Publisher: Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Category: Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health market research reports by Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

(2 reports matching your criteria)
    • Japan Mental Health Market Overview, 2029

      Japan Mental Health Market Overview, 2029 As the frequency of mental health issues rises and cultural views towards mental health become more fluid, Japan's mental health market has become a crucial battleground within the country's larger healthcare system in recent years. This dynamic terrain is a ... Read More

    • Japan Corporate Wellness Market Overview, 2029

      Japan Corporate Wellness Market Overview, 2029 The concept of corporate wellness in Japan has a fascinating history. Traditionally, a strong work ethic and long hours were seen as virtues. However, this began to shift in the late 20th century. Concerns about rising healthcare costs, employee burnout ... Read More

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