Mesenchymal Stem Cells / Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSCs) – Advances & Applications, 2023

Mesenchymal Stem Cells / Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSCs) – Advances & Applications, 2023

Executive Summary

MSCs are multipotent cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including but not limited to osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, and adipocytes. In addition to secreting factors that can stimulate tissue repair, MSCs can substantially alter their microenvironment, exerting effects that are both anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic. MSCs are advantageous over other cell types for a variety of reasons, including that they are immuno-evasive, making them an advantageous cell type for allogenic transplantation.

MSCs appear to be an exceptionally promising tool for cell therapy, because of their unusual advantages, which include availability, expandability, transplantability, and ethical implications. Interest in therapeutic applications of human MSCs arises from their diverse ability to impact human health, as well as their ability to migrate to sites of tissue injury/inflammation or tumor growth.

MSCs are essential raw materials for many regenerative medicine products, including cell-based therapies, engineered tissues, exosome products, cosmeceuticals, and cultured meat production. MSCs are also well-suited for use in the exponential growth field of 3D printing and numerous companies are working on manufacturing technologies to support the commercial-scale production of MSCs.

Today, numerous market competitors are also exploring commercialization strategies for MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and exosomes, because these extracellular “packages” represent a novel strategy for accessing the therapeutic effects of MSCs without the risks of administering whole cells to patients. Gene editing of MSCs for overexpressing antitumor genes or therapeutic factors is broadening their application as well.

Despite the challenges associated with commercializing MSC-based therapeutics, there are more than 100,000 scientific publications published about MSCs and over 1,100 MSC-based clinical trials underway worldwide. Clinical trials involving MSC therapeutics have risen in recent years, in part due to trials related to COVID-19. Current “hotspots” for MSC clinical trials include the U.S., E.U., China, Middle East, and South Korea. While many early-stage MSC trials have demonstrated safety and efficacy, only a small number of MSC products have reached commercialization, indicating that the therapeutic market for MSCs remains early-stage. The first MSC-based cell therapy product was approved in 2010 in South Korea. To date, ten MSC-based cell therapy products have gained approval, as well as 19 MSC-based bone matrices.

While therapeutic success has been challenging, the demand for MSC-based research products has surged in recent years, with most large research product suppliers now offering a variety of MSC-based products, services, kits, and manufacturing tools. Major players involved in the market for MSC-based research products include Lonza, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sigma Aldrich, VWR, Sartorius, ATCC, EMD Millipore, and others. Smaller and mid-sized players are also competing in this promising market, including but not limited to Axol Bioscience, StemBioSys, PromoCell, and iXCell Biotechnologies. To date, the company to establish itself with the greatest domain knowledge in the area of MSC-based products and manufacturing technologies is RoosterBio, headquartered in Frederick, Maryland, USA.

Cynata Therapeutics is also working diligently on technologies to enable large-scale production of MSC-based therapeutics, although it is exclusively focused on MSC-based therapeutics and is using its Cymerus™ platform technology to produce nearly infinite numbers of iPSC-derived MSCs. It is concurrently pursuing several clinical trials worldwide. In the coming years, an increasing number of research products and therapeutic products will continue to be developed around MSCs and their differentiated cell types.

Within this rapidly changing landscape, having a thorough understanding of the competition is essential. Therefore, this global strategic report details the activities of 113 leading MSC companies, including their core technologies and products under development. It presents detailed market size figures for the global MSC market, segmented by Geography and Business Segment, and accompanied by future forecasts through 2030.

This global strategic report includes:

Market size determination for the global MSC market, segmented by Geography and Business Segment
Future forecasts for the Global MSC Market through 2030
Major diseases addressed by MSCs in the ongoing clinical trials
Cost of manufacturing autologous and allogeneic MSCs
Rates, quantities, geographic locations, and types of MSC clinical trials
Types and sources of MSC industry funding
Detailed MSC patent analysis, including rates and geographic breakdown of MSC patents
The top owners, inventors, and sponsors of MSC patents
Recent business developments related to MSCs, including strategic collaborations and partnerships
MSC-based products with marketing approval and the companies commercializing them
Currently marketed MSC-based bone matrices
Pricing comparison of MSC-based products with marketing approval
The pipeline for MSC-based therapeutics
Emerging applications for MSCs, including genetic modification, 3D bioprinting, clean meat production, and cosmeceuticals
Company profiles for MSC market competitors, including their products, services, and technologies under development
Dozens of charts, figures, and tables
And so much more

