The Global Market for Carotenoids

The Global Market for Carotenoids

Report Scope:

This report is an update of the BCC Research report FOD025F, The Global Market for Carotenoids, which was published in 2018. While no new types of carotenoids have come on the market in the last three years and no fundamentally new manufacturing technology has been introduced, the market for carotenoids has changed significantly for some product segments. Prices have dropped for a number of products while market value has risen for others.

Producers and users of carotenoids need an up-to-date analysis of the current situation and a well-documented forecast for future trends in the industry as the basis for their strategic and business planning. The report may also help players in other ingredient markets that are considering diversifying to determine whether carotenoids would be a good fit.

The report reviews the global markets for the following commercialized carotenoids -
- Annatto.
- Astaxanthin.
- Beta-carotene.
- Beta-apo-8-carotenal.
- Beta-apo-8-carotenal-ester.
- Canthaxanthin.
- Capsanthin and paprika extract.
- Lutein.
- Lycopene.
- Zeaxanthin.

Report Includes:

- 70 data tables and 35 additional tables
- An overview of the global market for carotenoids
- Estimation of the market size and analyses of global market trends, with data from 2021, estimates for 2022 with projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2027
- A review of commercial carotenoids with the objective of providing detailed insight into production technologies, market developments and market dynamics
- Details on Annatto, Astaxanthin, Beta-carotene, Beta-apo-8-carotenal, Beta-apo-8-carotenal-ester, Canthaxanthin, Capsanthin and paprika extract, Lutein, Lycopene and Zeaxanthin, and coverage of their production process, regulatory framework, and applications
- Information concerning the relevance of different production systems, application segments and regional distribution
- Market share analysis of the key companies of the industry and coverage of their proprietary technologies, strategic alliances and other key market strategies
- Comprehensive company profiles of the leading players of the industry, including Algatechnologies Ltd., BASF SE, Cyanotech Corp., Kemistar Industries Inc. and Vidya Europe

