Top 1000+ Bio-Facility Index and Biomanufacturers Subscription Database

The only bio-facilities database subscription that tracks over 1,500+ facilities worldwide manufacturing biopharmaceuticals. Hundreds offacilities with commercial products, many more supporting clinical production, account for well over $10 billion in equipment andconsumable sales. Updated quarterly since 2008 and includes comprehensive information and insights. Based on 30 years ofevaluating and benchmarking the biopharmaceutical and life sciences industry. Subscription includes quarterly newsletter, andcomprehensive annual review.

Knowing where biologics are manufactured is important to the industry and its suppliers. Manufacturing involves highcost, long-term commitments to the community and employment base. This data can be used for:

  • Facility siting: Based on concentration of qualified employees; reduces hiring challenges
  • Sales territory allocations: Determine where and how to staff territories; defines expectations for sales
  • Real estate valuation: For facilities, based on regional and sub-region ‘quality points for attractiveness
  • HR and Recruiters: Look for a critical mass of educated and skilled staff is needed to establish a viable cluster
  • Companies, investors: Regional development authorities & governments use the resource to define employment clusters
  • Industry Growth: Where is the industry growing most rapidly, and by which indexed factors?
  • Emerging Regions: Facilities in China, India, Russia, other developing regions? How rapidly are they growing?
  • Company Ranking: How do companies rank overall, in employment, capacity and overall concentration?

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