Trailer and Cargo Container Tracking 12th Edition
Trailer and Cargo Container Tracking is the twelfth consecutivereport from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments onthe trailer and cargo container tracking market worldwide. Thisstrategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 250pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industryforecasts and expert commentary on which to base your businessdecisions.
Trailer and Cargo Container Tracking 12th Edition
Cargo and cargo carrying unit tracking aims to increase operational efficiency and visibility intransport chains. Berg Insight’s definition of a real-time tracking solution is a system that atminimum incorporates data logging, satellite positioning and data communications to abackoffice application through cellular or satellite networks. The tracking device can be designedto track the cargo carrying unit, i.e. the trailer, intermodal container, rail freight wagon, air freightULD or pallet, or the cargo itself. Tracking devices for cargo carrying units are permanently ortemporarily installed while general cargo tracking devices are typically placed with the cargo orattached to the cargo box during transport. Having access to real-time data on the location andstatus of cargo carrying units and cargo enables the various stakeholders in the supply chain tomake better-informed decisions, increase asset utilisation, save costs and reduce theenvironmental impact.
Berg Insight estimates that shipments of remote tracking systems with cellular or satellitecommunications capabilities for cargo carrying units reached 4.0 million units worldwide in 2023.Growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2 percent, shipments are expected toreach 6.6 million units in 2028. During the same period, the installed base of tracking systems is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 15.0 percent from 11.1 million units at the end of 2023 to 22.4million units by 2028. In terms of the number of installed units, trailer tracking is the largest marketsegment, estimated to account for 45.8 percent of the total installed base of tracking devices in2023. Intermodal container tracking is the second largest segment, accounting for 40.6 percentof the total installed base. The number of tracking devices installed on rail freight wagons, airfreight ULDs and pallets is substantially smaller. The market for tracking devices and real-timedata loggers used for general cargo applications is set for rapid growth in the next few years asprices are expected to decrease and smart labels and other devices with a very small footprintare being introduced. The number of active devices in use is forecasted to grow from 2.5 milliondevices in 2023 to 7.9 million devices at the end of 2028. Yearly device shipments in this categorywill grow from 8.8 million units in 2023 to reach 31.5 million units in 2028. Total revenues fortracking solutions for cargo carrying units and cargo reached € 2.1 billion in 2023. Growing at aCAGR of 10.2 percent, the total market value is forecasted to reach € 3.5 billion in 2028.
The market for trailer, container, rail freight wagon, ULD, pallet and general cargo trackingsolutions is served by a wide range of players. Companies that offer solutions for cargo carryingunits most often have their core focus on one application, e.g. trailer tracking, but have devicesinstalled on several different asset types due to customer requirements. General cargo trackingsolution providers are generally specialised in that market segment. In terms of the number ofdeployed tracking devices, Berg Insight ranks ORBCOMM as the largest provider, having asignificant installed base of both trailers and containers. ORBCOMM’s total installed basereached close to 1.6 million units at the end of 2023. The second and third largest players –Nexxiot and SkyBitz – have reached installed bases of about 1.0 million and 750,000 trackingunits respectively. Nexxiot has large installed bases of both containers and rail freight wagonswhile SkyBitz has the vast majority of its installed base on trailers. Additional leading providersof trailer telematics solutions are Spireon, Samsara, BlackBerry, CalAmp, Motive, IdemTelematics, Powerfleet, Phillips Connect, Schmitz Cargobull, FleetPulse, SCALAR, TGI, EROAD,Axscend, AddSecure and Krone.
Maersk has equipped its entire fleet of 360,000 reefer containers with tracking devices. Othermajor players in the container tracking segment are Envotech, ZillionSource, Globe Tracker,Traxens, Giesecke+Devrient and Sensolus. In addition to Nexxiot, leading telematics players inthe rail industry are DOT Telematik and Systemtechnik, Amsted Rail, Siemens, SAVVY TelematicSystems, Cognid Telematik, Cargomon Systems and Intermodal Telematics. Sensitech (part ofCarrier), DeltaTrak, Tive, Controlant, Roambee, Frigga (Dewav Electronic Technology),Copeland and OnAsset Intelligence are the leading providers of cargo tracking devices. Sensosand Trackonomy are also part of this segment, offering smart label solutions. Many cargotracking players offer devices that can be used on all modes of transport, including air shipments.
About 30 million intermodal containers, 15.7 million trailers, 5.5 million rail freight wagons and1.0 million air freight ULDs are in use worldwide today. The penetration rate of tracking devicesinstalled on these cargo carrying units amounts to only about 20 percent, indicating that there isstill much room for growth. Berg Insight anticipates that the ongoing trend in the transportindustry to invest in new digital solutions that increase visibility and security in the supply chain will continue and even accelerate in the next few years. The recent disruptions in the globalsupply chain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Red Sea crisis and other major eventshave accentuated the need for real-time shipment data. Bolstered by new IoT communicationstechnologies, solution providers are now able to design cost-effective tracking solutions thatmeet the needs of fleet and asset owners, transport companies, shippers and other stakeholdersin the transport industry.