Milk and Dairy Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

The milk and dairy market is experiencing changes. As more and more people in the United States are turning away from drinking milk the market is experiencing negative effects. Children between the ages of 2 and 11 consume the most milk, about two times the amount as adults.

The future of milk and dairy products is going to be different than what many grew up with. Advertisement campaigns such as “Got Milk?” no longer exist. Instead, companies are focusing on the dietary and health benefits milk has to offer – such as high vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and protein content. To be profitable, companies are going to have to alter their marketing campaigns. Key competitors to milk and dairy products now are milk alternatives, such as coconut milk, almond milk, flax milk and other juices that provide the same health benefits.’s collection of market research studies on the beverage industry, specifically in milk and dairy, will help you stay competitive and grow in this market. Our beverage market research can help you discover multiple perspectives that will help you answer your beverage research questions or give insight into industry segmentation, size, and growth of the global market. Also available are highly regarded outlook reports for the U.S. and global markets, along with a full library of country-specific studies for milk and dairy products. also offers a monthly report titled Global Dairy Food Market: News and Events that provides a monthly review of the latest happenings in the dairy food and beverage market.

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Milk and Dairy Industry Research & Market Reports

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