Small local grocers were becoming more popular in Canada in 2023, as they offered convenience, variety, and fresh products to urban consumers leading ever more hectic lifestyles. Small format stores allow retailers to adapt to changing consumer preferences, such as the growing interest in personalisation, environmental issues, and convenient alternatives to home cooking. However, small local grocers are facing growing competition from discounters, whose aggressive pricing strategies proved parti...
Euromonitor International's Small Local Grocers in Canada report offers insight into key trends and developments driving the industry. The report examines all retail channels to provide sector insight. Channels include hypermarkets, supermarkets, discounters, convenience stores, mixed retailers, health and beauty retailers, clothing and footwear retailers, furniture and furnishing stores, DIY and hardware stores, durable goods retailers, leisure and personal goods retailers. There are profiles of leading retailers, with analysis of their performance and the challenges they face. There is also analysis of non-store retailing: vending; homeshopping; internet retailing; direct selling, as available.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Small Local Grocers market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Small Local Grocers in Canada
Euromonitor International
February 2024
List Of Contents And Tables
Despite significant challenges this channel has good potential for growth
Small local grocers channel remains under strong pressure from consumer price sensitivity
New report from Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) shows small stores are still very vulnerable to threat from giant grocery retailers
Small local grocery stores need to cross new frontiers if they want to remain relevant
One bright spot for traditional grocers is the growing popularity of supporting local
Severe competition from other grocery channels to hamper growth
Table 1 Small Local Grocers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2018-2023
Table 2 Small Local Grocers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2018-2023
Table 3 Small Local Grocers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2019-2023
Table 4 Small Local Grocers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2020-2023
Table 5 Small Local Grocers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2020-2023
Table 6 Small Local Grocers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2023-2028
Table 7 Small Local Grocers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2023-2028
Retail in 2023: The big picture
Canadian retailers under strong pressure from government to reduce prices
Some COVID-19 related changes are not going away and will continue to impact Canadian retail
What next for retail?
Informal retail
Opening hours for physical retail
Summary 1 Standard Opening Hours by Channel Type 2023
Back to School
Thanksgiving Day
Table 8 Sales in Retail by Retail Offline vs Retail E-Commerce: Value 2018-2023
Table 9 Sales in Retail by Retail Offline vs Retail E-Commerce: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 10 Sales in Retail Offline by Channel: Value 2018-2023
Table 11 Sales in Retail Offline by Channel: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 12 Retail Offline Outlets by Channel: Units 2018-2023
Table 13 Retail Offline Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2018-2023
Table 14 Sales in Retail E-Commerce by Product: Value 2018-2023
Table 15 Sales in Retail E-Commerce by Product: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 16 Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2018-2023
Table 17 Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2018-2023
Table 18 Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: Value 2018-2023
Table 19 Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 20 Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2018-2023
Table 21 Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2018-2023
Table 22 Non-Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2018-2023
Table 23 Non-Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2018-2023
Table 24 Sales in Non-Grocery Retailers by Channel: Value 2018-2023
Table 25 Sales in Non-Grocery Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 26 Non-Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2018-2023
Table 27 Non-Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2018-2023
Table 28 Retail GBO Company Shares: % Value 2019-2023
Table 29 Retail GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2020-2023
Table 30 Retail Offline GBO Company Shares: % Value 2019-2023
Table 31 Retail Offline GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2020-2023