Fruit Beverages in the U.S. through 2027: Market Essentials

Fruit Beverages in the U.S. through 2027: Market Essentials

Against a backdrop of topline global fruit beverage trends, this report from Beverage Marketing Corporation provides in-depth coverage of the U.S. fruit beverage market and its key sub-segments including juices, juice blends, fruit drinks, refrigerated, shelf stable, concentrates and organic. It also breaks out nectars and superpremium juice and offers other key splits such as flavor by type, distribution channel break-outs, NFC vs. FC, etc. Company and brand data is provided. Five-year U.S. market forecasts are provided for the fruit beverage category and its sub-segments, flavors, packaging, regions, sales channels data and more.

The report presents the data in Excel spreadsheets, which it supplements with an executive summary highlighting key developments and a detailed discussion of the leading fruit beverage companies. Also includes coverage of powdered fruit drinks and the organic fruit beverage markets.

The answers you need
This year's edition includes five-year forecasts on a broad range of topics, making it an even better tool for spotting trends and opportunities in the fruit beverages industry and determining where to focus future resources for maximum success.

Questions answered in this in-depth market report include:
• Which companies and brands in the United States experienced growth in 2022 and which did not?

• How much fruit juice is consumed per capita in the United States and how has this changed in recent years? How does this compare to fruit drink consumption?

• How did the various market segments perform in 2022, and how are they like to develop over the next five years?

• Which flavors of fruit beverages are growing the fastest? How will flavor by flavor market share trends shift over the next five years? How will fruit drink flavor trends differ from pure fruit juice trends? How will shelf stable flavor trends differ from chilled?

• Which segment of the market is expected to perform better through 2027 — juices or drinks?

• Which nations ship the most fruit juices to the U.S. and where are the leading destinations for U.S. juice?

This fruit beverages research report features
The report surveys the landscape of this stalwart beverage category, with volume, retail dollar, wholesale dollar and per capita consumption figures.

All aspects of the market are considered, including segmentation by package size, distribution channels, flavor and processing method. Powdered and organic statistics are included along with advertising and demographic data.

Backed by Beverage Marketing's reliable, all-sales-channel-inclusive data, readers get a thorough understanding of all facets of the market including:

• Historical and current statistics and BMC's exclusive projections on multiple facets of the market.

• A look at the U.S. regional markets, with past, current and future volume and growth of fruit juice and fruit drinks.

• Detailed profiles and analysis of the leading companies and brands, discussions of their marketing activities and distribution strategies as well as company and brand sales and volume data. Coverage includes Tropicana (now majority owned by PAI), PepsiCo, Coca-Cola/Minute Maid, Ocean Spray, Keurig Dr Pepper, Florida's Natural Growers, Welch's, Brynwood Partners (Juicy Juice and Sunny Delight), The Kraft Heinz Company, Tree Top, The Wonderful Company and Lassonde Industries and more.

• Company and brand historical and current data includes: Coca-Cola/Minute Maid brands: Minute Maid, Simply Orange, Minute Maid Single-Serve, Hi-C, Honest Juice Drinks, Odwalla Bright & Early, Five Alive, Fruitopia, Fuze Juices etc; PAI Brands: Tropicana Pure Premium, Tropicana Value/Cold-fill, Naked Juice, Tropicana Chilled Drinks, Trop50, FruitWorks, Dole Chilled, Tropicana and Dole Frozen Concentrate, Tropicana 100% Chilled Juice, Season's Harvest/Citrus Hill, Refresco; Ocean Spray; Keurig Dr Pepper brands: Hawaiian Punch (Warehouse), Snapple, Mott's, Hawaiian Punch (DSD), Mistic, Nantucket Nectars, etc; Kraft brands: Capri Sun, Kool-Aid, Country Time; Harvest Hill brands: Sunny D, Juicy Juice, Veryfine; Florida's Natural Growers; Welch's; Roll International (POM Wonderful); Bolthouse; Arizona Juice; Apple & Eve/Northland; Martinelli; Calypso; Tree Top; PepsiCo brands: Twister, Lipton Brisk Juice Drinks, Dole Single-Serve, Lipton Brisk Lemonade, SoBe; Tampico; Old Orchard and Bug Juce

• Data on shelf-stable, from-concentrate and not-from-concentrate juices, frozen concentrate and chilled, ready-to-serve fruit beverages, nectars and superpremium juice through 2027.

