A rising number of handbag brands have emerged in Argentina with sales exclusively made through retail e-commerce. Many designers have started to produce handbags, offering products made with materials that are more affordable than leather and feature innovative designs. Instagram is the main platform both for showcasing and selling these brands’ products. The possibilities offered by this online marketing and sales channel are extensive, as it allows these designers and small brands to reach cu...
Euromonitor International's Bags and Luggagein Argentina report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data (2019-2023), allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market – be they new product developments, distribution or pricing issues. Forecasts to 2028 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Product coverage: Bags, Luggage.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Bags and Luggage market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Bags and Luggage in Argentina
Euromonitor International
January 2024
List Of Contents And Tables
More and more small brands enjoy the marketing and sales advantages of social media and retail e-commerce
Todomoda launches a line of sustainable products
The premium and expensive local Jackie Smith brand reaches for the heights
Internationalisation of local brands
The franchise model offers growth opportunities for brands
Luggage is set to rebound with faster tourism flows
Table 1 Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: Volume 2018-2023
Table 2 Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: Value 2018-2023
Table 3 Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: % Volume Growth 2018-2023
Table 4 Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 5 Sales of Luggage by Type: % Value 2018-2023
Table 6 NBO Company Shares of Bags and Luggage: % Value 2019-2023
Table 7 LBN Brand Shares of Bags and Luggage: % Value 2020-2023
Table 8 Distribution of Bags and Luggage by Format: % Value 2018-2023
Table 9 Forecast Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: Volume 2023-2028
Table 10 Forecast Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: Value 2023-2028
Table 11 Forecast Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: % Volume Growth 2023-2028
Table 12 Forecast Sales of Bags and Luggage by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
Personal accessories in 2023: The big picture
2023 key trends
Competitive landscape
Retailing developments
What next for personal accessories?
Table 13 Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: Volume 2018-2023
Table 14 Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: Value 2018-2023
Table 15 Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: % Volume Growth 2018-2023
Table 16 Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023
Table 17 NBO Company Shares of Personal Accessories: % Value 2019-2023
Table 18 LBN Brand Shares of Personal Accessories: % Value 2020-2023
Table 19 Distribution of Personal Accessories by Format: % Value 2018-2023
Table 20 Forecast Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: Volume 2023-2028
Table 21 Forecast Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: Value 2023-2028
Table 22 Forecast Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: % Volume Growth 2023-2028
Table 23 Forecast Sales of Personal Accessories by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028