United States Plant Protein Business and Investment Opportunities (2018-2027) Insight Series – White Space / Gap Analysis, Product Strategy, Innovation and Brand Share Analysis, Competitive Landscape, Market Size Across 50+ Segments - Updated in Q1, 2021

United States Plant Protein Business and Investment Opportunities (2018-2027) Insight Series – White Space / Gap Analysis, Product Strategy, Innovation and Brand Share Analysis, Competitive Landscape, Market Size Across 50+ Segments - Updated in Q1, 2021

Report Description

The US plant-based protein market has recorded strong growth in recent years. The growth is primarily backed by the rising flexitarian trend, adoption of vegetable diet, and vegan meals. This in in turn driven by increasing health consciousness, and evolving veganism among a large US population. According to ConsumerIntel360, plant protein consumption increased at a CAGR of 15.3% during 2016-2019 in the US.

The plant protein market growth is offering an attractive business and investment opportunity for food manufacturers ranging from leading CPG companies to retailers to meat producers. Moreover, future growth prospect of the market is attracting startups to participate in the market.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has impacted traditional supply chain of animal based food, driven by a series of lockdowns to prevent the spread of the virus. The conventional meat processing companies are facing several challenges to run their business. Meat processing companies such as Tyson, National Beef Packing, and JBS USA had to close their many plants due to some of their employees got sick by the virus.

Additionally, consumers are avoiding animal products and shifting to alternative protein sources due to health and immunity concerns. Hence, the shortage of conventional meat and consumers’ preference towards plant-based meat is helping the plant-based meat sector to record strong growth.

Obesity has always been a major concern in the US. To manage the obesity rate in the country the government took several steps such as reduction of sugar content in the packaged food products and promoting health awareness programs. Importantly, consumers are also showing interest in health regimes and many have initiated physical activities, curbing sugar intake, and included plant-based protein products in their weight management diets.

Plant-based proteins have emerged as a weight management tool in recent years. Soy proteins are well accepted among gym-goers however, pea and rice proteins are also evolving as alternatives to soy protein. As these products contain high fiber, no cholesterol, and low saturated fat, consumers are including plant-based protein products in their weight loss diet plans.

The strong growth of the US plant-based protein market is creating opportunities for already established large food processing companies and new entrants. Large food processing companies such as Tyson and Nestlé are moving faster to establish their presence in the plant-based proteins, due to increasing demand. Similarly, start-ups are raising funds to stay afloat in the US plant-based protein market. The market is also getting support from growing sales of plant-based foods in restaurants and foodservice channels. It is expected that the rising demand will also encourage retailers to introduce more private label brands in the market.

The plant protein market in United States has recorded a strong growth with a CAGR of 22.1% during 2018-2020. According to ConsumerIntel360’s Q4 2020 Global Plant Protein Survey, sustainability concerns coupled with health mindfulness among consumers are driving the market for plant-based alternatives in United States.

Moreover, COVID-19 has reinforced the demand for plant-based products especially, plant-based meats, thereby inducing competition in the market. The sector has recorded a significant increase in the number of new product launches. Similarly, the number of food tech companies is increasing and expected to increase rivalry in the market in the short term.

Plant protein industry is expected to continue to grow in United States over the forecast period. It is expected to record a CAGR of 15.0% during 2021-2027. The plant protein consumption in the country will increase from US$ 5706.3 million in 2020 to reach US$ 15757.3 million by 2027.

This business intelligence report from ConsumerIntel360 aims to analyze market opportunities and risks in plant protein industry in United States. This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product categories, ingredients, applications, key cities, competing protein segments, price point, and shift in consumption by consumer demographics. In addition, for each product category, this report details demand gap / white space analysis, competitive landscape, brand share, claims analysis, and ingredient analysis.