• Fruit juice and drink volume by flavor and container type through 2027.

• Statistics on imported and exported fruit juices by flavor and country of origin and country of destination.

• Advertising expenditures of the leading companies and a look at category spending by media type (including internet advertising).

• Consumer demographic profiles comparing consumers of key brands.

• An overview of the powdered and organic fruit beverages segments and the key players.

• Five-year projections for the fruit beverage market including sub-segments, flavor trends, packaging, regions, sales channels and more."

Introduction, Objective & Methodology
• Introduction
• Objective and Scope
• Methodology
• Fruit Beverage Category Definitions
The U.S. Fruit Beverage Market
• Fruit Beverages’ Share of U.S. Multiple Beverage Market Volume 2017 versus 2022
• Beverage Category Volume Trends 2022
• Volume Share of Multiple Beverage Market by Category, 2022
• Fruit Beverage Wholesale Dollar and Volume Growth 2016 – 2022
• Volume Share of Fruit Juice versus Fruit Drinks 2017 versus 2022
• Fruit Beverage Growth Trends by Segment 2017 – 2022
• Fruit Beverage Per Capita Consumption 1997 – 2022
• Fruit Beverage Regional Volume Shares 2022
Fruit Beverage Categories and Trends
• Competitive Landscape
• Notable New Products in 2022 and 2023
• Leading Fruit Beverage Companies by Volume 2022
• Leading Fruit Beverage Companies’ Share of Volume, 2017 and 2022
• Leading Fruit Beverage Brands by Volume 2022
• Leading Fruit Beverage Brands’ Share of Volume 2017 and 2022
• Fruit Juice Volume by Segment 2022
• Share of Fruit Juice Volume by Segment 2017 and 2022
• Fruit Drink Volume by Segment 2022
• Share of Fruit Drink Volume by Segment 2017 and 2022
• Fruit Beverage Gallonage by Segment 2022
• Share of Fruit Beverage Volume by Segment 2017 and 2022
• Superpremium Juice Volume 2017 – 2022
• Fruit Juice Volume by Flavor 2022
• Fruit Juice Share of Volume by Flavor 2017 and 2022
• Fruit Drink Volume by Flavor 2022
• Fruit Drink Share of Volume by Flavor 2017 and 2022
• Imported Fruit Juice by Volume 2022
• Imported Fruit Juice Volume Share by Flavor 2017 and 2022
• Imported Fruit Juice by Country of Origin 2022
• Imported Fruit Juice Volume Share by Country of Origin 2017 and 2022
• Exported Fruit Juice Volume 2017 – 2022
• Fruit Beverages by Distribution Channel 2022
• Fruit Beverage Volume Share by Distribution Channel 2017 and 2022
• Leading Fruit Beverage Brands by Advertising Spending 2022
• Leading Fruit Beverage Brands by Share of Advertising Spending 2022
• Fruit Beverage Advertising Spending by Media 2022
• Fruit Beverage Advertising Share by Media 2017 and 2022
Outlook and Future
• Projected Fruit Beverage Wholesale Dollar and Volume Compound Annual Growth
2002 – 2027
• Projected Volume Share of Fruit Juice versus Fruit Drinks 2022 and 2027
• Projected Share of Fruit Juice Volume by Segment 2022 and 2027
• Projected Share of Fruit Drink Volume by Segment 2022 and 2027
• Fruit Beverage Volume and Share by Distribution Channel 2022 – 2027
• Projected Fruit Beverage Volume Share by Distribution Channel 2022 and 2027
PAI Partners
• Overview
• Tropicana – Overview
• Tropicana – Marketing
• Tropicana – Distribution
• Tropicana – Management
• Naked Juice – Overview
• Naked Juice – Marketing
• Naked Juice – Distribution
• Izze – Overview
• Izze – Marketing
• Izze – Distribution
Coca-Cola Company/Minute Maid
• Overview
• Minute Maid – Overview
• Minute Maid – Marketing
• Minute Maid – Distribution
Ocean Spray
• Overview
• Marketing
• Distribution
• Management
• Overview
• Twister – Overview
• Lipton – Overview
• Dole – Overview
• SoBe – Overview
• SoBe – Marketing
• SoBe – Distribution
Keurig Dr Pepper
• Overview
• Mott’s USA – Overview
• Mott’s USA – Marketing
• Snapple Beverage Group – Overview
• Snapple Beverage Group – Marketing
• Distribution
Florida’s Natural Growers
• Overview
• Marketing
• Distribution
• Overview
• Marketing
• Distribution
• Management
Brynwood Partners
• Overview
• Juicy Juice – Marketing
• Sunny D – Overview
• Sunny D – Marketing
• Sunny D – Distribution
The Kraft Heinz Company
• Overview
• Marketing
• Distribution
Tree Top, Inc.
• Overview
• Marketing
• Distribution
Lassonde Industries Inc.
• Apple & Eve - Overview
• Apple & Eve - Marketing
• Apple & Eve - Distribution
• Old Orchard Brands
The Wonderful Company
• Overview
• Marketing
1.1 Global Fruit Beverage Market Volume and Growth 1990 – 2022
1.2 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Volume and Growth 1980 – 2027
1.3 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Volume 2017 – 2027
1.4 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
1.5 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
1.6 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Total Wholesale Dollars and Growth 1982 – 2027
1.7 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Total Retail Dollars and Growth 1982 – 2027