In summary, this global strategic report presents market size figures with forecasts through 2030, as well as rates of MSC clinical trials, scientific publications, patents, funding events, and strategic collaborations. It also presents the pipeline for MSC-based therapeutics, identifies leading market competitors, and explores future directions for the industry at large. With the competitive nature of this global market, you don’t have the time to do the research. Claim this report to become immediately informed, without sacrificing hours of unnecessary research or missing critical opportunities.

    • Statement of the Report
    • Target Demographic
    • Report Sources
    • Purpose of the Report
      • Survey Recent MSC Advancements
      • Provide a Summary of the Global MSC Market
      • Assess Opportunities for Commercialization
      • Identify Major Market Players and Assess the Competitive Environment
      • Identify Existing and Emerging Trends
      • Identify Critical Opportunities and Threats within the MSC Market
    • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • Stabilization of hMSCs as a Technology
    • The Impact of MSCs on Regenerative Medicine
    • Timeline of MSC Nomenclature
      • Table Timeline of MSC Nomenclature
    • Sources of MSCs
      • Table Sources of MSCs
      • Bone Marrow-Derived MSCs (BM-MSCs)
        • Table Advantages and Disadvantages of BM-MSCs
      • Adipose-Derived MSCs (AD-MSCs)
        • Table Advantages and Disadvantages of AD-MSCs
      • Umbilical Cord-Derived MSCs
        • Table Advantages and Disadvantages of UC-MSCs
    • Cell Surface Markers in MSCs
      • Table Positive & Negative Markers in MSCs from different Sources
    • In Vitro Differentiation Potentials of MSCs
      • Table In Vitro Differentiation Potentials of MSCs
    • Soluble Factors Secreted by MSCs
      • Table Soluble Factors Secreted by MSCs
    • Stemness Genes Present in MSCs
      • Table Some Typical Stemness Genes of MSCs
    • Table Number of Published Papers on MSCs between 2000 and 2022 (
    • Number of Papers on MSCs & iPSCs Compared
      • Table Number of Papers on MSCs and iPSCs Compared
    • Number of Papers Published on MSC-based Clinical Trials
      • Table Number of Papers Published on MSC-based Clinical Trials, 2000 to 2022
    • Number of Papers on Clinical Trials using MSCs for Specific Diseases
      • Table Percent Share of MSC Papers for Specific Diseases, 2000 to 2022
    • Published Papers on Modified MSCs
      • Table Published Papers on Modified MSCs
    • Published Papers on MSC-Derived Exosomes
      • Table Number of PubMed Papers on MSC-Exosomes
    • Table Number of Patent Documents in Stem Cell Therapies, 2010-2022
    • Geographical Distribution of Stem Cell Patent Filing
      • Leading Players in Stem Cell Patent Arena
        • Table Top Ten Players in the Stem Cell Patent Arena
      • Types of Patent Document Holders in the Stem Cell Arena
      • Top Ten Stem Cell Patent Owners by Size of Patent Portfolio
        • Table Top Ten Owners of Stem Cell Patent Portfolio by Size of Patent Portfolio
    • MSC Patents
      • Table Number of MSC Patent Filings by Year, 2000-2022
      • Top Ten MSC Patent Applicants, as of January 2023
        • Table Top Ten MSC Patent Applicants, January 5, 2023
      • Status of MSC Patent Applications, as of January 2023
        • Table Status of MSC Patent Applications, January 1, 2000, to January 5, 2023
      • MSC Patent Jurisdictions
        • Table MSC Patent Jurisdictions, as of January 5, 2023
      • Top Ten MSC Patent Inventors
        • Table Top Ten MSC Patent Inventors, as of January 5, 2023
      • Top Ten MSC Patent Owners
        • Table Top Ten MSC Patent Owners, as of January 5, 2023
      • Patent Landscape of MSC-Derived Exosomes
        • Table Top Ten MSC Exosome Patent Applicants, as of January 5, 2023
      • Number of MSC Patent Applications by Year
      • MSC Exosome Patent Juridictions
        • Table MSC-Exosomes Patent Jurisdiction, as of January 5, 2023
      • Top Ten Inventors of MSC Exosome Patents
