Sales of digestive remedies are declining in current value and retail volume terms in 2024. Sales of digestive remedies saw strong growth during the pandemic with COVID-19 carrying with it various symptoms that impacted the digestive system. Additionally, the stress and sedentary lifestyles created by the pandemic also created digestive complaints such as constipation and diarrhoea. In 2023 the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 health crisis to be over and this was reflected in a d...
Euromonitor International's Digestive Remedies in Azerbaijan report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data 2019-2023, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. Forecasts to 2028 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Digestive Remedies market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Digestive Remedies in Azerbaijan
Euromonitor International
September 2024
List Of Contents And Tables
Digestive remedies reports a further drop in demand in 2024 as sales continue to stabilise in the wake of the pandemic
Brand loyalty persists despite the challenging economic environment
Laxatives provides some relief in a challenging market
Digestive remedies expected to see a more stable performance over the forecast period
Category maturity and consumers leading healthier lifestyles the main threats to growth
Price-sensitive Azerbaijanis likely to seek out the best deals
Table 1 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2019-2024
Table 2 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2019-2024
Table 3 NBO Company Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2020-2024
Table 4 LBN Brand Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2021-2024
Table 5 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2024-2029
Table 6 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2024-2029
Consumer health in 2024: The big picture
2024 key trends
Competitive landscape
Retailing developments
What next for consumer health?
Table 7 Consumer Expenditure on Health Goods and Medical Services: Value 2019-2024
Table 8 Life Expectancy at Birth 2019-2024
Table 9 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2019-2024
Table 10 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2019-2024
Table 11 NBO Company Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2020-2024
Table 12 LBN Brand Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2021-2024
Table 13 Penetration of Private Label by Category: % Value 2019-2024
Table 14 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format: % Value 2019-2024
Table 15 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format and Category: % Value 2024
Table 16 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2024-2029
Table 17 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2024-2029
OTC registration and classification
Vitamins and dietary supplements registration and classification