Theme Parks Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

The theme park industry is comprised of establishments who are primarily concerned with the operations of different attractions in a park setting. Most theme parks charge patrons daily admission, and this makes up the majority of their generated revenue. In addition to rides and group entertainment, theme parks also typically offer games, picnic areas, and refreshment stands. Theme park rides are usually mechanical rides or water rides, and have restrictions based upon age and height to ensure safety. The theme park industry often only operates during a portion of the year due to weather conditions that affect many of their locations. For example, water parks often close during the winter months. Those theme parks that are able to operate every month of the year typically also offer accommodations, restaurants, and other recreational activities (such as golf courses, stores, hotels, etc.) as well.

Competition in the theme park industry exists between the separate theme parks and the parent corporations that own and operate them. Demand within the theme park industry is dependent upon the state of a country’s economy and the personal income of the consumer. Individual theme park businesses focus their energies on effective marketing strategies in order to create profitability. Small companies prioritize catering to local markets, and/or offering unique attractions that consumers cannot find in every park. Large theme park corporations have economies of scale in advertizing and operating costs, and they also have the finances to build or purchase more popular and expensive rides to draw more patrons.

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Theme Parks Industry Research & Market Reports

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