Skin Care Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Commercially prepared skincare products are used to moisturize and cleanse the face, hands and body, as well as combat the effects of aging on skin. The products are sold as creams, serums and lotions. Skin care products are classified broadly under 5 categories: facial cleansers, facial moisturizers, anti aging products and hand/body lotion. Hand/body lotions are heavy providing a protective coating to hydrate and moisturize the skin. Anti aging serums, lotions and creams are used to renew skin elasticity, reduce puffiness, crow’s feet and firm the skin. Facial moisturizers reduce and prevent dryness. It softens the skin reducing lines and wrinkles. Skin cleansers remove dirt, grease, oil and make-up clearing the pores and altering the pH.

Skin care giants are finding more creative ways to offset the cost of research into products which reduce aging and blemishes. provides in­ depth analysis into the manufacturing and research/development of skincare products globally.

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Skin Care Industry Research & Market Reports

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