1.8 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Estimated Wholesale Dollar Sales 1982 – 2027
1.9 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales 1982 – 2022
1.10 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Change in Wholesale Dollar Sales 1991 – 2027
1.11 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Per Capita Consumption 1980 – 2027
1.12 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Segments Per Capita Consumption 1992 – 2027
1.13 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Quarterly Volume Shares by Segment 2022
2.14 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.15 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Share of Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.16 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Change in Volume by Region 2018 – 2027
2.17 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.18 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Share of Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.19 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Change in Volume by Region 2018 – 2027
2.20 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.21 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Share of Volume by Region 2017 – 2027
2.22 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Change in Volume by Region 2018 – 2027
2.23 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Per Capita Consumption by Region 2017 – 2027
2.24 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Per Capita Consumption by Region 2017 – 2027
2.25 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Per Capita Consumption by Region 2017 – 2027
3.26 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.27 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Share of Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.28 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Change in Volume by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.29 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.30 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Share of Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.31 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Change in Volume by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.32 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.33 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Share of Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.34 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Change in Volume by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.35 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.36 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Share of Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.37 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Change in Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.38 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.39 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Share of Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.40 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Change in Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.41 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.42 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Share of Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2017 – 2027
3.43 U.S. Fruit Beverage Market Change in Wholesale Dollars by Segment 2018 – 2027
3.44 U.S. Superpremium Juice Market Volume, Wholesale Dollars and Growth 2000 – 2027
3.45 U.S. Nectar Market Volume, Wholesale Dollars and Growth 2006 – 2027
4.46 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Volume by Flavor 2021 – 2027
4.47 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Share of Volume by Flavor 2021 – 2027
4.48 U.S. Fruit Juice Market Change in Volume by Flavor 2022 – 2027
4.49 Frozen Concentrate Juice Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.50 Frozen Concentrate Juice Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.51 Frozen Concentrate Juice Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.52 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Juice Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.53 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Juice Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.54 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Juice Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.55 Shelf-Stable Juice Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.56 Shelf-Stable Juice Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.57 Shelf-Stable Juice Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.58 Shelf-Stable Vegetable Juice Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.59 Shelf-Stable Vegetable Juice Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.60 Shelf-Stable Vegetable Juice Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.61 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Volume by Flavor 2021 – 2027
