Juices Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

The global market for juice is expanding. Consumption increased in 2012, totaling 68,388.1 million liters of juice around the world. Juice consumption is expected to keep growing, driving the market value up to $128,741.1 million by the end of 2017.

Although the largest juice markets are in China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, other countries are expecting large annual growth in the upcoming years. Fruit and vegetable juices have begun gaining more popularity as health and dietary concerns also grow. Currently in the market, orange juice has the highest global demand, but there are many other juices that have high attention. These include: grapefruit juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, grape juice, tomato juice, other single fruit or vegetable juice, other citrus juice, and mixtures of juice.

MarketResearch.com’s collection of market research studies on the beverage industry, specifically in juices, will help you stay competitive and grow in this healthy market. Reports cover both vegetable and fruit juices. Our beverage market research can help you discover multiple perspectives that will help you answer your beverage research questions or give insight into industry segmentation, size, and growth of the global market. Also available are highly regarded outlook reports for the U.S. and global markets, along with a full library of country-specific studies for juice.

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Juices Industry Research & Market Reports

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