Companies Mentioned


Chapter 1 Introduction
Market Introduction
Market Definition and Overview
Scope of the Report
What's New in This Update?
Information Sources
Analyst's Credentials
BCC Custom Research
Related BCC Research Reports
Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights
Recent Developments in the Global Market
Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background
Types of Commercial Carotenoids
Trends in Major Application Segments
Carotenoid Trends in Food
Carotenoid Trends in Feed
Carotenoid Trends in Cosmetics
Carotenoid Trends in Nutritional Supplements
Carotenoid Market
Competitiveness of Individual Carotenoids
Chapter 4 Principles of Production
Chemical Synthesis Route
Fermentation Route
The Algae Route: Open Pond System
The Algae Route: Photo-Bioreactor System
Extraction from Botanical Material
Extraction from Crude Palm Oil
Extraction of Bixin and Norbixin from Annatto Seed
Chapter 5 Industry Structure and Markets for Annatto
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 6 Industry Structure and Markets for Astaxanthin
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 7 Industry Structure and Markets for Beta-carotene
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Consumption by Application
Consumption by Type of Production Method
Consumption of Beta-carotene by Type of Formulation
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 8 Industry Structure and Markets for Apo-carotenal
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 9 Industry Structure and Markets for Apo-ester
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Chapter 10 Industry Structure and Markets for Canthaxanthin
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Coloring Egg Yolks
Fish Pigmentation
Food Coloring
Supplement, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 11 Industry Structure and Markets for Capsanthin and Paprika Extracts
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 12 Industry Structure and Markets for Lutein
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Lutein for Feed Applications
Lutein for Supplements
Lutein for Food and Other Applications
Lutein for Feed
Lutein for Supplements
Market Shares
Lutein for Feed Applications
Lutein for Supplements
Current and Future Market
Chapter 13 Industry Structure and Markets for Lycopene
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 14 Industry Structure and Markets for Zeaxanthin
Product Characteristics
Government Regulations, Production Technologies and Formulations
Consumption Trends
Market Shares
Current and Future Market
Chapter 15 Company Profiles
List of Tables
Summary Table: Global Carotenoid Market, by Product Type, Through 2027
Table 1: Global Carotenoid Market, by Product Type, Through 2027
Table 2: Classification Scheme for Rating the Competitiveness of Individual Carotenoids
Table 3: Classification of Individual Carotenoids, by Competitiveness, 2021-2027
Table 4: Physical--Chemical Parameters of Bixin and Norbixin
Table 5: Data Sheet of Bixin and Norbixin Products
Table 6: Global Bixin and Norbixin Consumption, by Region, Through 2020
Table 7: Global Market for Bixin and Norbixin, by Region, Through 2027
Table 8: Physical and Chemical Properties of Astaxanthin
Table 9: Data Sheet of a 10% Astaxanthin Product from Chemical Synthesis
Table 10: Data Sheet of a 0.5% Astaxanthin Product from Phaffia Rhodozyma
Table 11: Data Sheet of a 2.5% Astaxanthin Oleoresin Product from Haematococcus pluvialis
Table 12: Data Sheet of a Paracoccus carotinifaciens Product with 2% Astaxanthin
Table 13: Global Production of Rainbow Trout, 2006-2020
Table 14: Global Market Volume of Rainbow Trout Production, by Country, 2020
Table 15: Global Atlantic Salmon Production, 2006-2020
Table 16: Global Production of Atlantic Salmon, by Country, 2020
Table 17: Global Production of Shrimp, 2006-2020
Table 18: Global Production of Shrimp, by Country, 2020
Table 19: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin in Feed Applications, Through 2020
Table 20: Regional Shares of Global Consumption of Astaxanthin in Feed Applications, 2020
Table 21: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin in Feed and Supplement Applications, by Production Method, 1995-2020
Table 22: Typical Market Prices for Astaxanthin Products, by Production Method, 2020
Table 23: Global Astaxanthin Market Share, by Producer, 2020
Table 24: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin, by Region, Through 2027
Table 25: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin, by Application, Through 2027
Table 26: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin, by Production Method, Through 2027
Table 27: Global Astaxanthin Market, by Region, Through 2027
Table 28: Physical and Chemical Properties of Beta-carotene
Table 29: Typical Carotenoid Profile of Beta-carotene Products
Table 30: Major Formulations Offered as a Function of the Type of Beta-carotene
Table 31: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene in Food, 1984-2020
