Global Biomass Pellets Market: Analysis By Production, By Consumption, By Source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others), By Application (Power Generation, Commercial & Domestic Heating, Industrial Heating, and Others), By Regio

Global Biomass Pellets Market: Analysis By Production, By Consumption, By Source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others), By Application (Power Generation, Commercial & Domestic Heating, Industrial Heating, and Others), By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2029 - Report Summary
Report Metrics Details
Years Considered 2019-2029
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2029
Page Count 169
Units Referenced US$, Million Tonnes
Segments/Key Topics By Production, By Consumption, By Source, By Application
Regions Covered Europe (UK, Germany, Italy, France, and Rest of the Europe), Asia Pacific, North America (US, Canada, and Mexico), and Rest of the World
Key Companies Mentioned Drax Group Plc., Highland Pellets, Graanul Invest, Enviva Inc., JP Green Fuels, Lignetics Inc., An Viet Phat Group (AVP Group), Valfei Products Inc., Wismar Pellets GmbH, Premium Pellets Ltd., and REDAL Ltd.

Five FAQs about the Report

What is the size of this market?
The global biomass pellets market was valued at US$11.50 billion in 2023.

What is the forecasted growth for this market?
The market value is expected to US$16.07 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 5.80% over the projected period of 2024-2029. On the other hand, the global biomass pellets market production is expected to reach 66.20 million tonnes by 2029.

What are key factors driving this market?
The market value of biomass pellets is expected to grow in the forthcoming years due to several reinforcing trends. The global commitment to decarbonization, as highlighted by international agreements such as the Paris Accord, is likely to intensify, leading to more aggressive national policies promoting renewable energy. Additionally, rising environmental awareness among consumers and businesses is expected to drive demand for cleaner energy solutions, including biomass pellets. Economic factors, such as the increasing cost competitiveness of biomass pellets due to economies of scale and continued technological improvements, will also play a crucial role. Furthermore, the expansion of the biomass pellet market into emerging economies, which are seeking sustainable and affordable energy solutions to support their growing energy needs, is likely to contribute significantly to market growth.

How is this market segmented in this report?
In the report, the global biomass pellets market can be segmented based on source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others) and application (Power Generation, Commercial & Domestic Heating, Industrial Heating, and Others).

What is the definition of this market in this report?
Biomass pellets are a type of renewable fuel made from organic materials, primarily consisting of compressed plant and wood waste. They provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, emitting lower levels of greenhouse gases when burned.

What are the major influences driving the growth/decline of this market?
The global biomass pellets market growth is predicted to be supported by numerous growth drivers such as increasing installed pellet production capacity and number of plants, growing greenhouse gas emissions, growing electricity generation through renewable energy sources, growing number of ENplus and PFI certified plants, increasing shift from conventional source of energy to eco-friendly sources, expansion in emerging markets, favorable government initiatives and regulations, and many other factors. Conversely, the market growth would be negatively impacted by various challenges such as feedstock unavailability and quality issue, uses of fertilizer and pesticides, etc. Moreover, the market growth would succeed in various market trends like integration with circular economy, diversification of feedstock, inclusion in carbon trading and offset markets, increasing use in industrial applications, technological innovations, etc.


The global biomass pellets market was valued at US$11.50 billion in 2023. The market value is expected to reach US$16.07 billion by 2029. On the other hand, the global biomass pellets market production is expected to reach 66.20 million tonnes by 2029. Biomass pellets are a type of renewable fuel made from organic materials, primarily consisting of compressed plant and wood waste. They provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, emitting lower levels of greenhouse gases when burned.

