This report forecasts US pet medication retail sales in nominal US dollars for 2023-2027. To illustrate historical trends, total retail sales are provided in annual series from 2018-2022.
This report examines the retail market for medications for domestic dogs and cats, with a focus on products purchased directly by consumers. These include prescription, over-the-counter (also called OTC or retail), and nonprescription medications that are only distributed to and through veterinarians. The primary focus of this report is on the core types of antiparasitics/parasiticides – heartworm preventatives, flea/tick preventatives, and heartworm/flea combo products, and other dewormers (some of which also target other external parasites such as mosquitoes, flies, ear mites, lice, and sarcoptic mange, and/or other types of internal parasites such as hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms). Flea/tick can refer to products that treat only fleas and ticks, but can also refer to combination products that additionally treat worms, mites, etc., except heartworms. Also covered are market-shaping developments in other areas, including anxiety, pain management, cancer, cognitive dysfunction, and obesity/diabetes.
Animal health products for production animals and horses are excluded from this market analysis, as are nutritional supplements for companion animals (including CBD supplements), which are covered in Packaged Facts' February 2023 report Pet Supplements in the US.
Other various topics, including profiles of pertinent leading companies, are covered in this report. A full outline of report items by page is available in the Table of Contents.