Yogurt Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Yogurt is defined as the food produced by culturing one or more of the specified optional dairy ingredients with a characterizing bacterial culture that contains the lactic acid-producing bacteria L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus. Other specified optional ingredients may also be added.

There currently is a standard for low-fat yogurt and one for nonfat yogurt. Basically the only difference from the yogurt standard is in the fat content. The low-fat standard specifies that before the addition of bulky flavors, low-fat yogurt contain not less than 0.5% or more than 2%. The nonfat yogurt lowers that figure to less than 0.5% milkfat. Non-drinkable yogurt sold in cups is consumed with a spoon. Cups range in size and can be intended for consumption as a single serving or for multiple uses. There are four basic styles of cup yogurts: Aerated, blended, custard-style, and fruit-on-the-bottom.

In recent years, the yogurt market has boomed thanks to the proliferation of Greek yogurt, which has been credited with singlehandedly being responsible for the yogurt market’s sales gains despite being a mature category. Even beyond Greek yogurt, the market has significant upside both within the U.S. and internationally. MarketResearch.com offers you the insights needed to capitalize on current and emerging trends in the yogurt industry through past and projected sales totals, as well as analysis that extends activities in the global market.

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Yogurt Industry Research & Market Reports

  • The Yogurt Market and Yogurt Innovation, 3rd Edition

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  • Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverage Trends in the U.S., 4th Edition

    ... the decline in dairy milk consumption and the reasons for the rise in plant-based milks , such as health concerns, with a growing number of consumers coming to believe that plant-based foods are healthier than ... Read More

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: Food and Beverage New Product Trends

    ... and beverage industry, analyzing market activity and potential by functionality and product type. Product activity is classified into three stages of innovation: Stage 1 – Cutting Edge Stage 2 – Taking Root Stage 3 – ... Read More

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