• White Space Analysis: For each product category, this report provides market opportunities across price point and key end-use segments.
• Product Innovation: Captures key innovative plant protein product launches in United States along with claims, product positioning and targeting.
• Competitive Landscape and Brand Share Analysis: Provides a snapshot of overall competitive landscape and brand share by product category.
• Product Claims Analysis: Provides a detailed view on top claims and emerging claims, offering insights into changing targeting strategy adopted by leading plant protein manufacturers.
• Changing Consumer Preferences: Quantified details on changing consumer preferences along with forecast.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Ingredients: Provides a detailed view of opportunities across key plant protein ingredients (Soy, Pea, Beans & Lentils, Hemp, Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other Seeds, Brown Rice, Quinoa, Spirulina & Seaweed, and Nuts)
• Plant Protein Sales by Channel: Sales breakdown by online vs. offline channels.
• Plant Protein Sales by Retail Outlet: Sales breakdown by retail outlets grouped by four categories – Diversified Stores, Pharmaceutical & Wellness Stores, Healthcare and Fitness Centers, and Specialist Sports Stores.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Functional Product Type: Plant protein consumption breakdown by 3 segments – Ready to Eat, Ready to Drink, Ready to Mix, and Ready to Cook.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Product Categories: Detailed market size and forecast by eight product categories – Nutrition Supplements, Protein Bars, Sports Nutrition, Meal Alternative, Dairy Alternatives, Meat Alternatives, Bakery Products, and Infant Formulas.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Price Points: Plant protein demand analysis by price points – Premium, Mid-Tier, and Low End.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Cities: Plant protein demand analysis by key cities grouped under three segments – Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
• Plant Protein Consumption by Consumer Demographics: Plant protein demand / consumption analysis by age, gender, and income levels.


This research report provides in-depth analysis of plant protein industry in United States, providing white space / gap analysis, product innovation, product claims analysis, and brand share analysis, competitive landscape, market size across 50+ segments. Below is the taxonomy, providing detailed scope of coverage.

United States Plant Protein Market Dynamics – Strategy & Innovation
• Competitive Landscape Snapshot
• White Space / Demand Gap Analysis by Product Category
• Brand Share by Product Category
• Key Innovative Launches
• Insights on Market Dynamics

United States Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients

• Soy
• Pea
• Beans & Lentils
• Hemp
• Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other
• Brown Rice
• Quinoa
• Spirulina & Seaweed
• Nuts
• Other

United States Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories

• Nutrition Supplements
• Protein Bars
• Sports Nutrition
• Meal Alternative
• Dairy Alternatives
• Meat Alternatives
• Bakery Products
• Infant Formulas
• Other

United States Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Segments

• Ready to Mix
• Ready to Eat
• Ready to Drink
• Ready to Cook

United States Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Sales Channels
• Online
• In-Store

United States Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of Retail Outlet

• Pharmaceutical & Medical Store
• Grocery Retailers
• Health and Wellness Stores
• Specialist Sports Store

United States Plant Protein Market Size by Retail Sales Pricing

• Premium
• Mid-Tier
• Low End

United States Plant Protein Market Size by Cities

• Tier 1 Cities
• Tier 2 Cities
• Tier 3 Cities

United States Plant Protein Consumption by Demographics
• Age
• Gender
• Income

Key Plant Protein Brands in United States (based on consumer popularity)

• Beyond Meat
• Bhu Foods
• Blue Diamond Almonds
• Body Fortress
• BulkSupplements
• Califia Farms
• Dream
• Earth's Best
• Else
• Enfamil
• Enlightened
• Ensure
• Gardein
• Gerber
• gimMe
• Good Karma
• Green Regimen
• Health Warrior
• Kay's Naturals
• Lenny & Larry's
• Lyfe Fuel
• Miracle Noodle
• Morning Star Farms
• Muscle Pharm
• Natures Sunshine
• neat
• No Cow
• NOW Sports Nutrition
• NuGo Nutrition
• Nutiva
• Optimum Nutrition
• Orgain
• Pacific Foods
• Planet Oat
• Plant Fusion
• pure Protein
• Quorn
• Ripple
• Silk
• Simply Protein
• So Delicious
• Soylent
• Sun Warrior
• Super Pop
• Vega
• Wholesome Provisions

Reasons to Buy

• Market Opportunity: Get detailed understanding of plant protein market opportunity in United States across 50+ segments.
• White Space Analysis: Understand gap in demand / supply across product categories and identify unique opportunities.
• Competitive Landscape & Brand Share: Get a detailed view on competitive landscape along with key brands across plant protein product categories.
• Strategy & Innovation: In-depth understanding of strategies adopted to gain market share along with a snapshot of key innovative plant protein product launches.
• Consumer Preference & Buying Behaviour: Gain insights into changing consumer consumption & buying preferences across plant protein product categories.
• Distribution Channel: Fine tune sales and distribution strategy by focusing on right channels to maximize ROI.