The market value of biomass pellets is expected to grow in the forthcoming years due to several reinforcing trends. The global commitment to decarbonization, as highlighted by international agreements such as the Paris Accord, is likely to intensify, leading to more aggressive national policies promoting renewable energy. Additionally, rising environmental awareness among consumers and businesses is expected to drive demand for cleaner energy solutions, including biomass pellets. Economic factors, such as the increasing cost competitiveness of biomass pellets due to economies of scale and continued technological improvements, will also play a crucial role. Furthermore, the expansion of the biomass pellet market into emerging economies, which are seeking sustainable and affordable energy solutions to support their growing energy needs, is likely to contribute significantly to market growth. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of approx. 6% during the forecasted period of 2024-2029.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Production: The report provides an analysis of the biomass pellets market based on production. Economic considerations play a critical role in driving biomass pellet production. The rising cost of fossil fuels, coupled with their price volatility, has led many industries and consumers to seek more stable and cost-effective energy alternatives. Biomass pellets provide a relatively stable pricing structure due to their renewable nature and diverse sources of raw materials. Additionally, advancements in pellet production technology have significantly reduced production costs. Innovations in biomass processing, pelletization, and combustion technologies have improved the efficiency and quality of pellets, making them more competitive with traditional fuels. The scalability of pellet production has also improved, allowing producers to benefit from economies of scale, further driving down costs, and making biomass pellets an economically viable energy source. The global biomass pellets market production has also been analyzed based on eleven countries namely, The US, Canada, Denmark, Vietnam, France, Poland, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania, Austria, and the Rest of the World.

By Consumption: The report further provides an analysis of the biomass pellets market based on consumption. The consumption of biomass pellets is increasing globally due to a combination of environmental, economic, and regulatory factors. A primary driver is the growing recognition of the need to transition to sustainable energy sources to mitigate climate change. Biomass pellets offer a renewable, low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels, making them an attractive option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Governments worldwide are implementing policies and incentives to promote renewable energy use, which has spurred the adoption of biomass pellets in power generation, heating, and industrial applications. The global biomass pellets market consumption has also been analyzed based on eleven countries namely, UK, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Italy, France, Netherlands, Sweden, The US, and the Rest of the World.

By Source: The report provides the bifurcation of the biomass pellets market into four segments based on the source: Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others. Wood sawdust has become the highest source of biomass pellets due to its abundance and favorable properties. The wood processing industry generates vast quantities of sawdust as a by-product, making it an economically viable raw material. Sawdust is relatively easy to collect, transport, and process into pellets, and it possesses a high energy density and low moisture content, which enhance its combustion efficiency. On the other hand, agricultural residue is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the biomass pellet market, owing to the increasing focus on sustainable farming practices and waste management. It has driven interest in utilizing agricultural by-products for energy production. As agriculture produces significant amounts of residues, converting these materials into biomass pellets provides an efficient way to manage waste while generating renewable energy.

By Application: The report further provides the segmentation of the biomass pellets market based on the following applications: Power Generation, Commercial & Domestic Heating, Industrial Heating, and Others. The power generation segment held the highest share of the market and is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. The biomass pellet market for power generation has been growing significantly due to the increasing global commitment to reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Biomass pellets offer a viable alternative to coal in power plants, as they can be co-fired with coal or used in dedicated biomass power plants to produce electricity. The high energy density and relatively low moisture content of biomass pellets make them an efficient fuel for power generation.

By Region: The report provides insight into the biomass pellets market based on the regions: Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. Both in terms of value and production, Europe held the highest share of the market. In terms of value, Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fast-growing region. In the UK, the biomass pellet market is flourishing due to a robust policy framework aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy. The UK government has implemented various initiatives such as the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme, which provide financial support for renewable energy projects, including biomass. These policies have incentivized the conversion of coal-fired power plants to biomass and the adoption of biomass heating systems in both residential and commercial sectors. Moreover, the UK's commitment to phasing out coal by 2024 has accelerated the shift towards biomass.

China faces challenges with energy security, being heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels. Growing its domestic biomass pellet industry lessens dependence on foreign resources and provides a more sustainable energy solution. As an example, the government has implemented policies encouraging the planting of energy crops specifically for biomass production, showcasing their commitment to this alternative fuel source.

