The Global Exosome Market – Market Size, Forecast, Trials and Trends, 2023

Attention: There is an updated edition available for this report.

The Global Exosome Market – Market Size, Forecast, Trials and Trends, 2023


Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs) of endosomal origin that range in size between 30 and 150 nanometers. Exosomes are secreted by a wide range of cells, since virtually all living cells utilize exosome-mediated communication. Exosomes carry cell-specific cargos of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids that are selectively taken up by recipient cells.

Exosome technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years and substantial growth is expected for the market as they get integrated into the fields of liquid biopsy, precision medicine and regenerative medicine. In particular, cancer derived exosomes influence the invasive potential of cells by regulating angiogenesis, metastasis, and immunity, making them an extremely useful source of biomarkers for use in cancer detection, diagnosis, and therapeutic selection.

The cargo contained within exosomes can offer prognostic information for range of diseases—including cardiovascular, renal, neurodegenerative, and metabolic diseases—as well as cancer. Researchers investigating exosome biomarkers have discovered, identified, and reported the presence of hundreds of biomolecules within the lumen of exosomes. This discovery has compelled a rapid rise in exosome-related cancer biomarker research, including the use of exosomes for the detection, monitoring, and treatment of a diverse range of oncologic conditions.

Importantly, exosomes are present within a diverse range of biofluids, including serum, plasma, urine, seminal fluid, CSF, saliva, tears and breast milk. For this reason, exosome-based diagnostics are minimally invasive, offering ease of use and speed of detection. Exosomes can also act as prognostic indicators and predictors of a patient’s response to a specific course of treatment.

Exosomes are also being explored for their use as cell-free therapeutics. For example, if a patient has a disease caused by a missing or defective protein or microRNA, the patient’s exosomes can be isolated, modified with the appropriate siRNA or protein, and injected back into the patient for treatment. Numerous approaches are being researched for creating drug-loaded exosomes and exosomes themselves can exert powerful effects. For example, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) derived exosomes have the capacity to suppress inflammation, prevent scar tissue formation, and mediate a healthy immune response.

For these reasons, exosomes have gone from being overlooked to rapidly gaining momentum as a novel strategy for accessing the therapeutic effects of cells without the risks and difficulties of administering cells to patients. Although exosomes were discovered more than 30 years ago, it was not until recently that the scientific community began to give credit to exosomes for a range of promising traits.

When exosome publications are analyzed, U.S. authors have published approximately 40% of the articles and China comes in second place. When the term “exosome” is searched in the scientific literature, Dr. Susanne Gabrielsson from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden is the leading author. When the term “extracellular vesicles” is searched, Unicyte AG, a regenerative medicine unit of Fresenius Medical Care, takes the lead. Headquartered in Switzerland, the company has published more than 100 papers on exosomes and extracellular vesicles in combination with Professor Giovanni Camussi.

To date, three pharma companies (Takeda, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and Roche Pharmaceutical Company) have signed partnership deals with exosome companies offering payment terms structured to deliver at or around $1 billion dollars. Within the past 5 years, there has been at least 7 partnership deals within the exosome industry, 8 large venture capital events, and 2 landmark acquisitions.

Globally, there are at least 204 clinical trials focusing on exosome-related studies. Of these, 114 trials are evaluating exosome-based therapeutics and 74 trials are testing exosome-based diagnostic tests. Currently, 93 of the exosome trials (45%) are observational studies and 111 of them (55%) are interventional studies. The exosome industry has also achieved two approvals of FDA-approved diagnostic tests: Bio-Techne’s ExoDx Prostate IntelliScore Test for prostate cancer and Guardant’s 360 CDx test for non-small cell lung cancer.

To characterize the rapidly expanding exosome market, BioInformant has released a 312-page global market report that explores growing demand for exosome therapeutics, diagnostics, research tools, and manufacturing technologies. The report reveals trend rate data for exosome patents, grants, scientific publications, and clinical trials. It highlights information about exosome industry partnerships, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity, and financing events. It features company profiles for 118 global competitors from across the exosome marketplace. Importantly, it presents market size determinations by market segment with forecasts through 2030.

