Apparel and footwear specialists in Egypt felt the force of economic and political issues in 2023. Amid the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, high inflation, currency devaluation, import restrictions and the fallout of the war in Ukraine and the security crisis in the Red Sea caused direct changes to the category. For example, highly popular brands like Zara had empty shelves, while mannequins remained dressed in winter collections in the heat of the summer. In addition, consumers faced...
Euromonitor International's Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Egypt report offers insight into key trends and developments driving the industry. The report examines all retail channels to provide sector insight. Channels include hypermarkets, supermarkets, discounters, convenience stores, mixed retailers, health and beauty retailers, clothing and footwear retailers, furniture and furnishing stores, DIY and hardware stores, durable goods retailers, leisure and personal goods retailers. There are profiles of leading retailers, with analysis of their performance and the challenges they face. There is also analysis of non-store retailing: vending; homeshopping; internet retailing; direct selling, as available.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report?? * Get a detailed picture of the Apparel and Footwear Specialists market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Egypt
Euromonitor International
August 2024
List Of Contents And Tables
Macroeconomic and geopolitical factors affect category dynamics
Apparel and footwear remains a key retail category in Egypt
GMG announces high investment plans for Egypt
Local brand rides the wave of globalisation and innovation
Turkish companies plan to increase their weight in Egypt
Egyptian culture and heritage make their way into the fashion industry like never before
Table 1 Apparel and Footwear Specialists: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2018-2023
Table 2 Apparel and Footwear Specialists: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2018-2023
Table 3 Apparel and Footwear Specialists GBO Company Shares: % Value 2019-2023
Table 4 Apparel and Footwear Specialists GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2020-2023