Livestock Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Livestock can refer to any breed of animals raised by humans for a commercial purpose. This can include domestic animals, semi-domestic animals and wild animals. The term livestock does not include poultry or fish farming.

Domestic animals include alpaca, camel, cat, cattle, dog, donkey, horses, mule, and sheep. An example of a semi domestic animal would be a reindeer; an example of a wild animal is bison.

The economic value of livestock includes meat, dairy products, fiber, and fertilizer. In terms of fiber, sheep and goats produce wool and mohair. Fertilizer or manure is used on fields to increase the production of crops and is also used in fuel for fire and to make plaster.

For years livestock was used for labor, as is still the case in emerging economies. The power of animals has been essential for transporting goods and plowing fields. Animals such as horses, donkeys and yaks have all been used for mechanical energy.

The issues concerning the raising of livestock for human benefit highlights the relationship between humans and animals. Animal welfare is the perspective that humans should make certain that animals do not suffer needlessly. Animal welfare groups focus on the livestock raising practices and the regulations of the industry. Animal rights groups believe that it is exploitation to use animals for human benefit. Animal rights groups would like to abolish livestock farming.

Livestock diseases have been a concern in the industry. Diseases have been known to reduce productivity, infect humans and hurt animals. Antibiotics and vaccines are often used to help animals tolerate sickness and disease, but doing so raises additional issues and health concerns.

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Livestock Industry Research & Market Reports

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