Today the exosome industry is witnessing:

A surging number of scientific papers investigating exosomes and their applications
Rising numbers of clinicals trials investigating exosome therapeutics and diagnostics
Swelling appetite among investors for exosome technology
An increasingly competitive IP environment
A diverse range of co-development partnerships
Proliferating numbers of exosome competitors in all major life science markets worldwide

This global strategic report about the exosome industry reveals:

1. The clinical pipeline for exosome therapeutics
2. Clinical trial activity by type, region, phase, and sponsor
3. Exosome industry events, including M&A activity, financing events, and IPOs
4. Strategic partnerships and co-development agreements
5. Competitors composing the global marketplace, including core technologies and products under development
6. Market size determinations by market segment, with forecasts through 2030
7. Exosome industry trends, competitive opportunities, and future directions
8. And so much more

With the competitive nature of this global market, you don’t have the time to do the research. Claim this report to become immediately informed, without sacrificing hours of unnecessary research.

About BioInformant

With an online readership of nearly one million viewers per year, BioInformant is a U.S. market research firm with 17+ years of experience. As the first and only market research firm to specialize in the stem cell industry, BioInformant research has been cited by the Wall Street Journal, Xconomy, and Vogue Magazine, as well as cited in Tony Robbins best-selling book, Life Force. Headquartered in Washington, DC, BioInformant is strategically positioned to be near the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. FDA, the Maryland Biotech Corridor, and policy makers on Capitol Hill.

