table EVOH Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Polyvinylidene Chloride
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table PVDC: Barrier Properties & Other Characteristics
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-8 | PVDC Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Market
        • Table PVDC Barrier Film Demand by Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Other Resins
      • Market Size & Product Characteristics
        • Table Barrier Film Applications for Fluoropolymers
      • Demand Outlook
        • Table Figure 5-9 | Other Barrier Film Demand, 2006 - 2021
      • Demand Forecast by Resin Type & Market
        • Table Other Resins Demand by Type & Market, 2006 - 2021
    • Key Findings & Industry Composition
      • Table US Barrier Film Sales by Company, 2016
    • Market Share
      • Table Figure 6-1 | US Barrier Film Market Share, 2016
      • Table Figure 6-2 | Barrier Film Market Share: First Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-3 | Barrier Film Market Share: Second Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-4 | Barrier Film Market Share: Third Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-5 | Barrier Film Market Share: Fourth Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-6 | Barrier Film Market Share: Fifth Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-7 | Barrier Film Market Share: Sixth Leading Supplier
      • Table Figure 6-8 | Barrier Film Market Share: Seventh Leading Supplier
    • Competitive Strategies
      • Table Competitive Strategies in the US Barrier Film Industry
    • Acquisitions & Divestitures
      • Table Selected Acquisitions & Divestitures
    • Cooperative Agreements
      • Table Selected Cooperative Agreements
    • Marketing & Distribution
    • List of Industry Participants
    • Scope
      • Scope: Barrier Film Markets
        • Table Study Scope: Barrier Film Food Packaging Markets
      • NAICS & SIC Codes
        • Table Industry Codes Related to Barrier Films
    • Methodology
    • Sources
    • Associations & Agencies
    • Related Freedonia Group Studies
    • Definitions
    • Abbreviations
      • Table Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in Study
    • Macroeconomic Data
      • Economic Environment
        • Table Macroeconomic Indicators, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 7-1 | Annual Growth in Real GDP, 2000 - 2016, Compared to 1980 - 2005 Average
      • Demographic Trends
        • Table Population & Households, 2006 - 2021
        • Table Figure 7-2 | Annual Population Growth, 2001 - 2016
    • Consumer Spending Trends
      • Table Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2006 - 2021
    • Manufacturers' Shipments
      • Table Manufacturers' Shipments, 2006 - 2021
    • Packaging Industry Overview
      • Table Packaging Supply & Demand, 2006 - 2021
    • Food Industry Overview
      • Table Food Shipments, 2006 - 2021
    • Construction Expenditures
      • Table Construction Expenditures, 2006 - 2021

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