Table 32: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene in Food, by Type, 2006-2020
Table 33: Global Consuption of Beta-carotene in Supplements, 1984-2020
Table 34: Global Consuption of Beta-carotene in Supplements, by Preparation Type, 2002-2020
Table 35: Global Consuption of Beta-carotene in Supplements, by Region, 2004-2020
Table 36: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene in Feed, 1984-2020
Table 37: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene in Feed, by Region, 2007-2020
Table 38: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene in Cosmetics, 1984-2020
Table 39: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene, by Application, 1984-2020
Table 40: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene, by Region, 1984-2020
Table 41: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene, by Production Method, Through 2020
Table 42: Product Characteristics of Typical 30% Beta-carotene Oil Suspension
Table 43: Characteristics of a 10% Beta-carotene CWD* Product
Table 44: Characteristics of a 10% Beta-carotene Tablet-Grade Formulation Product
Table 45: Characteristics of a 20% Beta-carotene Tablet-Grade Formulation Product
Table 46: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene, by Type of Formulation, 2006-2020
Table 47: Typical Prices of Major Beta-carotene Product Types, 2007-2020
Table 48: Global Beta-carotene Market Share, by Producer, 2020
Table 49: Global Market Volume of Beta-carotene Consumption, by Production Method, Through 2027
Table 50: Global Market Volume of Beta-carotene Consumption, by Application, Through 2027
Table 51: Global Market Volume of Beta-carotene Consumption, by Region, Through 2027
Table 52: Global Price Trends for Beta-carotene Products, 2007-2022
Table 53: North American Beta-carotene Market, Through 2027
Table 54: Physical and Chemical Properties of Apo-carotenal
Table 55: Data Sheet for a Typical Apo-carotenal Product
Table 56: Global Apo-carotenal Consumption, by Region, Through 2020
Table 57: Global Market Volume of Apo-carotenal Consumption, by Region, Through 2027
Table 58: Global Apo-carotenal Market, Through 2027
Table 59: Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Apo-ester
Table 60: Data Sheet for an Apo-ester 10% Powder Product
Table 61: Global Market Volume of Apo-ester Consumption, by Region, Through 2020
Table 62: Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Canthaxanthin
Table 63: Data Sheet for a Commercial 10% CWD Feed-Grade Canthaxanthin Product
Table 64: Global Consumption of Canthaxanthin, by Application, Through 2027
Table 65: Global Consumption of Canthaxanthin, by Region, Through 2027
Table 66: Global Canthaxanthin Market, by Application, Through 2027
Table 67: Global Canthaxanthin Market, by Region, Through 2027
Table 68: Physical-Chemical Properties of Typical Capsanthin Products for Food Use
Table 69: Physical-Chemical Properties of a Typical Capsanthin Product for Feed Use
Table 70: Global Consumption of Paprika Capsanthin, by Oleoresin Grade, Through 2027
Table 71: Global Consumption of Paprika Capsanthin, by Powder Grade, Through 2027
Table 72: Global Paprika Capsanthin Market, by Oleoresin Grade, Through 2027
Table 73: Global Paprika Capsanthin Market, by Powder Grade, Through 2027
Table 74: Global Paprika Capsanthin Market, by Region, Through 2027
Table 75: Physical-Chemical Parameters of Crystalline Lutein
Table 76: Data Sheet of a Feed-Grade Lutein Powder Product
Table 77: Data Sheet of a Lutein Oil Suspension Product
Table 78: Global Consumption of Lutein in Feed Applications, by Region, Through 2027
Table 79: Global Market Volume of Consumption of Lutein in Supplements, by Region, Through 2027
Table 80: Average World Price of Lutein Used in Feed Applications, Through 2020
Table 81: Average World Price of Lutein Used in Supplement Applications, Through 2020
Table 82: Global Market Volume of Lutein Consumption, by Application, Through 2027
Table 83: Global Lutein Market, by Application, Through 2027
Table 84: Global Lutein Market, by Region, Through 2027
Table 85: Physical--Chemical Properties of Lycopene
Table 86: List of Foods to Which Lycopene from Different Origins May Be Added in the EU
Table 87: Specification of Lycopene from Fermentation Allowed for Use Under the Novel Food Act
Table 88: Specification of Lycopene from Tomato Allowed for Use in the EU for Food Coloring
Table 89: Data Sheet of a Lycopene 15% Oil Suspension, Natural Extract Product
Table 90: Data Sheet of a Lycopene 5% Powder, Synthetic Origin Product
Table 91: Data Sheet of Lycopene from Blakeslea trispora as a 20% Oil Suspension Product
Table 92: Global Market Volume of Lycopene Consumption, by Region, Through 2020
Table 93: Global Market Volume of Lycopene Consumption, by Type of Production Process, Through 2020
Table 94: Trends in Average Prices of Lycopene by Source, 2004-2020
Table 95: Global Market Volume of Lycopene Consumption, by Region, Through 2027