1. About this Report
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Disclaimer
2. United States Plant Protein Consumption Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics
2.1 Plant Protein Consumption Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
2.2 Plant Protein Consumption Per Capita, 2018-2027
2.3 Key Consumption Trends and Drivers Analysis
3. United States Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Demographics
3.1 Analysis by Age Group
3.1.2. Analysis by Age - Baby
3.1.3. Analysis by Age - Kids & Teens
3.1.4. Analysis by Age - Young Adults & Mid Age
3.1.5. Analysis by Age - Old
3.2 Analysis by Gender
3.3 Analysis by Income
4. United States Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast by Ingredients, 2018-2027
4.1 Market Size Analysis by Plant Protein Ingredients, 2018-2027
4.2 Current Market Size vs. Growth Prospects Analysis by Plant Protein Ingredients, 2018-2027
4.3 Soy Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.4 Pea Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.5 Beans & Lentils Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.6 Hemp Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.7 Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.8 Brown Rice Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.9 Quinoa Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.10 Spirulina & Seaweed Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.11 Nuts Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.12 Other Segment Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5. United States Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast by Product Categories, 2018-2027
5.1 Market Size Analysis by Plant Protein Product Categories, 2018-2027
5.2 Current Market Size vs. Growth Prospects Analysis by Plant Protein Product Categories, 2018-2027
5.3 Nutrition Supplements Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.4 Protein Bars Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.5 Sports Nutrition Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.6 Meal Alternative Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.7 Dairy Alternatives Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.8 Meat Alternatives Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.9 Bakery Products Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.10 Infant Formulas Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.11 Other Categories Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
6. United States Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Price Point
6.1 Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Price Point
6.2 Premium Pricing Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
6.3 Mid-Tier Pricing Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
6.4 Low-End Pricing Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7. United States Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast by Functional Segment, 2018-2027
7.1 Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes, 2018-2027
7.2 Ready to Mix Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7.3 Ready to Eat Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7.4 Ready to Drink Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7.5 Ready to Cook Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8. United States Plant Protein Demand Analysis by City
8.1 Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City
8.2 Tier 1 City Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.3 Tier 2 City Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.4 Tier 3 City Segment – Plant Protein Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9. United States Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Sales Channels
9.1 Plant Protein – Market Share Analysis by Sales Channels
9.1.1. Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.1.2. Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.2 Plant Protein – Market Share Analysis by Type of Retail Outlet
9.2.1. Diversified Stores Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.2.2. Pharmaceutical & Wellness Stores Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.2.3. Healthcare and Fitness Centers Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.2.4. Specialist Sports Stores Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
10. United States Plant Protein Market Maturity, Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
10.1 Competitive Landscape, Key Players, and Strategy
10.2 Plant Protein Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis Snapshot
10.3 Dairy Alternatives: Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
10.4 Meat Alternatives: Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
10.5 Protein Bars: Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
10.6 Sports Nutrition & Supplements: Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
10.7 Convenience Food & Meal Alternatives: Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis
11. United States Plant Protein Brand Insights
11.1 Meat Alternatives: Brand Share Analysis
11.2 Convenience Food: Brand Share Analysis
11.3 Dairy Alternatives: Brand Share Analysis
11.4 Nutrition Supplements: Brand Share Analysis
11.5 Meal Alternatives: Brand Share Analysis
11.6 Protein Bars: Brand Share Analysis
11.7 Brand Innovation Score
12. United States Plant Protein Product Insight and Innovation: Analysis of Key Themes and Product Concepts
12.1 Ready to Mix
12.2 Ready to Eat
12.3 Ready to Cook
12.4 Ready to Drink
13. Further Reading
13.1 About ConsumerIntel360
13.2 Related Research
13.3 ConsumerIntel360 Knowledge CenterFigure 1: ConsumerIntel360’s Methodology Framework
Figure 2: United States – Plant Protein Consumption Market Size and Forecast (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 3: United States – Plant Protein Consumption Per Capita (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 4: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age Group (%), 2018-2027
Figure 5: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Baby (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 6: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Kids & Teens (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 7: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Young Adults & Mid Age (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 8: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Old Age (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 9: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Gender (%), 2019
Figure 10: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Income (%), 2019
Figure 11: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 12: United States – Plant Protein Market Share by Ingredients: Growth Prospect (%), 2018-2027
Figure 13: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Soy (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 14: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Pea (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 15: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Beans & Lentils (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 16: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Hemp (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 17: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other Ingredients (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 18: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Brown Rice (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 19: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Quinoa (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 20: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Spirulina & Seaweed (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 21: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Nuts (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 22: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Other Segments (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 23: United States – Market Size Analysis by Plant Protein Product Categories (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 24: United States – Plant Protein Market Share by Product Categories: Growth Prospect (%), 2018-2027
Figure 25: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Nutrition Supplements (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 26: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Protein Bars (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 27: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Sports Nutrition (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 28: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Meal Alternative (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 29: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Dairy Alternatives (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 30: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Meat Alternatives (USD Million), 2018-202
Figure 31: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Bakery Products (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 32: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Infant Formulas (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 33: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Other Categories (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 34: United States – Plant Protein Market Share by Different Price Points (%), 2018-2027