The US boasts a robust biomass pellet production industry, driven by several key factors. Firstly, the nation possesses vast natural resources. Immense forests across the Southeast and Pacific Northwest provide a steady supply of wood residues like sawdust and shavings, perfect raw materials for pellet production. Secondly, supportive government policies have played a significant role. Incentives like tax credits for renewable energy production have encouraged companies to invest in biomass pellet facilities.

Market Dynamics:

Growth Drivers: The global biomass pellets market has been growing over the past few years, due to factors such as increasing installed pellet production capacity and number of plants, growing greenhouse gas emissions, growing electricity generation through renewable energy sources, growing number of ENplus and PFI certified plants, increasing shift from conventional source of energy to eco-friendly sources, expansion in emerging markets, favorable government initiatives and regulations, and many other factors. Increasing installed pellet production capacity significantly bolsters the biomass pellet market by enhancing supply chain reliability, meeting rising demand, and fostering market stability. As the global demand for renewable energy sources intensifies, biomass pellets, known for their carbon neutrality and sustainability, are becoming a crucial component in the energy mix. Expanded production capacity allows manufacturers to meet this burgeoning demand more effectively, reducing the likelihood of supply shortages and price volatility.

Challenges: However, the market growth would be negatively impacted by various challenges such as feedstock unavailability and quality issue, uses of fertilizer and pesticides, etc. Feedstock unavailability and quality pose significant hurdles for the growth of the biomass pellet industry due to their direct impact on production costs, reliability, and sustainability. Inconsistent availability of biomass feedstock, influenced by factors such as weather patterns, seasonality, and competition with other industries, can disrupt production schedules and hinder the scalability of pellet plants.

Trends: The market is projected to grow at a fast pace during the forecast period, due to various latest trends like integration with circular economy, diversification of feedstock, inclusion in carbon trading and offset markets, increasing use in industrial applications, technological innovations, etc. Inclusion in carbon trading and offset schemes provides a significant incentive for industries and power producers to adopt biomass pellets to meet their carbon reduction targets. As companies strive for carbon neutrality, the demand for certified low-carbon energy sources like biomass pellets will increase. This heightened demand can drive investment in biomass pellet production infrastructure, research, and development, leading to technological advancements and cost reductions.

Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Way Forward:

While the COVID-19 pandemic initially disrupted the global biomass pellets market by affecting production and supply chains, the increased residential demand for heating and a strategic pivot towards more resilient and sustainable practices helped the market to stabilize and adapt. The post-COVID-19 period saw the global biomass pellets market not only recover but also transition towards a more sustainable and resilient growth path. The pandemic-induced disruptions led to a strategic re-evaluation of production and supply chain practices, fostering innovation and investment in renewable energy solutions.

Competitive Landscape:

The global biomass pellets industry is fragmented. The key players in the global biomass pellets market are:

Drax Group Plc.
Highland Pellets
Graanul Invest
Enviva Inc.
JP Green Fuels
Lignetics Inc.
An Viet Phat Group (AVP Group)
Valfei Products Inc.
Wismar Pellets GmbH
Premium Pellets Ltd.

In the competitive landscape of the biomass pellets market, players are adopting various strategies to expand their market share and gain a competitive edge. For instance, in 2023, Enviva Inc. broke ground on the company’s forthcoming Epes plant under construction in Sumter County, AL. In 2020, Enviva acquired over 300 acres in the Epes Industrial Park to build the company’s largest wood pellet production plant. In July 2022, the company began construction of its fully contracted Epes plant, which would have a nameplate capacity of 1.1 million metric tons per year and is expected to be in service by mid-2024, with production fully ramped by 2025. On the other hand, in February 02, 2024, Graanul Invest announced the launch of the company’s latest premium pellet brand, g Graanul, tailored specifically for Baltic customers. The Naturkraft-branded wood pellets and 15 kg pellet bags would continue to be sold in all European countries outside Baltics.