    • Statement of the Report
    • Target Demographic
    • Report Sources
    • Purpose of the Report
    • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • Structure of an Exosome
      • Molecular Contents of Exosomes
        • Table Characterization of the Molecular Contents of Exosomes
        • Table Common Protein Contents of Exosomes
        • Table Common Lipid Contents of Exosomes
        • Table Nucleic Acids Present in Cancer-Derived Exosomes
      • Membrane and Lumen Components of Exosomes
    • Classification of Exosomes
      • Natural Exosomes
      • Modified Exosomes
        • Table Types of Therapeutic Cargo used within Exosome Modifications
      • Synthetic Exosomes
    • Biomedical Applications of Engineered Exosomes
    • Functions of Exosomes
      • The Pivotal Role of Exosomes
      • Adaptability to Engineering
    • Differences between Exosome Therapy and Cell Therapy
      • Table Differences between Exosome Therapy and Cell Therapy
    • Sources of Exosomes for Research
      • Table Comparative Studies using Exosomes from Different Sources
    • Leveraging Exosomes as Biomarkers
    • The Shift from Cell Therapy to Exosome Therapy
    • Interior Modification
      • Pre-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
      • Post-Isolation Interior Modification Methods
    • Surface Modifications
      • Surface Modification through Parent Cells
      • Direct Surface Modification
      • Loaded and Displayed Molecules in Direct Exosome Engineering
        • Table Examples of Loaded and Displayed Molecules in Direct Exosome Engineering
    • Comparison of Modification Methods
      • Table Advantages and Disadvantages of Exosome Preparation Methods
    • Clinical Applications of Designer Exosomes
      • Targeted Designer Exosomes
        • Table Targeted Moieties used in Developing Targeted Designer Exosomes
      • Anti-Cancer Designer Exosomes
        • Table Exosome-Based Clinical Trials for Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics
      • Regenerative Designer Exosomes
    • Companies Developing Engineered Exosome-Based Therapeutics
    • Cardiovascular Diseases
      • Table Select Preclinical Studies addressing Cardiovascular Diseases
    • Kidney Diseases
      • Table Select Preclinical Studies addressing Kidney Diseases
    • Liver Diseases
      • Table Select Preclinical Studies addressing Liver Diseases
    • Wound Healing
      • Table Select Preclinical Studies addressing Wound Healing
    • MSC Exosome-Based Clinical Trials for Regenerative Medicines
      • Table Select MSC Exosome-Based Clinical Trials for Regenerative Medicines
    • Research to Inhibit Disease-Derived Exosomes
      • Research to use Exosomes as Therapeutic Platforms
      • Research to use Exosomes as Carriers of Genes in Gene Therapy
      • Research to use Exosomes as Drug Delivery Vehicles
      • Research to Develop Technologies for Exosome Isolation
    • Common Isolation Methods in Exosome Research
    • Quality Control (QC) of Exosomes in Exosome Research
      • Table Comparison of MISEV2018 and MFDS2018 Guidelines
    • Bioimaging Modalities used in Exosome Research
      • Table Comparison of Imaging Modalities used in Exosome Research
    • Labeling Methods used in Exosome Research
      • Table Comparison of Exosome Labeling Methods
      • Fluorescent Dyes used in Labeling Exosomes
      • Common Methods to Remove Unlabelled Probes
    • Determination of Exosome Dose in Exosome Studies
    • Routes of Exosome Administration
    • Characterization of Exosomes in Research
    • Exosome Capture/Quantification Kits
      • Table Commercially Available Exosome Isolation Kits
      • Exosome-associated RNA Isolation Kits
        • Table Exosome-associated RNA Isolation Kits
    • Exosome Standards
      • Table Commercially Available Exosome Standards
    • Immunoplates for Capturing Exosomes
      • Table Commercially Available Immunoplates for Capturing Exosomes
    • Immunobeads for Exosome Isolation
      • Table Commercially Available Immunobeads for Exosome Isolation
    • Exosome Marker Antibodies
      • Table Commercially Available Exosome Marker Antibodies
    • Trends in Global Publications
      • PubMed Publications on Exosome DNA as Diagnostics
      • Number of PubMed Publications on Exosome RNA as Diagnostics
      • PubMed Publications on Exosome Proteins as Diagnostics
      • PubMed Publications on Exosomes Derived from Stem Cells
      • PubMed Publications on Exosome-based Diagnostics
      • PubMed Publications on Exosome-based Therapeutics
      • PubMed Publications on Exosomes for Cancer Diagnosis
      • PubMed Publications on Exosomes for Pregnancy Disorders Diagnosis
    • Future in Exosome Research Publications
    • Table Exosome Patent Assignees in 2021
    • A Brief Overview of Current Exosome Patent Landscape
