Food Processing Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis
Food processing has been in existence since pre-historic days. Slaughtering, fermenting and preserving foods with salt were the common methods used until canning began. Modern food processing emerged in the late nineteenth century. Canning, freeze drying, artificial sweeteners and preservatives were introduced. In the twentieth century, convenience foods became popular. Frozen foods such as TV dinners became available in all supermarkets.
There are many benefits associated with food processing. The removal of toxins, preservation of perishable foods that are transported from long distances and the removal of pathogenic micro-organisms are just a few examples. Today’s supermarkets would not be feasible without modern food processing methods and military campaigns would be near impossible to execute.
Processed food eliminated the time consuming task of preparing and cooking unprocessed foods and increased free time especially for working people. Food processing can be helpful to people with different allergies who are unable to eat certain food elements.
The negatives associated with food processing include the destruction of certain vitamins as a result of the heating process. In the majority of foods that are processed, there is a loss of between 5%-20% of nutrient value. Additives are another drawback. The risks of additives will vary depending on the health issues of each individual. Salt would be harmful to those with high blood pressure and sugar as an additive would be damaging to a diabetic.
Examples of food processing industries and practices include the sugar industry, vegetable packing plants, meat packing plants, slaughterhouses, canneries and fish processing plants.
Food Processing Industry Research & Market Reports
Food & Beverage Hydrocolloids: United States
... by product as follows: plant and seed gums and extracts, seaweed extracts, and xanthan gum. To illustrate historical trends, total demand is provided in an annual series from 2006 to 2016; the various segments are ... Read More
Is Sugar The Next Tobacco?
... the top of the dietary health agenda during the past three years. In response, governments across the world are introducing taxes designed principally to limit sugar consumption as a means of tackling rising obesity rates ... Read More
World Agricultural Equipment
... in developing nations will transition from manual farming to mechanized farming techniques in order to boost production and increase the efficiency of their operations. In this report, the world agricultural industry is segmented by product ... Read More
Advances In Controlled Release Technologies For Foods
... explore how to improve the organoleptic properties of products, they look to novel methods and techniques to help them make a product as appealing as possible to consumers. Encapsulation optimizes the release and delivery of ... Read More