1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 2.1 Biomass Pellets: An Overview 2.1.1 Introduction to Biomass Pellets 2.1.2 Value Chain of Biomass Pellets Table 1: Value Chain of Biomass Pellets 2.2 Biomass Pellets Segmentation: An Overview Table 2: Biomass Pellets Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 3: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 4: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 3.1.3 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others) Table 5: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Source; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.1.4 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Application (Power Generation, Commercial & Domestic Heating, Industrial Heating, and Others) Table 6: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Application; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.1.5 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Region (Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and Rest of the World) Table 7: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.2 Global Biomass Pellets Market Production: An Analysis 3.2.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market Production: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 8: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 9: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 3.2.3 Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others) Table 10: Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Source; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.2.4 Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Region (Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World) Table 11: Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.2.5 Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Countries (The US, Canada, Denmark, Vietnam, France, Poland, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania, Austria, and Rest of the World) Table 12: Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Countries; 2023 (Percentage, %) Table 13: Global Biomass Pellets Market Production by Countries; 2023 (Million Tonnes) 3.3 Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption: An Analysis 3.3.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Consumption Table 14: Global Biomass Pellets Market by Consumption; 2021-2023 (Million Tonnes) 3.3.3 Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption by Region (Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and Rest of the World) Table 15: Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 3.3.4 Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption by Countries (UK, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Italy, France, Netherlands, Sweden, The US, and Rest of the World) Table 16: Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption by Countries; 2023 (Percentage, %) Table 17: Global Biomass Pellets Market Consumption by Countries; 2023 (Million Tonnes) 3.4 Global Biomass Pellets Market: Source Analysis 3.4.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Source: An Overview 3.4.2 Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 18: Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 19: Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 3.4.3 Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 20: Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 21: Global Wood Sawdust Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 3.4.4 Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 22: Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 23: Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 3.4.5 Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 24: Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 25: Global Agricultural Residue Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 3.4.6 Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 26: Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 27: Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 3.4.7 Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 28: Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 29: Global Industrial Waste Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 3.4.8 Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 30: Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 31: Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 3.4.9 Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 32: Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 33: Global Other Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 3.5 Global Biomass Pellets Market: Application Analysis 3.5.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market by Application: An Overview 3.5.2 Global Power Generation Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 34: Global Power Generation Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 35: Global Power Generation Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 3.5.3 Global Commercial and Domestic Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 36: Global Commercial and Domestic Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 37: Global Commercial and Domestic Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 3.5.4 Global Industrial Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 38: Global Industrial Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 39: Global Industrial Heating Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 3.5.5 Global Others Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 40: Global Others Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 41: Global Others Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Europe Biomass Pellets Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Europe Biomass Pellets Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 42: Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 43: Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4.1.3 Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Region (UK, Germany, Italy, France, and Rest of the Europe) Table 44: Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.1.4 The UK Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 45: The UK Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 46: The UK Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4.1.5 Germany Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 47: Germany Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 48: Germany Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.1.6 Italy Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 49: Italy Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 50: Italy Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.1.7 France Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 51: France Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 52: France Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.1.8 Rest of Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 53: Rest of Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 54: Rest of Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4.1.9 Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 55: Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 56: Europe Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 4.2 Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market: An Overview 4.2.2 Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 57: Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 