      • Patents/Patent Applications Relevant to Exosome-Sources
      • Patents/Applications Related to Exosomes-Isolation/Preparation
      • Patents/Applications Related to Type of Cargo
      • Patents/Applications Related to Cargo Loading Methods
      • Patents/Applications Related to Therapy Area
    • Leading Assignees of Exosome Patents
      • Types of Patented Isolation/Preparation Technologies by Assignees
      • Types of Cargos Employed by Assignees
      • Cargo Loading Methods by Assignees
      • Therapy Areas by Assignees
    • Exosome Patent/Patent Applications by Geography
    • Legal Status of Exosome Patent/Patent Applications
    • Assignee Categories
    • Sources of Exosomes used in Clinical Trials
    • Studies using Anti-Tumor Antigens
    • Studies using Cytotoxic Drugs against Cancer
    • Recruitment Status of Ongoing Exosome-based Clinical Trials
      • Table Recruitment Status for Exosome-based Clinical Trials
    • Study Designs
      • Table Study Designs of Ongoing Exosome Clinical Trials
    • Study Phases
      • Table Study Phases in Clinical Trials
      • Table Phase III & Phase IV Studies in Clinical trials
    • Funding Types
      • Table Funding Types for Exosome-based Studies
    • Exosome Clinical Trials by Geography
    • Clinical Trials Involving MSC-Derived Exosomes
      • Table Examples of Clinical Trials involving MSC-Derived Exosomes
    • Examples of Clinical Trials involving Drug-Loaded Exosomes
      • Table Examples of Clinical Trials involving Drug-Loaded Exosomes
    • Production of Exosomes from Cell Cultures
    • Production Formats
      • Large Scale Production
    • Companies Offering Exosome-Related Services
      • Table Companies Offering Exosome-Related Services
    • Table Current Strategies for Exosome Isolation
    • Differential Ultracentrifugation
      • Gradient Density Ultracentrifugation
    • Ultrafiltration & Sequential Ultrafiltration
    • Size-exclusion Chromatography
    • Polymer Precipitation
    • Immunoaffinity Capture
    • Microfluidics-Based Techniques
      • Active and Passive Methods of Microfluidics-based Platforms
        • Table Active and Passive Methods of Microfluidics-based Platforms
        • Table Features of Microfluidics-based Techniques
    • Commercially Available Exosome Isolation Kits
      • Table Commercially Available Exosome Isolation Kits
      • Comparison of Currently used Exosome Isolation Techniques
      • Quality of Exosomes Isolated by Different Methods
    • Summary of Different Exosome Isolation Methods
      • Table Summary of Different Exosome Isolation Techniques
    • Characterization of Exosomes
      • Size and Shape
      • Molecular Profiling
      • Proteomics and Lipidomics
      • Genomics
    • Microscopy and Nanoscopy for Exosome Imaging
    • Direct Post-Isolation Labeling for Imaging
    • Approaches for Exosome Analysis for Gene and Protein Biomarkers
      • Table Approaches for Exosome Analysis of Gene and Protein Biomarkers
    • Emerging Optical Technologies for Exosome Analysis
      • Table Emerging Optical Technologies for Exosome Analysis
    • Emerging Electrochemical and Electromechanical Approaches
      • Table Electrochemical and Electromechanical Approaches for Exosome Analysis
    • Table Exosomal Cargo as Biomarkers for Disease Diagnosis
    • Exosomal Proteins as Diagnostic Biomarkers
      • Table Exosomal Proteins in Different Cancers
      • Exosomal Nucleic Acids as Biomarkers
        • Table Types of RNA as Biomarkers for Cancers
      • Non-Coding RNAs in Exosomes as Biomarkers in Cancers
        • Table Non-Coding RNAs in Exosomes as Biomarkers for Cancers
        • Table Exosome Biomarkers for Cancer from other Body Fluids
    • Exosome Biomarkers in Pregnancy Disorders
      • Table Target Exosome Molecules for Diagnosis in Pregnancy Disorders
    • Exosome Biomarkers and Early Diagnosis of Immunologic Rejection
      • Table Target Molecules of Exosomes for Diagnosis after Organ Transplantation
    • Number of PubMed Articles on Exosome-Based Diagnosis
    • Clinical Trials involving Exosome-based Diagnostics
      • Table Examples of Clinical Trials involving Exosome-based Diagnostics
    • Table List of Commercial Companies Developing Exosome Therapeutics
    • Advantages of Exosomes as Therapeutics
    • Therapeutic Exosome Platforms
      • Naïve Exosome Therapeutics
      • Engineered Exosome Therapeutics
        • Table Summary of Cargo Loading Methods
    • Drugs Encapsulated in Exosomes
      • Table Examples of Drugs Encapsulated in Exosomes
    • Preclinical Studies involving Loaded Exosome Therapeutics
      • Table Preclinical Studies involving Drug-Loaded Exosomes
    • Clinical Trials involving Exosome Therapeutics
      • Table Phase III Clinical Trials involving Exosome Therapeutics
    • Exosome-Based Immunotherapy in Animal Models