Table 96: Global Market Volume of Lycopene Consumption, by Application, Through 2027
Table 97: Global Market Volume of Lycopene Consumption, by Type of Production Process, Through 2027
Table 98: Global Lycopene Market, by Region, Through 2027
Table 99: Physical-Chemical Properties of Zeaxanthin
Table 100: Data Sheet for a Natural Zeaxanthin-Lutein Product
Table 101: Data Sheet for a Synthetic and Isolated Natural Zeaxanthin Product
Table 102: Global Market Volume of Zeaxanthin Consumption, by Region, Through 2020
Table 103: Global Consumption of Zeaxanthin, Through 2027
Table 104: Global Zeaxanthin Market, by Region, Through 2027
List of Figures
Summary Figure: Global Carotenoid Market, by Product Type, 2021-2027
Figure 1: Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Carotenoids
Figure 2: Commercially Used Carotenoids by Method of Production
Figure 3: Commercially Used Carotenoids by Application
Figure 4: Flowchart of the Preparation of Beta-Ionone
Figure 5: Flowchart of the Reaction of Beta-Ionone to Glycide Ester
Figure 6: Flowchart of the Reaction of Glycide Ester to C14-Aldehyde
Figure 7: Flowchart of the Reaction from Beta-C14-Aldehyde to C19-Diol
Figure 8: Flowchart of the Reaction from Beta-C19-Diol-Ether to C19-Aldehyde
Figure 9: Flowchart of the Reaction of Beta-C19-Aldehyde to Cis-Beta-carotene
Figure 10: Flowchart of the Reaction from Cis-Beta-carotene to Trans-Beta-carotene
Figure 11: Flowchart of the Process of Manufacturing Beta-carotene by Fermentation
Figure 12: Flowchart of the Process of Manufacturing Mixed Carotenoids from Algae Open Pond Systems
Figure 13: Flowchart of the Process of Manufacturing Mixed Carotenoids from Algae Photo-Bioreactor System
Figure 14: Flowchart of the Process of the Extraction of Carotenoids from Crude Palm Oil
Figure 15: Flowchart of the Process of the Extraction of Bixin from Annatto Seed
Figure 16: Flowchart of the Process of the Extraction of Norbixin from Annatto Seed
Figure 17: Flowchart of the Process of the Production of Oleoresins and Crystals from Botanical Material
Figure 18: Global Market Volume of Commercial Annatto Seed Production, by Application, 2000-2020
Figure 19: Global Bixin and Norbixin Consumption, 2000-2020
Figure 20: Global Volume Shares of Bixin and Norbixin Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 21: Global Volume Shares of Bixin and Norbixin Consumption, by Application, 2020
Figure 22: Annatto Seed Prices, 2000-2020
Figure 23: Bixin and Norbixin Prices, 2000-2020
Figure 24: Global Market Shares of Companies Active in the Preparation and Trading of Bixin and Norbixin, 2020
Figure 25: Global Market Volume Shares of Rainbow Trout Production, by Country, 2020
Figure 26: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin in Feed and Supplement Applications, 2000-2020
Figure 27: Global Consumption of Astaxanthin in Feed and Supplement Applications, by Production Method, 2020
Figure 28: Synthetic Astaxanthin Price Trends, 2000-2020
Figure 29: Global Astaxanthin Market Share, by Producer, 2020
Figure 30: Global Astaxanthin Market, by Region, 2020-2027
Figure 31: Global Consumption of Beta-carotene, 2000-2020
Figure 32: Global Market Volume Shares of Beta-carotene Consumption, by Food Type, 2020
Figure 33: Global Market Volume Shares of Consumption of Beta-carotene in Food, by Region, 2020
Figure 34: Global Consuption of Beta-carotene in Supplements, by Region, 2020
Figure 35: Global Market Volume Shares of Consumption of Beta-carotene in Feed, by Region, 2020
Figure 36: Global Market Volume Shares of Beta-carotene Consumption, by Type of Formulation, 2020
Figure 37: Global Market Shares of Beta-carotene Producers, 2020
Figure 38: Global Apo-carotenal Consumption, 2000-2020
Figure 39: Global Market Volume Shares of Apo-carotenal Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 40: Gobal Apo-carotenal Price Trends, 2000-2020
Figure 41: Global Apo-ester Consumption, by Application, 2000-2020
Figure 42: Global Market Volume Shares of Apo-ester Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 43: Global Pricing Trends of Apo-ester, 2000-2020
Figure 44: Global Market Volume Shares of Canthaxanthin Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 45: Global Canthaxanthin Pricing Trends, 2000-2020
Figure 46: Global Market Shares of Canthaxanthin Producers, 2020
Figure 47: Global Consumption of Paprika Capsanthin Used as a Colorant, 2000-2020
Figure 48: Global Market Volume Shares of Paprika Capsanthin Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 49: Global Consumption of Lutein in Feed Applications, 2000-2020
Figure 50: Global Market Volume of Consumption of Lutein in Supplements, 2000-2020
Figure 51: Global Market Shares of Companies Offering/Manufacturing Supplement-Grade Lutein, 2020
Figure 52: Global Market Volume Shares of Lycopene Consumption, by Region, 2020
Figure 53: Global Market Shares of Lycopene Producers, 2020
Figure 54: Global Market Volume Shares of Zeaxanthin Consumption, by Region, 2020

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