58: Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4.2.3 Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 59: Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 60: Asia Pacific Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 4.3 North America Biomass Pellets Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 North America Biomass Pellets Market: An Overview 4.3.2 North America Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 61: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Table 62: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion) 4.3.3 North America Biomass Pellets Market by Region (The US, Canada, and Mexico) Table 63: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.3.4 The US Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 64: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 65: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.3.5 The US Biomass Pellets Market by Source (Wood Sawdust, Agricultural Residue, Industrial Waste, and Others) Table 66: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Source; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.3.6 The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Value Table 67: The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 68: The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.3.7 The US Biomass Pellets Market by Application (Commercial & Domestic Heating, Power Generation, Industrial Heating, and Others) Table 69: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Application; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.3.8 The US Biomass Pellets Market Application by Value Table 70: The US Biomass Pellets Market Application by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 71: The US Biomass Pellets Market Application by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.3.9 Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 72: Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 73: Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.3.10 Mexico Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 74: Mexico Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 75: Mexico Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.3.11 North America Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 76: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 77: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 4.3.12 North America Biomass Pellets Market by Region (The US and Canada) Table 78: North America Biomass Pellets Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.3.13 The US Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 79: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 80: The US Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 4.3.14 The US Biomass Pellets Market Production by Source (Wood Sawdust, Industrial Waste, Agricultural Residue, and Others) Table 81: The US Biomass Pellets Market Production by Source; 2023 (Percentage, %) 4.3.15 The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Production Table 82: The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Production; 2020-2023 (Kilo Tonnes) Table 83: The US Biomass Pellets Market Source by Production; 2024-2029 (Kilo Tonnes) 4.3.16 Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 84: Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 85: Canada Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 4.4 Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Value Table 86: Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2020-2023 (US$ Million) Table 87: Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million) 4.4.3 Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Production Table 88: Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2020-2023 (Million Tonnes) Table 89: Rest of World Biomass Pellets Market by Production; 2024-2029 (Million Tonnes) 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Global Biomass Pellets Market 5.2 Post COVID-19 Impact on Global Biomass Pellets Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Installed Pellet Production Capacity and Number of Plants Table 90: Global Installed Pellet Production Capacity; 2021 and 2023 (Million Tonnes Per Annum) Table 91: Global Installed Pellet Production Capacity by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) Table 92: Global Installed Pellet Production Capacity and Number of Plants; 2023 (Metric Tonnes Per Annum, Number of Plants) 6.1.2 Growing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Table 93: Global Carbon dioxide (CO₂) Emissions Per Capita; 1900-2022 (Tonnes) 6.1.3 Growing Electricity Generation through Renewable Energy Sources Table 94: Global Electricity Supply and Share of Renewable Source; 2020-2025 (TWh, Percentage, %) 6.1.4 Growing Number of ENplus and PFI Certified Plants Table 95: Global Percentage of ENplus Certified Pellet Production Capacity; 2023 (Percentage, %) Table 96: Global Percentage of ENplus Certified Pellet Production Capacity by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %) 6.1.5 Increasing Shift from Conventional Source of Energy to Eco-Friendly Sources Table 97: Global Annual Investment in Fossil Fuels and Clean Energy; 2015-2023 (US$ Trillion) 6.1.6 Expansion in Emerging Markets 6.1.7 Favorable Government Initiatives and Regulations Table 98: Favorable Government Initiatives and Regulations 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Feedstock Unavailability and Quality Issue 6.2.2 Uses of Fertilizer and Pesticides 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Integration with Circular Economy 6.3.2 Diversification of Feedstock 6.3.3 Inclusion in Carbon Trading and Offset Markets 6.3.4 Increasing Use in Industrial Applications 6.3.5 Technological Innovations 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Biomass Pellets Market: Competitive Landscape 7.2 The US Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity Table 99: The US Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity; 2023 7.3 Canada Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity Table 100: Canada Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity; 2023 7.4 China Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity Table 101: China Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity; 2023 7.5 France Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity Table 102: France Biomass Pellets Market Players by Production Capacity; 2023 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Drax Group Plc. 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segments Table 103: Drax Group Plc. Revenue by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %) 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Highland Pellets 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Business Strategy 8.3 Graanul Invest 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Business Strategy 8.4 Enviva Inc. 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Business Strategy 8.5 JP Green Fuels 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.6 Lignetics Inc. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.7 An Viet Phat Group (AVP Group) 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.8 Valfei Products Inc. 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.9 Wismar Pellets GmbH 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.10 Premium Pellets Ltd. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.11 REDAL Ltd. 8.11.1 Business Overview

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