In keeping with the trend witnessed across financial cards and payments, pre-paid cards in Argentina has seen growth in volume and current value transactions slow in 2024 amidst a sharp economic contraction. Expansion in value terms has been further constrained by the fact that the Milei administration’s shock therapy reforms have helped to bring about a sustained reduction in inflation since May. A steeper downturn in the open loop category has been prevented by the decision to increase social...
Euromonitor International's Pre-Paid Card Transactions in Argentina report establishes the size and structure of the market for ATMs cards, smart cards, credit cards, debit cards, charge cards, pre-paid cards and store cards. It looks at key players in the market (issuers and operators), number of cards in circulation, numbers transactions and value of transactions. It offers strategic analysis of sector forecasts and trends to watch.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Pre-Paid Card Transactions market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Pre-Paid Cards in Argentina
Euromonitor International
December 2024
List Of Contents And Tables
Downturn in open loop category softened by increase in Alimentar card spending
Penetration of virtual products remains high in open loop pre-paid cards
Nacion Servicios continues to dominate closed loop pre-paid cards
Competitive pressures likely to spur innovation in open loop pre-paid cards
End of Previaje scheme will further limit growth potential of open loop category
Closed loop category will be greatly affected by deregulation of transport fares
Table 1 Pre-paid Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2019-2024
Table 2 Pre-paid Cards Transactions 2019-2024
Table 3 Pre-paid Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2019-2024