Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco in Azerbaijan
Cigars remains a niche tobacco category in Azerbaijan, with sales primarily limited to on-trade establishments and tobacco specialists. There is also an absence of a strong tradition of cigar smoking in the country, which limits the appeal of these products. Despite its small size, there is still demand for cigars among a small but dedicated group of enthusiasts who appreciate the unique flavours and experience that cigars offer. However, due to the limited availability and high prices, cigars a...
Euromonitor International's Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco in Azerbaijan report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data 2018-2022, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market - be the new legislative, distribution or pricing issues. Forecasts to 2027 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Product coverage: Cigars and Cigarillos, Smoking Tobacco.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco in Azerbaijan
Euromonitor International
June 2023
List Of Contents And Tables
Cigars remain a niche category due to limited availability and high prices
High unit prices hamper the development of fine cut tobacco
Gradual recovery of pipe tobacco following COVID-19
Cigarillos to remain a viable alternative to cigarettes for budget-conscious smokers
Increasing competition from e-vapour products, rising excise tax and regulatory pressures will impact pipe tobacco
Cigars expected to remain niche due to high unit prices
Table 1 Sales of Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco by Category: Volume 2017-2022
Table 2 Sales of Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco by Category: Value 2017-2022
Table 3 Sales of Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco by Category: % Volume Growth 2017-2022
Table 4 Sales of Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022
Table 5 Sales of Cigars by Size: % Volume 2017-2022
Table 6 Sales of Cigarillos by Price Platform 2017-2022
Table 7 NBO Company Shares of Cigars and Cigarillos: % Volume 2018-2022
Table 8 LBN Brand Shares of Cigars and Cigarillos: % Volume 2019-2022
Table 9 NBO Company Shares of Cigars: % Volume 2018-2022
Table 10 LBN Brand Shares of Cigars: % Volume 2019-2022
Table 11 NBO Company Shares of Cigarillos: % Volume 2018-2022
Table 12 LBN Brand Shares of Cigarillos: % Volume 2019-2022
Table 13 NBO Company Shares of Smoking Tobacco: % Volume 2018-2022