        • Table Top Ten Inventors of MSC Exosome Patents, as of January 5, 2023
    • Analysis of Data from
      • Table Number of Clinical Trials involving MSCs by Region as of January 5, 2023
      • Sources of MSCs for Clinical Trials
        • Table Sources of MSCs for Clinical Trials
      • Autologous vs. Allogeneic MSCs in Clinical Studies
        • Table Clinical Trials involving Autologous and Allogeneic MSCs in 2022
      • Types of Funding for MSC-based Clinical Trials
        • Table Types of Funding for MSC-based Clinical Trials
      • Types of MSC-based Clinical Trials
        • Table Types of MSC-based Clinical Trials
      • MSC-based Clinical Trials by Phase of Development
        • Table MSC-based Clinical Trials by Phase of Development
    • Administration of MSCs in Clinical Trials
    • MSC Clinical Trials by Disease Category
      • MSC-based Clinical Trials for Musculoskeletal Disorders
        • Table Examples of MSC-based Clinical Trials for Musculoskeletal Disorders
      • MSC-based Clinical Trials for Neurological Disorders
        • Table MSC-based Clinical Trials for Neurological Disorders
      • Clinical Trials involving MSC-derived Exosomes
        • Table Clinical Trials involving MSC-derived Exosomes
    • Small-Molecule Priming
    • Particle Engineering
    • Genetic Engineering
      • Table Examples of Bioengineered MSCs as Living Drug Factories
      • Engineering MSCs to Go Beyond their Innate Functions
        • Table Examples of Oncology Indications being studied using MSC Trojan Horses
      • Engineered MSCs for Neurological Conditions
      • Engineered MSCs for Cardiovascular Diseases
      • Engineered MSCs for Lung Injury
      • Engineered MSCs for Diabetes
        • Table Select Cases of Modified MSC Applications & Therapeutic Outcome
    • Bioengineering Approaches to Improve MSC Administration
    • Autologous and Allogeneic MSCs
    • Methods of Isolation of MSCs
      • Table Methods of Isolation of MSCs & Corresponding Culture Media
    • Cell Expansion: Conventional Cultures to Bioreactors
      • Monolayer Culture Systems
      • Bioreactor-Based Cell Expansion
    • Bioreactors in Current Use
      • Miniaturized Bioreactors
      • Alternative Mixing Mechanisms
        • Table A Snapshot of Commercially Available Culture Systems
    • Main Features of Commercial Bioreactors
      • Table Main Features of Commercially Available Bioreactors
    • Number of Cells per Batch by Technologies
    • Microcarriers for the Expansion of MSCs
      • Table Microcarriers for the Expansion of MSCs
    • Downstream Processing of MSCs
      • Cell Detachment and Separation
      • Cell Washing and Concentration
      • Safety & Potency Assays
        • Table Basic Assays for MSCs
      • Surface Markers for Identification during MSC Manufacture
        • Table Cell Surface Markers on MSCs and Fibroblasts
    • Autologous & Allogeneic MSC Manufacturing: A Comparison
      • Manufacturing Cost: Autologous and Allogeneic MSCs
        • Table Cost of Manufacturing Allogeneic MSCs
      • Cost of Manufacturing Autologous MSCs
        • Table Cost of Manufacturing Autologous MSCs
      • Cost of Donor Screening & Testing
      • Cost for Release Testing
    • Cost Breakdown in MSC Manufacturing
      • Table Cost of Goods (CoG) in MSC Manufacturing
      • Strategies for Cost Reduction
        • Table CoG Breakdown in Partially-Automated MSC Manufacturing
        • Table CoG Breakdown in Fully Automated MSC Manufacturing
        • Table Higher Throughput in Partially Automated Facilities
    • Model Design
      • Table Key Processes and Cost Assumptions
    • Culture Media
      • Table Quality Control Panels and Cost Assumptions
      • Table Additional Supporting Labor Cost Assessments
      • Table Additional Supporting Facility and Cost Assumptions
    • Table Large-Scale Expansion of MSCs by Method, Cell Source and Media
    • The Four Common Bioprocessing Strategies for Large-Scale Expansion of MSCs
    • Commonly Used Sources of MSCs for Large-Scale Expansion
