Smart Labels in Logistics 1st Edition

Smart Labels in Logistics is a comprehensive report from Berg Insightanalysing the latest developments and trends in the smart labelmarket worldwide. This strategic research report from Berg Insightprovides you with 65 pages of unique business intelligence including5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to baseyour business decisions.

Smart labels is a new category of tracking devices that is designed to be attached to packages,roll cages, pallets, crates and other small items in logistics. The product category can be seenas a combination of traditional shipping labels and GPS tracking devices. Adding technology toshipping labels is not new. Other technologies such as RFID and Bluetooth have been used forseveral years. Small-sized GPS trackers using wide area networks used for cargo tracking havealso been used for more than a decade. However, in the past few years, some companies havedeveloped solutions that combine the technologies of GPS tracking devices with the smallfootprint of a shipping label. The result is smart labels that enable item-level tracking worldwidein near real-time. The definition of a smart label in this report is a shipping label that can easilybe attached to a package and incorporates some type of Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)technology, e.g. cellular, satellite, Sigfox or LoRaWAN.

Several companies are developing smart label solutions and a handful of companies havealready commercially launched products. The leading solution providers reached shipments oftens of thousands of units during 2024. In a few years’ time, several solution providers areestimated to reach annual shipments exceeding a million units. Key players providing smart label solutions based on cellular technology include Israel-based Sensos, UK-based Reelables,Germany-based BOX ID and Giesecke+Devrient, Netherlands-based SODAQ and US-basedMoeco, AT&T, Trackonomy Systems, Tag-N-Trac, Roambee and Qualcomm. Companiesproviding LoRaWAN smart labels include US-based OnAsset Intelligence, Switzerland-basedTruvami, China-based RAKwireless and UK-based Trackpac. Japan-based Kyocera and France-based Linxens provide smart labels based on Sigfox technology.

Smart labels represent a major opportunity for technology developers, solution providers,telecom operators and logistics service companies. Hundreds of billions of parcels and othersmall items in logistics are shipped annually. While the vast majority of these items will not beeconomically viable to track using smart labels, the potential market for smart labels is alreadyin the millions of units. Berg Insight estimates that the number of shipments of smart labels basedon cellular, Sigfox or LoRaWAN technology used in logistics worldwide reached 400,000 units in2024. Since most smart labels are disposable and include a battery that only lasts for a fewweeks, the number of devices that are connected and actively transferring data at a particularpoint in time (i.e. installed base) is significantly lower than the number of shipped labels per year.The number of days or weeks a smart label is in active use also varies depending on the usecase, transport distance and other factors. There were an estimated 30,000 simultaneously activesmart label units at the end of 2024.

The market is forecasted to grow fast during the next five years as the technology improves andmore customers figure out how they can utilise smart labels to streamline their logisticsprocesses. By 2029, annual shipments of smart labels are projected to reach 31.8 million units.This represents a CAGR of 140 percent. The number of simultaneously active smart labels isestimated to reach 2.7 million units by the end of 2029. The market value is estimated to € 11.2million in 2024. This includes revenues generated from the sales of hardware, software andservices by smart label solution providers. The market value is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of75 percent to reach € 181.6 million in 2029.

1 Transport Industry Background
1.1 International merchandise trade
1.2 Transport industry actors
1.3 Cargo carrying units and parcels
2 Smart Label Solutions
2.1 Solution infrastructure
2.1.1 Device segment
2.1.2 Network segment
2.1.3 Positioning segment
2.1.4 Service segment
2.2 Use cases and benefits of smart labels
2.3 Pricing models
3 Market Forecast and Analysis
3.1 Market forecast
3.2 Market analysis
3.3 Market drivers and barriers
3.3.1 Sustainability is a key aspect of smart label
3.3.2 iSIM technology enables smaller cellular-based
smart label form factors
3.3.3 Limited network coverage may halt the emerging smart labels market
3.3.4 Declining costs enable mass-market adoption
3.3.5 Smart labels is part of Ambient IoT
This report answers
the following questions
4 Company Profiles and
4.1 AT&T
4.2 BOX ID
4.3 Giesecke+Devrient
4.4 Kyocera Communication Systems
4.5 Linxens
4.6 Moeco
4.7 OnAsset Intelligence
4.8 Qualcomm
4.9 RAKwireless
4.10 Reelables
4.11 Roambee
4.12 Sensos
4.13 SODAQ
4.14 Tag-N-Trac
4.15 Trackonomy Systems
4.16 Trackpac
4.17 Truvami
4.18 Wiliot

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