Ice cream sales recorded significant growth in 2022, with this trend set to continue in 2023, both in volume and value terms, helping the category to exceed pre-pandemic sales. This significant growth will mainly be due to the full resumption of society and the return of impulse purchases, as people are able to socialise once more and engage in recreational activities, such as visit beaches and parks. It is for this reason that impulse ice creams will record the strongest growth.
Euromonitor International's Ice Cream in Peru report offers in-depth knowledge of the market at a national level, providing local insight and understanding unavailable elsewhere. In addition to the latest retail sales data 2018-2022, it identifies the leading companies, brands and retail outlets, and assesses the key trends and demographic shifts behind consumer demand and sales growth. How key trends such as health and wellness, sustainability and recovery from the pandemic are shaping the market in <|Year|> directly informs our forecasts to 2027, clearly indicating how the market is expected to change.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Ice Cream market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Ice Cream in Peru
Euromonitor International
June 2023
List Of Contents And Tables
Significant growth of ice cream sales thanks to resumption of society, greater distribution, as well as investments in operational improvement and innovations
Take-home ice cream continues to grow, although at a slower rate than impulse ice cream, consolidating its presence at home and reinforced by new flavours
Nestlé Peru consolidates its outright lead through constant investments in production improvements, product innovation and wider distribution
Ice cream sales grow in the forecast period thanks to higher demand and greater dynamism among industry players, with innovations and production improving
Small brands become more dynamic despite Nestlé’s outright lead, enabling small brands to achieve a greater share
Street stalls sees recovery in line with rising demand and the growing use of electronic wallets for digital payments
Table 1 Sales of Ice Cream by Category: Volume 2018-2023
Table 2 Sales of Ice Cream by Category: Value 2018-2023
Table 3 Sales of Ice Cream by Category: % Volume Growth 2018-2023
Table 4 Sales of Ice Cream by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 5 Sales of Ice Cream by Leading Flavours: Rankings 2018-2023
Table 6 Sales of Impulse Ice Cream by Format: % Value 2018-2023
Table 7 NBO Company Shares of Ice Cream: % Value 2019-2023
Table 8 LBN Brand Shares of Ice Cream: % Value 2020-2023
Table 9 NBO Company Shares of Impulse Ice Cream: % Value 2019-2023
Table 10 LBN Brand Shares of Impulse Ice Cream: % Value 2020-2023
Table 11 NBO Company Shares of Take-home Ice Cream: % Value 2019-2023
Table 12 LBN Brand Shares of Take-home Ice Cream: % Value 2020-2023
Table 13 Distribution of Ice Cream by Format: % Value 2018-2023
Table 14 Forecast Sales of Ice Cream by Category: Volume 2023-2028
Table 15 Forecast Sales of Ice Cream by Category: Value 2023-2028
Table 16 Forecast Sales of Ice Cream by Category: % Volume Growth 2023-2028
Table 17 Forecast Sales of Ice Cream by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
Snacks in 2023: The big picture
Key trends in 2023
Competitive Landscape
Channel developments
What next for snacks?
Table 18 Sales of Snacks by Category: Volume 2018-2023
Table 19 Sales of Snacks by Category: Value 2018-2023
Table 20 Sales of Snacks by Category: % Volume Growth 2018-2023
Table 21 Sales of Snacks by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 22 NBO Company Shares of Snacks: % Value 2019-2023
Table 23 LBN Brand Shares of Snacks: % Value 2020-2023
Table 24 Penetration of Private Label by Category: % Value 2018-2023
Table 25 Distribution of Snacks by Format: % Value 2018-2023
Table 26 Forecast Sales of Snacks by Category: Volume 2023-2028
Table 27 Forecast Sales of Snacks by Category: Value 2023-2028
Table 28 Forecast Sales of Snacks by Category: % Volume Growth 2023-2028
Table 29 Forecast Sales of Snacks by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028