The use of store cards continued to decline sharply in Peru in 2024, as traditional store cards continue to be transformed into Visa or Mastercard credit cards. As a result, very few store cards are still working in some regional stores, being those which are still within their validity period. This switch to credit cards is preferable for consumers, as it enables wider usage of such cards in other establishments where Visa or Mastercard are accepted, instead of cards being exclusive to one stor...
Euromonitor International's Store Card Transactions in Peru report establishes the size and structure of the market for ATMs cards, smart cards, credit cards, debit cards, charge cards, pre-paid cards and store cards. It looks at key players in the market (issuers and operators), number of cards in circulation, numbers transactions and value of transactions. It offers strategic analysis of sector forecasts and trends to watch.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Store Card Transactions market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Store Cards in Peru
Euromonitor International
January 2025
List Of Contents And Tables
Traditional store cards being phased out, as they are transformed into Visa or Mastercard credit cards
Stores focus their strategy on commercial efforts, while promoting credit cards under their brand
Store credit cards play an important role in online sales, which are widely promoted and highlight advantages
Store cards will become extinct in favour of the new credit card versions
Store-branded credit cards will continue to have a significant presence in online sales of these stores
Store-branded credit cards will continue to have higher interest rates than bank credit cards, but with other benefits in stores
Table 1 Store Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2019-2024
Table 2 Store Cards Transactions 2019-2024
Table 3 Store Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2019-2024
Table 4 Store Cards Transactions: % Growth 2019-2024
Table 5 Store Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2019-2023
Table 6 Store Cards: Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2019-2023
Table 7 Forecast Store Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2024-2029
Table 8 Forecast Store Cards Transactions 2024-2029
Table 9 Forecast Store Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2024-2029
Table 10 Forecast Store Cards Transactions: % Growth 2024-2029
Financial cards and payments in 2024: The big picture
2024 key trends
Credit card late payment has increased due to economic difficulties experienced in the 2023 recession and high interest rates
Competitive landscape
What next for financial cards and payments?
Table 11 Number of POS Terminals: Units 2019-2024
Table 12 Number of ATMs: Units 2019-2024
Table 13 Value Lost to Fraud 2019-2024
Table 14 Card Expenditure by Location 2024
Table 15 Financial Cards in Circulation by Type: % Number of Cards 2019-2024
Table 16 Domestic versus Foreign Spend 2024
Table 17 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2019-2024
Table 18 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2019-2024
Table 19 Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2019-2024
Table 20 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2019-2024
Table 21 Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2019-2024
Table 22 Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2019-2024
Table 23 M-Commerce by Category: Value 2019-2024
Table 24 M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2019-2024
Table 25 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2019-2023
Table 26 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2019-2023
Table 27 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Operator 2019-2023
Table 28 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Issuer 2019-2023
Table 29 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2024-2029
Table 30 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2024-2029
Table 31 Forecast Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2024-2029
Table 32 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2024-2029
Table 33 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2024-2029
Table 34 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2024-2029
Table 35 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: Value 2024-2029
Table 36 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2024-2029