Lone Worker Safety Solutions 4th Edition

Lone Worker Safety Solutions investigates the lone worker protectionmarket in Europe, North America and Australia & New Zealandcovering 58 solution vendors. This strategic research reportfrom Berg Insight provides you with 115 pages of unique businessintelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expertcommentary on which to base your business decisions.

Lone worker safety solutions can have numerous benefits for both employers and employees.Well-implemented solutions can improve peace of mind for employees, thus reducing stress andemployee turnover. Modern lone worker safety solutions consist of a dedicated lone workerdevice or smartphone app able to send an alarm signal and a monitoring platform that displaysinformation about the location and status of the lone workers. In case of emergency, workerscan call for help from co-workers, professional alarm monitoring operators as well as the policeand other emergency responders.

Berg Insight estimates that the user base of lone worker safety solutions in Europe, NorthAmerica and Australia & New Zealand was close to 2.3 million at the end of 2024. In Europe, theuser base is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.1 percent, from 1.2 million users at the end of2024 to almost 1.7 million users at the end of 2029. The UK is the largest market for lone workersolutions and is estimated to account for more than half of the total European market. The NorthAmerican market is estimated to grow from 580,000 users at the end of 2024 to 795,000 users atthe end of 2029, while the Australia & New Zealand market is forecasted to grow from 490,000to around 700,000 users during the same period. The combined market value for lone workersafety solutions in Europe, North America and Australia & New Zealand reached € 285 million in2024. By 2029, the market value is forecasted to grow to € 180 million in Europe, about € 100million in North America and around ¤ 75 million in Australia & New Zealand.

The lone worker safety solutions markets in Europe, North America and Australia & New Zealandare served by various companies offering hardware devices, software solutions and alarmmonitoring and response services. Only a few companies offer complete end-to-end solutions.Many of the largest vendors originate from the UK, Canada and Australia. These countries alsorepresent the three largest markets. In terms of subscribers, UK-based Peoplesafe is the leadingprovider of lone worker safety solutions in Europe with around 300,000 subscribers. In Australia,Duress holds a leading position with the same number of subscribers. Leading companies inCanada are Tsunami Solutions, Blackline Safety and Aware360. Other notable vendors includethe UK-based companies EcoOnline, Totalmobile, Orbis Protect, SoloProtect, Reliance High-Tech, PanicGuard, Vatix, Vismo and LONEALERT; Australian providers Worksafe Guardian andSHEQSY (SafetyCulture); and European players such as France-based Beepiz and Nomadia,Switzerland-based Uepaa, the Netherlands-based Secure2Go, Finland-based Secapp andSweden-based Securdia, Crystal Alarm and AddSecure.

1 Lone Worker Safety Solutions
1.1 Employment statistics
1.2 Lone working
1.3 Lone worker safety solution infrastructure
1.3.1 Device segment
1.3.2 Positioning segment
1.3.3 Network segment
1.3.4 Service segment
1.4 Lone worker legislation and standards
1.4.1 North America
1.4.2 Europe
1.4.3 Australia & New Zealand
2 Market Analysis and Forecasts
2.1 Market landscape
2.2 Solution provider market shares
2.3 Market forecasts
2.4 Market drivers and trends
2.4.1 Transition to app-based solutions
2.4.2 Body-worn cameras add a new dimension to
lone worker protection
2.4.3 The 2G/3G sunsets create challenges and
opportunities for LW vendors
2.4.4 Consolidation in the UK market and global price
2.4.5 Big opportunities in the private sector
2.4.6 Hybrid working – an aftermath of the pandemic
2.4.7 Satellite communicators provide protection
beyond cellular coverage
2.4.8 Lone worker safety solutions face competition
from smartphone SOS features
This report answers
the following questions
2.4.9 Lone worker safety solutions are not just for
lone workers
3 Company Profiles and
3.1 Lone worker safety solution providers
3.1.1 Access Personal Safety (Oysta Technology)
3.1.2 AddSecure
3.1.3 ADRESYS (Omicron Electronics)
3.1.4 AlertGPS (Aware360)
3.1.5 Amigo Systems (Transfer Group)
3.1.6 Aware360
3.1.7 Becklar
3.1.8 Beepiz (SuiviDeFlotte.net)
3.1.9 Blackline Safety
3.1.10 Bodytrak
3.1.11 CALIMA
3.1.12 Crystal Alarm
3.1.13 Cuebly
3.1.14 Duress
3.1.15 EcoOnline
3.1.16 F24
3.1.17 First2HelpYou
3.1.18 LONEALERT (Advance IT Group)
3.1.19 MiSentinelSOS (Sentinel Technologies)
3.1.20 Multibel
3.1.21 My Angel
3.1.22 My Safety Buddy
3.1.23 Neovigie (LPI Group)
3.1.24 Nomadia
3.1.25 OnGuard
3.1.26 Orbis Protect
3.1.27 PanicGuard
3.1.28 Peoplesafe (Crusoe Topco)
3.1.29 Pick Protection (Arnold Clark)
3.1.30 Reliance High-Tech
3.1.31 Safepoint (Techshift)
3.1.32 Secapp
3.1.33 Securdia
3.1.34 Secure2Go
3.1.35 SoloProtect
3.1.36 SHEQSY (SafetyCulture)
3.1.37 Swanholm Technology
3.1.38 Sysnav
3.1.39 Traxxs
3.1.40 Terracom
3.1.41 Totalmobile
3.1.42 Track24
3.1.43 Tsunami Solutions
3.1.44 Uepaa
3.1.45 Vatix
3.1.46 Vecima Networks
3.1.47 Vismo
3.1.48 Worksafe Guardian
3.2 Lone worker device manufacturers
3.2.1 ACR Electronics
3.2.2 Eview
3.2.3 Garmin
3.2.4 Globalstar
3.2.6 Datix (SAVV)
3.2.7 Scandinavian Radio Technology
3.2.8 Teltonika
3.2.9 Twig Com
3.2.10 ZOLEO

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