Fruits & Vegetables Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Healthy living is at the epicenter of almost all sectors of the food and beverage industry, and no where is this shift towards wellness and nutrition leveraged better than when it comes to fruits and vegetables. Whether natural or organic, fresh or frozen, locally sourced, or sustainably grown, fruits and vegetables are an in demand food segment. Discover the information you need to be on top of the fruits and vegetables industry including farming, canned and frozen foods, fruit spreads, juices, dried fruits and vegetables, and sweeteners.’s insights on fruits and vegetables charts not only the place these products traditionally occupy in our homes either in their whole forms as healthy snacks or blended into nutritious beverages, but also charts the rise of vegetables in particular as center-plate options increasingly gaining prominence over traditional mealtime options such as meat. Vegetables are even finding their way into our desserts.

Our research also delves into the rising role farmers markets are playing in introducing Americans to a wider variety of fruits and vegetables, and explores the impact health food stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, as well as key health-conscious consumer segments such as Seniors and Baby Boomers, are playing in the present and future of this market.

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Fruits & Vegetables Industry Research & Market Reports

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