4.62 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Share of Volume by Flavor 2021 – 2027
4.63 U.S. Fruit Drink Market Change in Volume by Flavor 2022 – 2027
4.64 Frozen Concentrate Fruit Drink Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.65 Frozen Concentrate Fruit Drink Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.66 Frozen Concentrate Fruit Drink Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.67 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Fruit Drink Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.68 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Fruit Drink Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.69 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Fruit Drink Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.70 Shelf-Stable Fruit Drink Flavors Volume 2017 – 2027
4.71 Shelf-Stable Fruit Drink Flavors Share of Volume 2017 – 2027
4.72 Shelf-Stable Fruit Drink Flavors Change in Volume 2018 – 2027
4.73 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Orange Juice Market Volume by NFC/FC 2017 – 2027
4.74 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Orange Juice Market Share of Volume by NFC/FC 2017 – 2027
4.75 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Orange Juice Market Change in Volume by NFC/FC 2018 – 2027
4.76 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Grapefruit Juice Market Volume by NFC/FC 2017 – 2027
4.77 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Grapefruit Juice Market Share of Volume by NFC/FC 2017 – 2027
4.78 Chilled, Ready-to-Serve Grapefruit Juice Market Change in Volume by NFC/FC 2018 – 2027
5.79 Imported Fruit Juices All Countries and Flavors 1978 – 2022
5.80 Imported Fruit Juice Gallonage as a Percentage of the Total Domestic Juice Market 1991 – 2022
5.81 Imported Fruit Juices by Flavor Volume 2017 – 2022
5.82 Imported Fruit Juices by Flavor Share of Volume 2017 – 2022
5.83 Imported Fruit Juices by Flavor Change in Volume 2018 – 2022
5.84 Imported Fruit Juice Market Volume by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.85 Imported Fruit Juice Market Share by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.86 Imported Fruit Juice Market Growth by Country of Origin 2018 – 2022
5.87 Imported Apple/Pear Juice Market Volume by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.88 Imported Apple/Pear Juice Market Share by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.89 Imported Apple/Pear Juice Market Growth by Country of Origin 2018 – 2022
5.90 Imported Orange Juice Market Volume by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.91 Imported Orange Juice Market Share by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.92 Imported Orange Juice Market Growth by Country of Origin 2018 – 2022
5.93 Imported Pineapple Juice Market Volume by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.94 Imported Pineapple Juice Market Share by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.95 Imported Pineapple Juice Market Growth by Country of Origin 2018 – 2022
5.96 Imported Grape Juice Market Volume by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.97 Imported Grape Juice Market Share by Country of Origin 2017 – 2022
5.98 Imported Grape Juice Market Growth by Country of Origin 2018 – 2022
5.99 Exported Fruit Juices All Countries and Flavors 1987 – 2022
5.100 U.S. Juice Exports Volume by Flavor 2017 – 2022
5.101 U.S. Juice Exports Share by Flavor 2017 – 2022
5.102 U.S. Juice Exports Growth by Flavor 2018 – 2022
5.103 Leading Recipients of U.S. Juice Exports Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.104 Leading Recipients of U.S. Juice Exports Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.105 Leading Recipients of U.S. Juice Exports Growth by Country 2018 – 2022
5.106 Exported Orange Juice Market Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.107 Exported Orange Juice Market Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.108 Exported Orange Juice Market Growth by Country 2018 – 2022
5.109 Exported Grapefruit Juice Market Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.110 Exported Grapefruit Juice Market Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.111 Exported Grapefruit Juice Market Growth by Country 2018 – 2022
5.112 Exported Blended Fruit Juice Market Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.113 Exported Blended Fruit Juice Market Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.114 Exported Blended Fruit Juice Market Growth by Country 2018 – 2022
5.115 Exported Grape Juice Market Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.116 Exported Grape Juice Market Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.117 Exported Grape Juice Market Growth by Country 2018 – 2022
5.118 Exported Apple Juice Market Volume by Country 2017 – 2022
5.119 Exported Apple Juice Market Share by Country 2017 – 2022
5.120 Exported Apple Juice Market Growth by Country 2018 – 2022

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