    • Commonly used Culture Media for Large-Scale Expansion of MSCs
      • Expansion Ratios Achieved with Different Culture Media
        • Table Expansion Ratios Achieved with Different Culture Media
    • Comparison between the Four Large-Scale MSC Expansion Strategies
      • Table Comparison between the Four Large-Scale MSC Expansion Strategies
    • The Need for Staff with Expertise
    • Capacity Constraints
    • CDMO Platforms Showing Greatest Growth Potential
    • Outsourcing Trends for Cell & Gene Therapies (CGT)
      • Number of CDMOS Utilized by Biotechs
    • CMOs/CDMOs
      • Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs)
      • Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs)
    • Global Bioprocessing Capacity
      • Capacity Growth over Time
        • Table Comparison of Capacity Trends, 2018-2021
      • Current Distribution of Capacity by Facility Size
        • Table Current Distribution of Capacity by Facility Size
      • Global Bioprocessing Capacity by Region
        • Table Global Bioprocessing Capacity by Region/Country
    • Top Global CDMOs in 2022
      • Table Top Global CDMOs
      • Major Cell & Gene Therapy CDMOs in the U.S
        • Table GMP Capacities of U.S-based Contract Manufacturers
      • Major Cell & Gene Therapy Contract Manufacturers in Europe
        • Table Major Cell & Gene Therapy Contract Manufacturers in Europe
    • U.K.’ s Domination in European Cell & Gene Therapy Contract Manufacturing
      • Cell & Gene Therapy GMP Manufacturing in U.K.
        • Table GMP Manufacturing Facilities for Cell and Gene Therapies in U.K., 2022
      • U.K. Cleanroom Footprint for CGT Manufacturing, 20018-2022
        • Table U.K. Cleanroom Footprint for Cell & Gene Therapy Manufacturing, 20018-2022
      • Cell Therapy Process Capabilities in the U.K. by Types of Process
      • Gene Therapy Process Capabilities in the U.K. by Types of Process
      • Countries Importing Cell & Gene Therapy Services from U.K.
        • Table Countries Outsourcing Cell & Gene Therapy Services from U.K. by Country
    • Studies using MSCs for Autoimmune Diseases
      • Table Select MSC-Based Clinical Trials for Autoimmune Diseases
    • Studies using MSCs for Cardiovascular Diseases
      • Table Select MSC-Based Clinical Trials for Cardiovascular Studies
    • Studies using MSCs for Neurodegenerative Diseases
      • Table Select MSC-Based Studies using MSCs for Neurodegenerative Diseases
    • Studies using MSCs for Bone & Cartilage Diseases
      • Table Select MSC-Based Studies for Bone & Cartilage Diseases
    • Studies using MSCs in GvHD
      • Table Ongoing Studies using MSCs for GvHD
    • Studies using MSCs in Crohn’s Disease
      • Table Examples of Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for Crohn’s Disease
    • Studies using MSCs in Type 1 Diabetes
      • Table Examples of Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for Type 1 Diabetes
    • Studies using MSCS in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
      • Table Examples of Currently Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for SLE
    • Studies using MSCs in Parkinson’s disease (PD)
      • Table Examples of Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for PD
    • Studies using MSCs in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
      • Table Examples of Currently Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for AD
    • Studies using MSCs in Kidney Failure
      • Table Examples of Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for Kidney Failure
    • Studies using MSCs in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
      • Table Examples of Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for SCI
    • MSCs for Chronic Wounds
      • Table Examples of Currently Ongoing Clinical Trials using MSCs for SCI
    • Brief Account of Modified MSCs
      • Genetic Modification of MSCs
        • Table Clinical Trials Involving Engineered MSCs
      • Priming of MSCs
        • Table Primed MSCs in Clinical Trials
      • Biomaterial Strategies