Figure 35: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Premium (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 36: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Mid-Tier (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 37: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Low-End (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 38: United States – Plant Protein Market Share by Functional Attributes (%), 2018-2027
Figure 39: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Mix (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 40: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Eat (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 41: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Drink (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 42: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Cook (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 43: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City (%), 2018-2027
Figure 44: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 1 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 45: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 2 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 46: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 3 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 47: United States Plant Protein – Market Share Analysis by Sales Channels, 2018-2027
Figure 48: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Sales Channels: Online (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 49: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Sales Channels: Offline (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 50: United States Plant Protein – Market Share Analysis by Type of Retail Outlet, 2018-2027
Figure 51: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Diversified Stores (USD Million), 2018-202
Figure 52: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Pharmaceutical & Wellness Stores (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 53: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Healthcare and Fitness Centers (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 54: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Specialist Sports Stores (USD Million), 2018-2027
Figure 55: United States – Plant Protein Distribution Channels Market Share by Retail Outlet (%), 2018-2027
Figure 56: United States Plant Protein Market: Primary Ingredients Analysis (Conventional Vs. Emerging Ingredients)
Figure 57: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis by Consumer Survey: Meat Alternatives, Q2 2020 (%)
Figure 58: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis: Convenience Food, Q2 2020 (%)
Figure 59: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis: Dairy Alternatives, Q2 2020 (%)
Figure 60: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis: Nutrition Supplements, Q2 2020 (%)
Figure 61: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis: Meal Alternatives, Q2 2020 (%)
Figure 62: United States – Plant Protein Brand Share Analysis: Protein Bars, Q2 2020 (%)Table 1: United States – Plant Protein Consumption Market Size and Forecast (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 2: United States – Plant Protein Consumption Per Capita (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 3: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Baby (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 4: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Kids & Teens (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 5: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Young Adults & Mid Age (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 6: United States – Plant Protein Demand Analysis by Age: Old Age (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 7: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Soy (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 8: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Pea (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 9: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Beans & Lentils (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 10: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Hemp (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 11: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other Ingredients (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 12: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Brown Rice (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 13: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Quinoa (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 14: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Spirulina & Seaweed (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 15: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Nuts (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 16: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients: Other Segments (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 17: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Nutrition Supplements (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 18: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Protein Bars (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 19: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Sports Nutrition (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 20: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Meal Alternative (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 21: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Dairy Alternatives (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 22: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Meat Alternatives (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 23: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Bakery Products (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 24: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Infant Formulas (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 25: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories: Other Categories (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 26: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Premium (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 27: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Mid-Tier (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 28: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Price: Low-End (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 29: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Mix (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 30: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Eat (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 31: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Drink (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 32: United States – Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Attributes: Ready to Cook (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 33: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 1 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 34: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 2 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 35: United States – Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of City: Tier 3 (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 36: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Sales Channels: Online (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 37: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Sales Channels: Offline (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 38: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Diversified Stores (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 39: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Pharmaceutical & Wellness Stores (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 40: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Healthcare and Fitness Centers (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 41: United States Plant Protein – Market Size by Type of Retail Outlet: Specialist Sports Stores (USD Million), 2018-2027
Table 42: United States Plant Protein Demand Space and Competitiveness Analysis Snapshot
Table 43: United States Plant Protein Brand Presence Analysis by Price Point
Table 44: United States Plant Protein Claims Analysis by Price Point
Table 45: United States Plant Protein Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 46: United States Plant Protein – Dairy Alternatives Product Analysis – A Snapshot
Table 47: United States Plant Protein – Dairy Alternatives Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 48: United States Plant Protein – Meat Alternatives Product Analysis – A Snapshot
Table 49: United States Plant Protein – Meat Alternatives Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 50: United States Plant Protein – Protein Bars Product Analysis – A Snapshot
Table 51: United States Plant Protein – Protein Bars Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 52: United States Plant Protein – Sports Nutrition & Supplements Product Analysis – A Snapshot
Table 53: United States Plant Protein – Sports Nutrition & Supplements Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 54: United States Plant Protein – Convenience Food & Meal Alternatives Product Analysis – A Snapshot
Table 55: United States Plant Protein – Convenience Food & Meal Alternatives Ingredients Analysis by Price Point
Table 56: United States – Plant Protein Brand Innovation Ranking

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