      • Table The Potential of a New Approach to Cancer Vaccines in Animal Models
    • Ongoing Clinical Trials Involving Exosomes in Developing Vaccines
      • Table Ongoing Clinical Trials of Exosome-Based Cancer Immunotherapy
    • The Shift from Cell Therapy to Exosome Therapy
    • Clinical Applications of Exosomes
      • Diagnostic Applications
      • Approved Exosome Diagnostics
        • Table Companies Developing Exosome-Based Diagnostics
    • Clinical Trials Focusing on Exosome-Based Diagnostics
      • Table Select Clinical Trials Evaluating Exosome Diagnostics
    • Therapeutic Applications of Exosomes
      • Table List of Commercial Companies Developing Exosome Therapeutics
      • Promising Exosome-Based Therapeutic Candidates
        • Table Promising Exosome-Based Therapeutic Candidates
    • Addreseable Diseases by Exosome Therapeutic Candidates
      • Table A Short List of Diseases Addressed by Exosome Therapeutics
    • Exosome-Based Vaccine Development
      • Table Current Clinical Trials Update on Exosomal Vaccine Development
    • Current Status of Exosome-Based Clinical Trials
      • Table Select Exosome-Based Clinical Trials
    • NIH Funding for Exosome Research
      • Table The List of NIH Funding for Exosome-Based Research in 2022
    • Deals and Fund Raising in Exosome Space
      • Partnership Deals within Exosome Space
      • Acquisition Deals
      • Licensing Deals
      • Fund Raising in Exosome Space
        • Table Deals and Fund Raising in Exosome Space, 2016-2022
    • Current Industry Leaders in Exosome Sector
      • ArunA Biomedical
      • Capricor Therapeutics
      • Codiak Biosciences
      • Evox Therapeutics
      • Exosome Diagnostics, Inc (Bio-Techne)
      • Exocyte Therapeutics
      • Kimera Labs
      • NanoSomiX
    • The Four Categories of Exosome Companies
      • Table The Four Categories of Exosome Companies
    • Current Exosome Technologies by Commercial Companies
      • Table Exosome Technologies Developed by Commercial Companies
      • Brief Descriptions of Major Exosome Technologies and Companies
    • Market for Exosome Therapeutics
    • The Market for Exosome Diagnostics
      • Table Market for Exosome Therapeutics and Diagnostics by Region, 2022-2030
    • Market for Exosome Research Products
      • Table Market for Exosome Research Products by Region, 2022-2030
      • Market Shares for Exosome Isolation Tools
      • Percent Utilization of Research Tools used on Captured Exosomes
    • 101 Bio
      • Exosome Services
    • Abbexa, Ltd.
    • Abnova
    • Adipomics, Inc.
    • Aegle Therapeutics
      • Extracellular Vesicle Therapy
    • AgeX Therapeutics
      • PureStem Technology
      • Induced Tissue Regeneration
      • UniverCyte
      • HyStem Delivery Technology
    • Aethlon Medical, Inc.
      • Homopurifier
    • Ambiotech
    • AMS Biotechnology, Ltd. (AMSBIO)
      • Products
    • Anjarium Biosciences
      • Anjarium’s Hybridosome Platform
    • Antibodies-Online GmbH
    • Aposcience AG
      • Wound Healing
      • Myocardial Infarction
    • Aruna Bio
      • AB126
        • Table Aruna Bio’s Product Pipeline
    • Avalon GloboCare Corp.
      • Avalon’s Core Platforms
    • Aviva Systems Biology
    • Azymus Therapeutics
      • AZ Platform
    • Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
      • Optima XPN
      • Vi-CELL BLU - Cell Viability Analyzer
      • SW 32 Swinging Bucket Rotor
      • CytoFLEX - Flow Cytometer
    • BioCat GmbH
      • Exosome Purification Kits
        • Table BioCat’s Exosome Tools: An Overview
    • BioFluidica
    • Biological Dynamics, Inc.
      • Verita Isolation Platform
    • Biorbyt, Ltd.
    • BioRegenerative Sciences, Inc.
      • SRM Technology
    • Bio-Techne
      • Products
    • BioVision, Inc.
    • BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics
      • Exosomes for COVID-19
    • BreStem Therapeutics, Inc.
      • Table BreStem’s Pipeline
    • Capricor Therapeutics
      • Exosome Program
        • Table Capricor’s Product Pipeline
    • Carmine Therapeutics
    • CD Bioparticles
      • Exosome Services
    • Cellarcus Biosciences, Inc.
      • vFC Vesicle Analysis Assays
      • vTag Antibodies
      • Vesicles and Vesicle Standards
      • Vesicle Analysis Services
      • Measuring EV Size and Concentration
      • Quantifying Vesicle Cargo
      • Custom Analysis Services
    • Cell Care Therapeutics
      • CCT-101
    • Cell Factory BVBA/Esperite NV
      • Exosome Projects
        • Table Cell Factory’s Exosome Drug Candidates
    • Cell Guidance Systems, Ltd.
      • Exosomes from Cell Guidance
      • Exo-Spin Exosome Purification
      • Exosome Characterization
      • ExoLISA Technology: Exosome Detection
      • NTA Size Profiling Service
    • Ciola
      • Exosome Customization Technology
    • CK-Exogene
    • Clara Biotech