        • Table Scaffold-Based MSCs in Clinical Trials
      • MSC Secretomes
        • Table Clinical Trials Involving MSC-Derived Exosomes
      • MSCs in Topical Cosmetics
        • Table Commercially Available Products Incorporated with Secretomes
    • MSC-Based Products with Marketing Approval
      • Table MSC Products with Marketing Approval
      • Alofisel
      • Stemirac
      • Stempeucel
      • Temcell HS
      • Neuronata-R
      • Prochymal
      • Cupistem
      • Cartistem
      • Cellgram-AMI
      • Queencell
    • Currently Marketed MSC-Based Bone Matrices
      • Table Marketed MSC-Containing Bone Matrices
      • Osteocel
      • AlloStem
      • Cellentra VCBM
      • HiQCell
      • Trinity ELITE
      • Map3
      • Trinity Evolution
      • Carticel
      • Chondron
      • DeNovo
      • Chondrocelect
      • Ossron
      • JACC
      • MACI
      • Ortho-ACI
      • Spherox
      • Ossgrow
      • Cartigrow
      • ViviGen
      • Bio4
      • Cartiform
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with AGC Biologics
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with ShiftBio
    • Pluristem’s Collaboration with Tnuva Group
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with Univercells Technologies
    • Partnership between Cynata & Fujifilm
    • Collaboration between American CryoStem Corp. &BioTherapeutic Labs Corp
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with Sartorius
    • Research and Development Agreement between American CryoStem and CRADA
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with Sartorius Korea Biotech
    • Partnership between Catalent and BrainStorm
    • Collaboration between Cipla & Stempeutics
    • Aethlon’s Collaboration with University of Pittsburgh
    • RoosterBio’s Partnership with Senti Biosciences
    • Price Tags of MSC-Based Cell Therapy Treatments
      • Table Price Tags of MSC-Based Approved CT Products
    • Price Tags of MSC-Based Matrices
      • Table Price Tags of Select MSC Progenitor-Based Products
    • Market Size of MSC-Based Therapies
    • Global Market for MSC-Based Therapeutics
      • Table Global Market for MSC-Based Therapeutics
    • Global Demand for Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)
      • Global Demand for MSCs in Academic and Preclinical Studies
      • Global Demand for MSCs in Clinical Trials
      • Global Demand for MSCs for the Development of Therapeutics
      • Global Demand for MSCs to Develop Exosome Products
      • Global Demand for MSCs in Emerging Industries
      • Global Market for MSCs
        • Table Global Market for MSCs by Geography, 2022-2030
      • Market Share of MSC-Based Business Segments
    • 101 Bio
      • Products
      • Services
    • AbbVie, Inc.
      • SkinMedica Neck Correct Cream
    • Abzena
      • Services
    • Adipomics, Inc.
    • Advancells
      • MSC-Derived Exosome Therapy
    • Advent BioServices, Ltd.
      • Ultra Cold Storage Services
      • Quality Control Services
    • Aegle Therapeutics
      • Aegle’s Platform Technology
      • Epidermolysis Bullosa
    • Aethlon Medical, Inc.
      • Hemopurifier in Infectious Disease
      • Status of Clinical Studies
      • Hemopurifier in Cancer
    • AGC Biologics
      • Offerings
    • AgeX Therapeutics, Inc.
      • Pluristem Technology
      • Induced Tissue Generation
      • UniverCyte
      • HyStem Delivery Technology
    • AlloSource, Inc.
      • Allografts with Tissue-derived MSCs
      • Products
    • Ambulero
      • Supercharged MSCs
      • Ambulero’s Pipeline
        • Table Ambulero’s Product Pipeline
    • American CryoStem Corporation
      • Products
      • Services
    • American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
      • Stem Cell Products
    • AMS Biotechnology, Ltd. (AMSBIO)
      • Products
    • Andelyn Biosciences
      • Andelyn’s Solutions
    • Anemocyte S.r.l
      • Total GMP Capacity
      • Product Types
      • Manufacturing Services
    • Anterogen, Co., Ltd.
      • Products
    • AQ Skin Solutions
      • Products
