Wind Regains Momentum in 2014 and Industry Outlook Improves

GlobalData - April 4, 2015 - 22 Pages - SKU: GBDT5552719
Wind Regains Momentum in 2014 and Industry Outlook Improves


The global market improved substantially in 2014 with annual installations reaching 52 Gigawatts (GW), representing growth of almost 45% over 2013. In 2015, cumulative wind installed capacity is expected to increase by 14% to reach 425 GW. Global new wind turbine order intake in Q1 2015 increased by 44% over Q1 2014 and 8% over Q4 2014. The US maintained its position as the largest market for wind turbine orders in 2014, followed by Brazil, the Netherlands, the UK and Germany. However, in Q1 2015, Brazil is likely to beat the US ... read the full abstract

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