      • ExoRelease
    • Codiak Biosciences
      • engEx Platform
      • Pipeline Products
        • Table Codiak’s engEx Therapeutic Pipeline
    • Coya Therapeutics, Inc.
      • Table Coya’s Pipeline
    • Craif, Inc.
      • Nanowire Device
    • Creative Bioarray
    • CreativeBiostructure
    • Creative Biolabs
      • Products
      • Services
    • Creative Medical Technology Holdings
      • AmnioStem Stroke Therapy
    • Creative Proteomics
      • Exosome Proteomics Services
    • Curexsys GmbH
      • Technology
        • Table Curexsys’ Products in Pipeline
      • Exosome Isolation Kits
    • Diadem Biotherapeutics
      • Technology
    • Direct Bio
      • ExoFlo
      • AmniWrap
    • DLdevelop
    • Entelexo Biotherapeutics
    • EverZom
      • Services
    • Evomic Science LLC
      • ExoEZ Exosome Isolation Kit
    • Evora Biosciences SAS
    • Evox Therapeutics, Ltd.
      • Protein Therapeutics - REPLACE
      • RNA Therapeutics - CORRECT
    • ExBiome BV
      • ExomiR Technology
    • Exrkine Corp.
    • ExoCan Healthcare Technologies, Pvt. Ltd.
      • ExoEnrich Exosome Isolation Kit
      • ExoEngineering
    • ExoCoBio, Co., Ltd.
      • Products
    • Exogenus Therapeutics
      • EXO-101
    • ExoPERT
      • EXo-i
    • ExoPharm
      • LEAP Technology
      • Cevaris & Plexaris
      • Partnering Strategy
    • ExosomeDx (biotechne)
      • ExoDX Prostate Test
      • Pharma Services
    • ExosomePlus
    • Exosome Sciences
      • TauSome Biomarker
    • Exosomics S.p.A
      • ExoRef
      • SeleCTEV-DNA Enrichment Kits
      • SoRTEV-RNA Enrichment Kits
      • evGAG
    • ExoVectory
      • EVY-101
    • Florica Therapeutics
    • GenWay Biotech, Inc.
    • HansaBioMed Lifesiences, Ltd.
      • Products
    • ILIAS Biologics, Inc.
      • EXPLOR
      • Exo-Target
        • Table ILIAS Product Pipeline
    • Innocan Pharma
      • CBD-Loaded Exosomes
    • Innovex Therapeutics, S.L
      • Research & Development
    • INOVIQ, Ltd.
      • EXO-NET (Research Use only)
    • Invent Biotechnologies, Inc.
    • Izon Science, Ltd.
      • qEV Isolation
    • Kimera Labs, Inc.
      • XoGlo
      • XoGlo Pro
      • Equisome HC
    • Leading Biology, Inc.
    • LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc.
    • Lonza Group, Ltd.
      • Exosome Service
    • Mantra Bio
      • Partnering
    • MDimune, Inc.
      • BioDrone Technology
        • Table MDimune’s Exosome-Based Products in Development
    • Miltenyi Biotech B.V. and Co., KG
      • qEV Exosome Isolation Kit
    • miR Scientific
      • Prostate Cancer Test
    • Mursla, Ltd.
      • ExoPheno
    • MyBioSource, Inc.
    • NanoSomics, Inc.
      • Technology
    • NanoView Biosciences
      • ExoView R200
      • ExoView R100
      • ExoView Tetraspanin Kits
      • ExoFlex Kits
    • NeurExo Sciences
      • Research & Development Programs
        • Table NeurExo’s Research & Development Programs
    • NeuroDex, Inc.
    • NurExone Biologic Ltd
    • New England Peptide, Inc.
      • ME- Kit for Exosome Isolation
    • Norgen Biotek Corp.
      • Services
    • Novus Biologicals, LLC
      • Exosome Research Tools
    • nRix Dx, Inc.
    • Oasis Diagnostics Corporation
      • Pure.SAL
    • OmniSpirant, Ltd.
      • Technology
    • Organicell
      • Table Organicell’s Product Pipeline
      • Table Organicell’s Pipeline - Compassionate Use IND
    • OriGene Technologies, Inc.
    • Paracrine Therapeutics, Pvt. Ltd.
    • QIAGEN
      • ExoEasy Maxi Kit
      • miRCURY Exosome Kits
      • miRCURY LNA miRNA Focus PCR Panels
    • ReNeuron
      • Exosome Platform
    • RION
      • Technology
        • Table RION’s Pipeline of Products
    • RoosterBio, Inc.
      • RoosterCollect-EV
      • RoosterCollect EV Pro
      • RoosterCollect-EV-CC
      • EV Boost
    • Rosetta Exosome
    • Stemcell Medicine, Ltd.
    • System Biosciences, LLC
      • Exosome Research Products
      • Exosome Research Services
    • Tavec Pharma
      • Technology
      • Acquisition by Therillia
    • Theoria Science, Inc.
      • Technology: ExoScreen
    • Thermo Fisher Scientific
      • Exosome Products for Testing and Research
    • TransGen Biotech, Co., Ltd.
    • TriArm Therapeutics, Co., Ltd.
      • Exosome Engineering Platform
    • United Therapeutics Corp.
      • Unexisome
    • Versatope Therapeutics
      • VT-105
    • Vesigen Therapeutics, Inc.
      • Technology
    • VivaZome Therapeutics, Pvt. Ltd.
      • VivaZome’s Collaboration with ANU
      • VivaZome’s Collaboration with ReNerve
    • Xollent Biotech
      • Pipeline
        • Table Xollent’s Product Candidates
    • XOStem, Inc.
    • YMAIR Genomics, LLC
      • Urine Biomarker Isolation Method
      • Ymatrix
        • Table All Known Exosome Companies Worldwide by Region and Activity

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