    • Arranta Bio
      • Services
    • Aruna Bio
      • AB126
    • Avid Bioservices, Inc.
      • Services
    • Bacthera
      • Services
    • Baylx, Inc.
      • Technology
      • Rheumatoid Arthritis
      • Metastatic Cancer
      • FDA Clearance of IND Application
    • BioCardia
      • BioCardia’s Pipeline Overview
        • Table BioCardia’s Advanced Pipeline
    • BioCentriq
      • Clinical Manufacturing Services
      • Process Development Services
    • BioEden, Inc.
    • Bioinova s.r.o
      • MSCs for Clinical Trials
      • Novel Solution for Storage and Transportation of Cells
    • BioRestorative Therapies
      • BRTX-100
      • ThermoStem
    • Bioscience Institute S.p.A
      • GYNSKILL
    • Bio-Techne
      • Mesenchymal Stem Cell Products
    • Blue Horizon International, LLC
      • BHI’s Stem Cell Division
    • Boehringer Ingelheim BioXcellence
      • Services
      • Cell Line Development Services
    • Bonus Biogroup, Ltd.
      • BonoFill
      • MesenCure
        • Table Bonus Biogroup’s Product Pipeline
    • BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics
      • MSC-NTF Cells
        • Table BrainStorm’s Product Pipeline
    • Caregen Nordic
      • Dermaheal HSR
      • Dermaheal HL
      • Dermaheal SB
      • Dermaheal Stem C’rum
      • Dermaheal Stem C’rum SR
    • CardioCell, LLC
      • The itMSC Advantage
      • Clinical Trials
        • Table CardioCell’s Clinical Development
    • Catalent Pharma Solutions
      • OneBio Integrated Suite
      • Gene Therapy Services
      • Cell Therapy Services
    • CCRM
      • CDMO Services
    • Cellipont Bioservices
      • Cellipont’s Capabilities
      • Cellipont’s Cell Expertise
    • Celprogen, Inc.
      • Products
    • CellResearch Corporation, Pte Ltd.
      • Umbilical Cord Lining Stem Cells
    • Celltex Therapeutics Corporation
      • Therapy Services
        • Table Celltex’s Clinical Trials
    • Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc.
    • Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
      • Stem Cell Platform
    • Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.
      • Products & Services
    • Corestem, Inc.
      • ALS (NeuroNata-R)
        • Table Corestem’s Product Pipeline
    • Creative Bioarray
      • MSC Services
    • Curia Global, Inc.
      • Services
    • Cynata Therapeutics, Ltd.
      • Cymerus Platform
        • Table Cynata’s Product Pipeline
      • Preclinical Development
    • Cytovance Biologics
      • CGMP Manufacturing
    • Dendreon
      • Provenge Immunotherapy
      • Services
    • Direct Biologics
      • ExoFlo
        • Table Regulatory Proteins found in ExoFlo
    • ElevateBio
      • ElevateBio’s Enabling Technologies
      • BaseCamp cGMP
    • Exothera
      • Exoscan Process Analysis Services
      • Process Design & Development Services
      • GMP Manufacturing Services
    • EXOSOMEplus
    • FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc.
      • iCell Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    • Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
      • Cell & Gene Therapy Services
    • Future Cell Japan Co., Ltd.
      • BABY STEM
    • Genezen
      • Genezen’s Capabilities
    • Hope Biosciences, LLC
      • Adult Stem Cell Banking
      • Newborn Stem Cell Banking
      • Hope Sponsored Clinical Trials
        • Table Hope’s Clinical Trial Pipeline
    • Invitrx Therapeutics
      • Reluma
    • JCR Pharmaceuticals, Co., Ltd.
      • TEMCELL HS Inj.
    • Just-Evotec Biologics, Inc.
      • J.POD Biomanufacturing Facility
      • J.Design Solutions
      • J.DISCOVERY – Molecule Discovery
      • J.MD – Molecule Design
      • JP3 – Process & Product Design
      • J-POD – Manufacturing Design
    • Kimera Labs, Inc.
      • XoGlo
      • XoGlo Pro
        • Table Growth Factors in XoGlo and XoGlo Plus
      • Equisome HC
      • Vive
    • LifeCell
      • Large-Scale Manufacturing of MSCs
    • Longeveron
      • Lomecel-B
      • Focused Therapeutic Areas
    • Lonza Group, Ltd.
      • Product Overview
    • Lorem Cytori USA, Inc.
      • Celution System
    • Lykan Bioscience
      • Process Development
      • Analytical Development
      • Manufacturing Science & Technology
      • Clinical & Commercial Manufacturing
      • Supply Chain & Logistics
      • Quality & Compliance
    • Matica Biotechnology, Inc.
      • Cell Line Development Services
      • Process Development Services
      • Assay Development Services
      • GMP Production Services
      • Product Release & Stability Testing
    • Medipost, Co., Ltd.
      • Products
    • Mesoblast, Ltd.
      • Product Candidates
        • Table Mesoblast’s Late-Stage Clinical Pipeline
    • MilliporeSigma
      • Cell Culture & Analysis Products
    • NecstGen
      • Cell Therapy Development & Manufacturing
      • Viral Vector Development & Manufacturing
      • Cleanroom Rental
    • Novus Biologicals, LLC
    • NuVasive, Inc.
      • Osteocel Family
    • OCT Therapies & Research Pvt. Ltd.
    • Orthofix Medical, Inc.
      • Trinity ELITE
      • TrinityEvolution
    • Personal Cell Sciences, Corp.
      • Autokine CM
      • Products
    • Personalized Stem Cells, Inc.
      • Personalized Stem Cell Study: Knee Osteoarthritis
    • Porton Advanced
      • Cell Therapy Services
      • Portons LVV Services
    • Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc.
      • PLX Products
      • PLX-PAD
      • PLX-R18
      • PLX-Immune
        • Table Pluristem’s Clinical Pipeline
    • PromoCell GmbH
      • Human Stem & Blood Cell Culture Products
    • Regeneus, Ltd.
      • Technologies
      • Product Pipeline
        • Table Regeneus’ Product Pipeline
    • Reliance Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
      • Regenerative Medicine Products
    • Rentschler Biopharma
      • Services
    • Resilience
      • Resilience’s Capabilities
    • Richter-HELM
      • Services
    • RoosterBio, Inc.
      • RoosterBio’s Technology
      • Products
      • Genetic Engineering Tools
      • Cell and Media Kits
      • MSC-derived Exosomes
      • cGMP CliniControl Products
      • Process Development Services
      • hMSC Analytical Services
    • RoslinCT
      • Services
      • RoslinCT – Lykan Bioscience Combine
    • Samsung Biologics
      • Development Services
      • Manufacturing Services
    • Sentien Biotechnologies, Inc.
      • SBI-101
        • Table Sentien’s Product Pipeline
    • Smith & Nephew plc
      • Grafix
    • STEMCELL Technologies, Inc.
      • Products
    • Stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc.
      • BioSmart Technology
      • Clinical Pipeline
        • Table Stemedica’s Clinical Pipeline
    • Stemmatters
    • Stempeutics Research Pvt. Ltd.
      • Stempeucel
      • Stempeucare
      • Cutisera
      • Trichosera
      • Perioptisera
        • Table Stempeutics’ Product Candidates in Clinical Trial
    • Syngene International Ltd.
      • Services
    • TaiwanBio Therapeutics, Co., Ltd.
    • Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
      • Alofisel (Darvadstrocel)
    • Symbiosis Pharmaceutical Services
      • Vial Filling Capability
      • Drug Product Testing
      • Qualified Person Release
      • Clinical Labeling & Packaging
      • Product Development
    • Tempo Bioscience
      • Products
      • Services & Alliances
    • Thermo Fisher Scientific
      • Cell Culture Services
      • Cell Therapy Solutions
    • TranstoxBio
      • Products
    • United Therapeutics Corporation
      • Genetically-Enhanced Mesenchymal Stem Cells (GEM)
    • Viralgen
      • Service
      • Viralgen’s Facilities
    • VIVEbiotech
    • Waisman Biomanufacturing
      • GMP Cell Therapeutic Capabilities
      • Cell Bank Specifics
      • Waisman Products & Processes
    • WuXi Biologics
      • Manufacturing Services
    • Yapan Bio
      • Process Development Services
      • Process Characterization Services
      • GMP Manufacturing Services
    • Yposkesi
    • Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
      • Cellentra VCBM

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